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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Weird, just loaded up the game, and my supplies are slowly ticking up now. Not sure why it wasn't working before; but it is now. Does it require mulch to be >1? I think I was at ~0.5 last night. Last night I had two NOM 5000's with one kerbal. I think I just didn't have enough mulch for it to start; cause it's going now.
  2. I have a two Nom o matic 5000 units radially attached to a space station, with fertilizer and mulch. They comsume large amounts of electricity, but don't appear to produce any supplies. Is there some condition I'm not meeting?
  3. I haven't had any problems with the majors, but when I put an interplanetary transfer for dwarf planets or asteroids, the delta v requirement for the maneuver rapidly increases as I rotate the vessel to face the maneuver node. It'll start out at ~1500m/s, then as I rotate jump up to 5000+ m/s, just from rotating the vessel. Really weird.
  4. The extra hard way, from my wonky, non-equatorial orbit launched from Woomera, Australia
  5. After a couple hours of messing around, I was able to get it to work. I have had some trouble visiting the planetoids, though. I use MechJeb to plan my planetary transfers, and they seem to bug out.
  6. Can you detail how you got it working? Last night I tried adding it to my existing game and deleted the koperincus cache, but the extra bodies weren't added. I then tried a separate install in a different folder with just RSS, RSS expanded and SSRSS (and dependencies), and RSSE worked, but it was in RSS scale, not stock scale. I can't seem to get the combination of RSSE and SSRSS to work.
  7. Cool, I'll try it out when I get home tonight. Thanks guys
  8. Not yet, but wouldn't the planets be RSS scale? Or am I misunderstanding how 'stock size RRS' works?
  9. Has anyone done a stock size version of RSS Planets & Moons expanded? I feel the game is missing something without the asteroid belt planetoid(s).
  10. Apparently this is what I'd missed. Edited that variable and I was able to control him again. Many thanks
  11. Hi Andem, thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately those were the first things I tried. Editing his status in the save from 'tourist', 'tourist' to 'crew', 'pilot' appears to change his role when you mouseover, but I still can't control the vessel. Likewise refilling the supplies appears to have no affect. Uninstalling the mod doesn't change his status either, he remains a 'tourist', seemingly with no mechanism to switch him back.
  12. Due to a number of unforeseen issues, I have Jeb in a vessel with a whole bunch of science about to crash into the earth (running RSS). He is stuck in 'tourist' mode, and no matter what I do to the save file, I can't seem to regain control of the vessel (setting all tourist values back to 'crew', 'pilot' etc). I've also tried removing the mod, but nothing seems to update Jeb. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  13. In my experience, even if you have enough memory to run all the mods, KSP can still lag (and crash) because its trying to access too much RAM. My desktop has 16gb, but it was still crashing on load with all the mods I was using. Installing the included reduced textures for the B9 aerospace pack solved that particular problem. I hope the eventual transition to 64-bit will will improve the memory situation.
  14. I tried the SQUID structural panels http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/squid-paramagnetic-force-system/, and kerbals will stick to them in orbit; however the problem remains that they won't walk on them. I hyperedited a command pod with a SQUID panel into geosynchronous orbit, then edited the save to change it's Landed state to True (with no Landed at value), but when you do that, it counts as moving across the surface, and the game can't be saved, and for some reason I couldn't EVA the kerbal or access any of the controls. I then hyperedited up another kerbal, and had him EVA pack over to the SQUID panel, but the second he touched it, the whole thing exploded. I think I may be in over my head.
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