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Everything posted by parzr

  1. My distrust in corporate greed, is stronger than my faith your ability to keep them from getting greedy, once the work is done.
  2. is there a file I can add to my game to put the challenge in my contracts?
  3. missed that part, I'll re-fly it. http://imgur.com/a/5KR5H Re-flew it to the proper altitude, 11560.24 and a slightly modified version at 11424.62
  4. Here is my run, 10558.78 http://imgur.com/a/5KR5H
  5. Yeah, my kerbals don't like the food and wont even breathe the air I sent them.
  6. Nice run for sure. I guess a lander can has adequate heat shielding
  7. Personally I've done 2 missions; the first 1400 parts 9k tons Landing a science lab on all the moons http://imgur.com/a/JxgjP and the second in the 4k ton range that had a stock detachable rover http://imgur.com/a/Yyg2H#0
  8. kinda this, I'm glad you gave us all 1.1 but it is a bit too buggy for me to fogo the 1.0.5
  9. Short of KAS, how would one put the rocket back upright? This feels more like a challenge of building the support vehicles, unless I'm misreading your intent.
  10. http://imgur.com/a/DVwPV#1 1480 parts at launch If you look at pic #14 you see how I managed my nukes for my heavy lander.
  11. Here is my .23.5 Jool 5 with 20500-ish science. pre-ISRU. http://imgur.com/a/JxgjP#105 There where a few that beat me if memory serves. That said, Ima go for it again anyway, but if it matters it should be an addon to the rules that we be 1.~
  12. Let me rephrase, somewhat less polity; Munmus is easier than Mun. Your rules also don't mention refueling or ISRU. TheOptimist is correct as far as ease for people who've played a while, unless neither are allowed. A ledger for varying levels of difficulty could spell it out more clearly.
  13. Science lab launched from Eve. http://imgur.com/a/LqLiz
  14. Well, after more than a month off and on putting up with lag from so many parts, I was able to stick my landing for a proper launch. http://imgur.com/a/LqLiz Into Eve orbit; 238Tons, including enough rocketry to get me off Tylo, a Science lab, 2 cupolas, a de/re-atachable stock Rover, and 12 Kerbals. On to the rest of my grand tour
  15. For the record Jim, I'm glad you came with this. The Jool 5 challenge has been the de facto place to post a grand tour, but it deserves its own. Field exp is a good idea, thanks again for making the save.
  16. Thanks for making the save, this will get more use by me than this one challenge. It falls short of experienced crew for my 12 man ship but, I'm not complaining, just if you're looking for a tad more perfect.
  17. For what its worth, Lat: -2.8389 Lon: -171.4461 is 6400 feet, has good concentrations of ore, and is almost dead flat.
  18. Well, Im underway with my grand tour. getting a science lab to every body and back home is my personal goal http://imgur.com/a/1LDFU
  19. My guess is this becomes viable when we get Trojans. no time soon methinks.
  20. What is the proper order while Jool is further than eloo (the 8-ish year window)
  21. wait, there's a point to most of these? besides, what if one wishes to do a grand tour with a lab the whole way.
  22. Has anyone gotten a Science lab to eve and back out?
  23. Fun challenge. Nefrums kinda blows everything out of the water with efficiency, but fun none the less. http://imgur.com/a/f1Cr7 If payload fraction is anything, my asparagus got me 2.12%
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