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  1. can confirm I just experienced this bug too. didn't happen the first time, but it did the second time. kind of a bummer because I wanted to set up a legit mining operation on minmus to fuel my city sized colony ship on it's historic voyage out of the system using nothing but moon dust(fuel).
  2. it's never stated, but it's likely that the ship itself was built into the asteroid of the same name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/579_Sidonia
  3. you get over the 3d in 2 or 3 episodes. honestly they did it really well compared to previous attempts, enough to give me hope that 3d anime can indeed be done right. also the plot is fairly great, as well as the author's attention to physics and how stuff actually works in space(aside from a few plot necessary loopholes)
  4. agreed on the ksc comms center. alternatively for career mode you could extend the comms range with each building upgrade.
  5. does this work in .9? sorry if this has already been answered but searching via mobile is killing me.
  6. wait, you have a flying roid in your sig, but you can't pull off spaceplanes? just start simple and keep CoL behind CoM
  7. rain seems fairly easy to implement actually. all it really needs to do is hijack the gravity code and apply x amount of force in whatever direction the wind is headed+downwards. then the visuals could just be an overlay of rain effects and grayness at this stage of development. mind you I'm just talking out of my bum to hopefully spitball some ideas.
  8. it's working great now. this really needs to be made stock after some refinement. also, you totally helped me land my spaceplane even after it lost half of it's control surfaces, so kudos to you. (yes I know, I'm mechjeb trash, but I'm a glutton for day long burns)
  9. looking forward to seeing how this develops. hopefully the devs change their mind on new solar systems and can integrate a non warp system so I recreate some concept craft for extrasolar exploration.
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