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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Its difficult to strike a balance between making something thats useful and that doesnt feel like breaking the game and making something that goes too far the other way and makes it just to easy to get into space. I think that the way i have done it by adding a little more fuel with a higer chance of explosion is a good mid point
  2. mesh is the same texture is a little diffrent will get a pic later
  3. ah right ok will get some however there are only minor visual changes. enough though to distinguish it in the menu and on the space ship
  4. Nice idea although you missed my fuel tank. Going to hopefully make some more stuff in the near future with any luck. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=482.0
  5. What sort of parts are people most intrested in?
  6. Both very good points which i completly agree with which is why these only add a couple of seconds extra boost. Im still messing around with the editor and what the diffrent variables do.
  7. Yxxxx Industries are proud to present the first in what they hope to be many rocket parts. The First to market is a slight modification to the standard Fuel tank. Using the basic design of the FL series of fuel containers yxxxx Industries brings a brand new fuel source to the original design. Achieved by heavily modifying the internal structure and borrowing a couple components from a man in a pub they have managed to squeeze in more fuel for the same weight cost and only a slightly higher chance of creating creators on the launch pad. Enjoy Any feed back would be welcome Fuel Tanks YXN2047 Download http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=482.0;attach=393
  8. Congrats But im not surprised its a great little game and im looking forawrd to what comes next.
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