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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I think telescopes should reveal planet's biomes. That would be useful!
  2. this mod is great, but its still hard to figure out what biomes / orbits/ experiments are left to explore if you have already visited most places on a planet... Keep up the good work, and maybe Squad will also come up with somethings... for example a space telescope which can investigate planets and then will tell you where you can land^^
  3. Kryo

    Its Rocket Science

    are you serious about reaching orbit? I assume youre not talking about KSP^^ I dont think that is possible without shit load of money and engineering knowledge. Start try to reach some km will be hard enough I think
  4. already dled it, yeah
  5. hast du überhaupt ein ASAS modul? SAS alleine steuert nur die Rotation!
  6. well but it should be optional. I would rather make Baker little heavier and have ASAS^^ I play with keyboard and its hard to land it without ASAS.
  7. why is there no ASAS for Baker? its horrible to land this thing on moon. Besides of that, its awesome
  8. hmm how do you do that what you did with your fuel lines? if i build something like that, the engines will always empty the tanks on the top of them first, and afterwards the connected ones.... What am I missing?
  9. mods that add more balanced parts are cool. (balanced compared with stock parts) Mods that add imbalanced parts, especially overpowered parts, suck imo
  10. ne leider nicht^^ das is ziemlich kompliziert zum rechnen
  11. simulieren meinte ich damit nich, aber man könnte halt ein Triebwerk mit extrem wenig schub auf dauerfeuer betreiben um die bahn permanent anzugleichen, so wie es halt beim SSO der Fall ist^^
  12. SSO ohne Abweichung von der Kugelform des Planeten/Schwerefeld nicht möglich. Easy genug?
  13. geht das überhaupt (ohne konstanten Schub?) bei der Erde nutzt man ja für den SSO die Präzession der Bahn durch die Störkräfte durch die Abweichung der Erdform von der idealen Kugel. Bei Kerbin ist das nicht so, dieser Planet ist eine ideale Kugel und solche Dinge wie Präzession existieren bei KSP nicht. Von daher kann ein SSO nicht erreicht werden, außer man hat ein Triebwerk, dass die Bahn gerade so ändert, wie es das inhomogene Schwerefeld eines Rotationsellipsoiden machen würde.
  14. ahh true, du to the rotation of the planet.. didnt think of that
  15. Mods used: - Advanced Decoupler - Lander Leg - Silisko Industries Doughnut Research & Spacecraft Development Rocket Setup: Images of Launch (Pad) and Mun Landing: Return to Earth was easily possible. Due to relative high center of gravity RCS has to be activated a short period of time after rocket leaves denser atmosphere Finally my studies in aerospace engineering pay off!
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