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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Playing with remote tech. I put 3 comms satellites in a geo stationary orbit around kerbin with some antennas pointing at Mun and Minmus and then put another one on the same orbit as the Mun but just out of it's SOI
  2. My prefer a space plane, but can only do rockets as my space planes suck.
  3. After a failed interplanetary ship i used my new ion engines to send a probe of a fly by of Moho then out to Duna which it is now in orbit of. Still about 10k Delta v so will send it off to another planet at somepoint.
  4. Never gone interplanetary before so it was a bit of an experiment It was about 2500-3000 if i remember correctly. Tips and advice are always welcome
  5. For ksp i just link straight from steam. Finished assembling my interplanetary ship. Checked the delta V. Not enough. but here's the final assembly and going to the Mun. 4 Nervs and additional docking ports being sent up # A landing craft with all the science i can manage Burning to the Mun Can;t remember if i'm leaving or returning from the Mun surface Took the ship home, refuelled and headed out to minmus to pick up Jeb from the outpost. The scientists and engineers can stay there though. Got enough science to get ion propulsion so will head down that route with satellites and maybe re-purpose the ship as a station as i think I'll need a lot more boosters and fuel. to go interplanetary.
  6. Landing on Duna. Couldn't make it back though
  7. He's on my Minmus outpost on one of the flats with a load of scientists/Engineers (was a contract). Preparing the area for a mining/refuelling station which will be brought along with my interplanetary ship . And hopefully will board the ship before it heads off to Duna.
  8. After losing my previous career I've finally got the tech to build something decent in orbit. Instead of a space station I'm trying to make a inter planetary ship. Built this in 3 sections Core, Solar Array & Radiator Array I then added my science module Then a habitation module with 4 tourists in it as they want to fly around around and land on minmus and the mun and thought it would be a good test run of the ship when completed All of tonights work completed If i get a chance tomorrow I will attach a large fuel tank, a four way connection node some nukes and some pods/capsules for landing on mun/minmus and for returning the tourists. A very productive evening by my standards.
  9. He's waiting for the engineers to finish building the core for the minmus outpost and trying to convince them to build a manned sky crane that he can play with.
  10. Took on a couple of rescue contracts and some science hopping. So built a 3 Kerbal Lander and sent Val to the rescue. Only issue was i struggled getting into orbit. So use the normal fix of more boosters. She now has a new friend. Val then went on to do Bobs usual job. She found his job nice and easy Rescued the other kerbal in high minmus orbit orbiting the opposite direction and then back to kerbin for a nice big pay cheque and loads of science.
  11. I tried to launch a probe to moho as a window appeared. I didn't even get a rendezvous. After some careful calculations I've come to the conclusion and need bigger boosters.
  12. Did some data collection contracts on Minmus and also launched my unmanned recovery for 3 kerbals, 2 in LKO and one in Munar orbit. Then has a quick arse around and build something loosely based on the English Electric Lightning. Only few well when going fast
  13. Good plan. Wish i did that. Happened when i first loaded after the latest update. No mods for a while for me and loads of backups.
  14. I started my career mode again as my space station exploded when i loaded it up, and all other craft.
  15. First space station, if you can even call it that. Processes science into data and also fuel for going interstellar. Currently orbiting the Mun now, not the easiest burn as it's not at all balanced.
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