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Status Updates posted by AeroGav

  1. 2 hours later i'm still unable to make RSS or Sigma work...    this is embarrassing i used to work in tech support...

    1. KerikBalm


      Did you see the thread I made about the rescaled SSTOs? how are yours coming at that scale?

  2. Building a stock spaceplane for 3.2 scale sounds like a challenge.    Can you point me to how i go about resizing my system? I have an idea of what might work for the orbiter..

    1. septemberWaves


      Rescale the system using the SigmaBinary mod. I'd recommend 3.2x for the orbital and planetary radii, and about 1.3x or 1.4x for atmospheres. Doubling the day lengths might make sense too, but it doesn't make an enormous difference.

      The config settings can take a bit of getting used to but they're well-explained in the mod's configuration file. If you need help I can probably answer any questions with detail later, but I am busy most of the day today.

  3. Lol  how the hell did our tests return such completely different results !  I blame CorrectCoL,  or the mk2 fuselage.

    On the canard i literally used Radial Out to hold the nose up, when it was no longer able to maintain 90,  i kept my finger on the S key and clicked SAS into prograde hold mode, the AoA steadily decreased as we got lower.

    How did you make yours depart  ?

    1. GoSlash27


      I didn't. It departed on it's own :D The *recovery* was the difficult bit...

    2. AeroGav


      I'll admit,  I don't understand dynamic stability,  trying to read up on it now.   My canard designs with angled wings are prone to phugoid oscillations if you fly them on Prograde assist,  i suppose i need to do the same to a tailplane a/c and see if it also phugoids..

    3. GoSlash27


      I used radial out until it hit the edge of control authority, then reverted to manual to recover. This involved overcontrolling in pitch (canards in the front), while recovering positively in yaw (empennage in the back).

       That worked fine the first time, but when the Gs built up, there was no recovering until after reentry. I had to firewall the engine and repeat as above until it reentered a stable regime. After that, it flew like any other plane.

      The original "conventional" design was 100% stall and spin proof. It cannot be departed no matter what you do.

  4. no...!

    I just spent an hour writing a message on that thread, clicked forward or back in my browser on the wrong tab by mistake, and have lost everything..

  5. Build queue

    1. Rework Penta Star mk2 spaceplane to make it look nicer

    2. Mk3 Passenger interplanetary for challenge

    3. build an eve spaceplane

  6. OK told you this would be hard work !

    Have finally finished recording the return journey.   It's 4am here and still an hour to upload the last segment.

    Please check the K prise thread i have ledited my original post with the additional videos of landing 

    1. boolybooly


      Thanks AeroGav, you know that if the mission was already completed all you have to do is say so, but thanks for the mission report. I will get on it right away :)

  7. Landing on Duna in the current build, with something that can take off from Kerbin under it's own power...

    1. Geschosskopf


      Impressive.  Glad you enjoy flying on Duna, too.

  8. Hey, I just made another SSTO.   Bone stock, though I've started using Mechjeb and find it easier to fly an optimal launch profile with it.


    Even better, it can land horizontally on Minmus 

    ..and Duna



  9. Get a chance to try my Penta Star?    The thread I linked had some pictures from my ascent to orbit, which might give a hand with the ascent profile.  It's a bit of an ugly duckling, takes 20 minutes or so to get to orbit and handles more like an airbus than a fighter, but it's got plenty of delta v and i think it's quite forgiving.

    As a rule 

    1. fly with the nose pointing not more than 2 and a half degrees above prograde to begin with.  Above mach 4 this can start to rise,  up to 5 degrees above prograde or even more just before leaving atmosphere.    Of course, if you start overheating you might have to use even more than this to avoid blowing up, but it's not optimal because of the drag it creates.  One reason why my design has so many wings. 

    2. climb to at least 10km before attempting to go supersonic.  

    3. when going supersonic level off and activate afterburners

    4. cancel burner at 400 m/s or mach 1.3 but turn them back on again above 15km.

    5. it's good to reach mach 2 around 15km

    6. start flattening out if possible, we're looking for mach 3 at 20km

    5. ditch the panther engines at mach 2.8 or when they flame out

    Rapier powered craft should hit between mach 3.7 and mach 4.5 on their speedrun, 22-24km.   If you're in danger of busting mach 4.5, increase your climb rate. Thrust falls off a cliff above mach 4.5 and temperatures go through the roof so better to just use the energy to climb instead.   

    ....>>much of the above probably applies to the foil craft too , i guess

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AeroGav


      download PENTA STAR

      ok i put it on kerbal x..

    3. ibanix


      Thanks, I downloaded it. I'll give a try in a while, I just spent two hours trying to get another SSTO to orbit :/

    4. AeroGav


      i'm going to bed for a few hours ! will be up a little later hopefully to answer Q ! My SSTO doesn't need oxidizer to get to orbit, i think i set the fuel tanks to be full of LF with only enough Ox for the Vernier engines.

  10. I'm currently working on a Duna staged airbreather with IRSU.  Should work without mods.   I've also got an idea for a staged Eve spaceplane, lower stage based off the Vector.  We'll see..

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