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Everything posted by HebaruSan

  1. You mean some people still haven't heard of Linux?
  2. FYI, the remote version file is timing out. https://ksp.spacetux.net/avc/GPWS
  3. FYI, the remote version file is missing. http://ksp.spacetux.net/avc/Material-Science-Pod
  4. Usually you don't need to; OnGUI is called every frame to redraw the whole window from scratch. That's why it's considered a performance hog (and is semi-deprecated) and updating to DialogGUI is recommended where possible: So in theory, if you update your graphData array, the latest lines should always be drawn. If you're already trying to update graphData, I would guess that those efforts are not succeeding due to some problem in code we cannot see here.
  5. This workaround should get you back in business: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/3312#issuecomment-792339047
  6. Thanks. I think you missed some humor there on Majiir's part; he wrote it; he's humble-bragging.
  7. Guess what layer these babies are on? Thanks for the response, but
  8. I'd be interested to see that link. Here he is in January 2014 saying he's "built a proof-of-concept compatibility checker": (... which means that "Looks like they're both from 2014" was still correct )
  9. Looks like they're both from 2014. https://gist.github.com/Majiir/60b981d021485d37d44d
  10. Looks the same as https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/8425 (and https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/8315). The error is about validating the file names contained in the ZIP, and every time we've seen it it has been in a Chinese locale context, so our best guess is that Chinese-locale Windows doesn't like something about one of the filenames in that mod. But the exact problem isn't clear. Unfortunately it isn't really an issue that someone on another locale can investigate, so we're kind of stuck until a Chinese-locale user figures something out.
  11. The stock delta V gizmo will tell you how much delta V you have. If you need more, add more thrust (either by replacing an engine or adding more engines), and the tanks will resize to fit.
  12. What would be the advantage of posting here instead of the suggestions forum? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/55-suggestions-development-discussion/
  13. [snip] FYI, the OP includes something called a "changelog", the purpose of which is to list what was changed in the update; in this case it just explains which bugs were fixed, but there are always at least a few bug fixes included even in larger updates. If they fixed or think that they fixed a particular bug, they would communicate that by adding it to the list. There is no need to ask whether a bug was fixed; you can just check the changelog to see if it's there. The same goes for complaining that your particular pet bug has not been fixed yet. If it's not in the changelog, then of course it hasn't been fixed, everyone can see that. Maybe the bugs in the changelog were determined to be higher priority, or maybe the devs simply haven't solved some others yet (especially likely if the bug report is low quality; e.g. 27365 lacks any steps to reproduce or a save file or anything, so if a dev was assigned to investigate it, they're looking at possibly wasting many hours just waiting for something to happen randomly that may never happen at all). If you want something fixed, it is possible to actually help [snip]
  14. FYI, the forum has a "search within topic" feature: If you try that on this thread you can locate the previous time someone asked about Principia:
  15. This was true for many, many years, up until two days ago. The last two releases are multi-compatible. https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases
  16. Sounds a lot like this mod; you might want to check if it already does what you want: Tutorials usually are good for just that: common templates to get you started. From there you need to break down your own ideas into chunks that you can research and implement, which requires some technical resource that talks about that specific functionality. On the C# side of things, there is: The Unity documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/GameObject-ctor.html The KSP API documentation: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_scaled_space.html The source code of all the existing mods (required to announce them on the forum) For example, I wanted to draw a shape in the map view. I knew TransferWindowPlanner drew some lines and a curve to represent angles in space, so I checked how it did that, then looked up the classes it was using in the documentation to understand them. After that I was able to write my own code to do what I wanted.
  17. For renaming, it's a common request, tracked here: https://github.com/KSP-SpaceDock/SpaceDock/issues/62 I would say it's somewhat likely to happen, but the development hasn't been started as far as I know. The other one I don't think I've seen mentioned before, so it probably isn't on anyone's radar yet. But in general, what gets added or changed with SpaceDock is down to what folks feel like doing. New folks can submit code changes anytime to add things they care about, and existing team members essentially do the same. There's no master plan of what will be worked on in the future like there is with a commercial software company. The best chance if you don't want to actually do any work is to add something to the issues list so that some team member trawling it for ideas might see yours and start coding.
  18. Currently I'm drawing these in the map view with three LineRenderers and a GUI.Button: I'd like to replace the latter with UnityEngine.UI.Button and UnityEngine.UI.Text, but I'm struggling to get started. Here's what I have so far from studying the Unity documentation, tutorials, Unity forum posts, and code from other mods (most relevantly kOS's VectorRenderer). The first function is called once in my MonoBehaviour's Start(), the second is called later in the camera's OnPreCull: private void mkButton() { buttonGameObj.layer = 9; rect = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); canvas = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<Canvas>(); scaler = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<CanvasScaler>(); renderer = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<CanvasRenderer>(); text = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<Text>(); button = buttonGameObj.AddComponent<Button>(); text.font = UISkinManager.defaultSkin.label.font; text.fontSize = 20; text.resizeTextMinSize = 20; text.supportRichText = true; text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; text.text = "TEST"; button.onClick.AddListener(() => EditMe?.Invoke(myNode)); } private void UpdateButton(CelestialBody parent, Vector3d direction, float camDist, Color color) { rect.SetParent(parent.bodyTransform, false); rect.position = ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(parent.position + atSOIlimit(parent, direction)); rect.localRotation = PlanetariumCamera.Camera.transform.rotation; rect.localScale = Vector3.one * camDist; text.text = myNode.GetCaption(vessel); text.color = color; text.enabled = true; button.enabled = true; buttonGameObj.SetActive(true); } As far as I have been able to determine, this draws nothing whatsoever; I have several such markers in my save and all of the rings are still visible, but I've panned all over the map view hoping to find some trace of text somewhere at some weird angle and found nothing. I've tinkered with this a lot; with and without the canvas components, many different values for position and rotation and scale, etc., to no avail. So I don't need guesses or speculation; I suppose what I'm hoping for is either help with catching a bona fide error in setting up these components, or an example of working code that I can learn from. So, does anyone know how to use UnityEngine.UI.Text in world space?
  19. Yup, it does. Sorry about that. We had a race condition among multiple build/upload processes at the last release and there isn't a good way to fix it at this point (the files are crytpographically signed and only uploadable using some secure auth keys, so we can't just mangle them as we please): https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/3309 We have made some changes that should prevent this from happening with the next release, though.
  20. Hi, that isn't a bug. You installed it incorrectly. There should only be one "GameData" in the path.
  21. Agreed, and I was surprised when this didn't happen automatically given what I have set up so far. Did some digging, and it seems to be another spot where stock code (in this case, OrbitTargeter) is limiting functionality to conic solvers associated with the active vessel only (ours is associated with a hidden dummy vessel). So I probably can't do this one. Well, you'll have to build some ship to get into map view to start making planning nodes, since that's the only place where stock code allows editing maneuver nodes. This would entail migrating away from OnGUI, which I should do anyway (it's just so much easier), but I'm not having a lot of luck with getting a Unity.UI.Button to display so far. Hopefully I'll find the right tutorial or sample code eventually. EDIT: Tracking this at https://github.com/HebaruSan/PlanningNode/issues/5 so I can go do some CKAN stuff without forgetting.
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