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  1. Ok, so i tried moving the game folder over to my documents, and... now everything works! So i tried moving the folder back into the "programfiles" folder, and the issues return. not able to enter either of the vehichle assembly buildings, but i can open the launch menu for the runway, and launchpad. The return to main menu button doesnt work either, so i close the game from my desktop. Moving the game folder back to my documents and everything is A-OK, Strange Any ideas what causes the issue? ? Oh well. Thanks anyways!
  2. Oh sorry. I have an intel core i7 4820k, evga gtx 780 sc, corsair 16gb 4x4 1866mhz ram, and the game is on a samsung evo ssd. Im running windows 10 with newest updates. And i use nvidia beta drivers(i have tried multiple older drivers without much luck)
  3. Hello! So i recently decided to dive back into ksp, and try out the new features of the game. I download the gamefiles and launch the 64-bit version. aaaaand, the game files wont load. After trying the regular version, and the launcher without much luck, i run the game in admin mode, and it finally loads succesfully. I create a new gamefile, and enter the VAB. Next, right after selecting my first object from the menu, my whole computer shuts down, and reboots. ok?!??... So i launch the game. and load into the same gamefile, and try to enter back into the VAB, but nothing happens, pretty much all buttonpresses with the mouse dont work or respond in any way. i can click on the runway, but not the launch button on the popup screen. I can hit escape, and enter the settings, but i cant click the return to main menu button. Everything lights up when i hover over them, but theres nothing happening when i click on them. So i minimize the game and close it. I start the game a third time. and as i get to the select savegame location, i try to delete the savegame, thinking it might had just been a one time happening, but the delete button doesnt work at all, nothing happens, so i click cancel. And create a new savegame. This time im able to enter buildings, and start working on a plane. Everything seems ok, and is working as intended. Then i hit launch, aaaand, once again, nothingness... i can click on some buttons, like the advanced tab in the top left corner, but i cant rotate the vehichle, i am not allowed to pick any new part, or move my creation, i can however rightclick and edit settings on the parts. all the buttons in the top right corner are grey and does not give any feedback when hovered over or pressed. Im really confused. I have never seen anything like this before in ksp, or any other game for that matter, it has always worked flawlessly. I noticed some layout changes has been made since i played the game last time, and that some major updates have been released as well. For me, it doesnt run well at all, and i have no idea why.. Sorry for the long text, but i felt like, explaining every issue, would maybe help explaining whats going on with the game. Has anyone else encountered similar issues?? Thanks in advance!
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