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  1. Space Race Disaster for Roskerbmos By Mendrinos Kerman The Space race has heated up yet again after Roskerbmos’ imaginatively named ‘Boom Stick IV’ failed to launch in the early hours of this morning. The incident was blamed on faulty staging as the command pod decoupler sequence started prematurely, taking Kerbonaut Yuri Kerman on a quick yet violent ride away from the pad, and his rocket, before the safety parachutes opened, bringing him to a slow landing around 50 metres away from the pad. This is a significant blow to the Roskerbmos Space Agency, especially after; The Boom Stick I incident 3 weeks ago, where Yuri Kerman actually did not turn up for the launch and by the time mission control noticed, the rocket was already plunging into the sea at 268 m s-1. The Boom Stick II tragedy where ground engineers filled the oxygen tanks with monopropellant instead of oxygen, meaning that the ‘Kerbonaut’ or should I say dog, on board – Laika Kerman – was knocked unconscious by the toxic monopropellant around 30 seconds after lift-off, causing the rocket to lose control and crash into a nearby island. Luckily Laika was unharmed and was returned to mission control. And finally, the Boom Stick III accident where the SRBs detached before having run out of fuel so they slammed into the command pod of the rocket, leaving Yuri Kerman exposed to immense pressure before being sucked out of the pod. Luckily he had his EVA parachute with him and managed a slow descent into the cold ocean below. These unprecedented disasters mean that the United States of Kerbin will surely win the space race with the launch of the ‘Bits and Bobs’ rocket next week. Until then we shall wait anxiously for more news from both the USK and Roskerbmos.
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