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  1. yeah, so CKAN is now informing me that all of my add-ons are out of date... was there a version change to KSP? and if so, is there any way to revert my KSP?
  2. they could create different sizes of the drive to suit different ship sizes. As long as they can push something of similar size/mass as the Roci up to 150 m/s^2 (15 g's) acceleration and not run out of fuel, it would work (I would have to go back and flip through the books, but i think that's what the Tachi could do before they started making money between Caliban's War and Abaddon's Gate). remember - Epstein Drives are exceedingly efficient fusion torches
  3. Epstein Drive - we need the Epstein Drive. having the Roci would be awesome, but the ability to build a Donnager or the Agatha King, or even Nauvoo / Behemoth / Medina Station would be completely over the top! I read the books. If you haven't read them, you probably won't recognize some of the names i tossed out there - so go read them :-)
  4. well, yeah, i know that much, but TCA also handles burns and even stock launches very efficiently, i was hoping there was something similar to TCA for RSS. i'll give GravityTurn a shot, it seems compatible right now (according to CKAN) so someone has continued work. thanks!
  5. Is there any mod out there can can reliably take the place of TCA (Throttle Control Assist) for RSS? I love RSS but TCA currently starts its target apoapsis burn pretty much at apoapsis, requiring a build that rapidly spirals out of control - more thrust needed, so more fuel. more fuel adds more weight, so more thrust needed. but since more thrust is now needed to push that extra fuel along... you get the idea. if there is no adequate substitute for TCA, is there a gravity mod that allows for proper gravity turns? with SAS off, even a simple gravity turn either tumbles out of control or maintains a ballistic trajectory, making orbital burns either incredibly fuel intensive or thrust intensive (which leads me back to my original problem), or renders the orbital burn pointless as the spacecraft never gets high enough. After talking this over with my father (aerospace engineer), he told me by turning off SAS and just a 1 degree alteration to a ballistic trajectory, the gravity turn should manifest with very little additional control input.
  6. OmegaOne


    Hello - new Kerbal Space Program pilot here! My son actually found this game and has been messing around with it for some time, then i sat down and played for a few minutes and was immediately hooked. after a few hours of research, i downloaded CKAN and have really been enjoying some of the mods (haven't gone overboard), especially RSS and SpaceY. Two questions that have started burning in my head for a few days now: is there another mod similar to TCA that works better for RSS? currently, TCA starts my target apoapsis burn pretty much at apoapsis. the end result is that i usually burn up as my ship drives itself into atmo. Second question is this: would it be worth it to get an XBox One controller to plug into my Windows 10 PC? i find the keyboard controls are great until i want to dock something, then i need another two pairs of hands to manipulate all of the controls and change my camera angles. To the developers of this game (i hope you guys see this): My father (an aerospace engineer) is almost to retirement. when he retires, he's planning on enjoying KSP quite a bit.
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