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    Pablo's taxi
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    ma nahmes jeff

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  1. I wanted to make a constitution class replica, specifically the USS enterprise at a smaller scale (my replica I estimate to be slightly bigger than the NX class). Tweak scale wasn't working properly, so I had to use HX parts. This ship has a lot of deltaV (45,000 m/s), mostly thanks to it engines its using (Karborundum Fusion Drive engines.) It clocks in at over 300 parts, this shouldn't be enough turn your game into a slideshow. Yes this can carry shuttles (although they look nothing like the ones seen on star trek.) This ship does feature laser weaponry, and torpedo launchers. As well as a fair amount of science equipment. Main issue is that alot of the DeltaV is useless considering that when I use the fusion drive engines, the ship flips (not much I can do.) Not to mention, its pretty much impossible to take off from the surface. Hell even modifying this with anti gravity pads don't seem to help(see the spoiler below.) Not to mention this is incredibly expensive (good luck getting the funds for this in career mode.) This replica is a still work in progress, the last thing needed is an actual warp drive, right now there is no FTL/warp drive mod that can move or support a ship this damn large. I also have no idea how to modify any existing mod (eg the alcubierre drive mod) to support a ship this large (like increasing the bubble size to fit this ship.) Yes this thing can survive re-entry (at stock default) The engines below the saucer section are their to keep the ship stable, and look aesthetically more appealing (in my opinion.)
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