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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. http://troll.me/im-not-saying-its-aliens-but-its-aliens/
  2. Thank thank you alot for ruining this topic! Why do bronys always ruin forums?
  3. Your the one starting the flame war now stop posting in this topic or ill report you for flame war baiting
  4. It said it was posted on: February 27, 2012, 11:36:57 PM
  5. Rules 1.You cant use a plugin to make space junk every where 2.You most post images or a video Ill have my image up soon
  6. Im going to make a bigger version of this!the bigger it is the more kerbal it is-Roblox
  7. Every time the mun pulls my ship in right before i land i have no orbit and i just float off in deep space Bill jeb and Bob are lost in space now :\'(
  8. That what i mean! It will take your your space ship to a other space ship
  9. You click what spacecraft you want to go to then you go to that spacecraft.
  10. Can you make it so you can make it GO to the craft?
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