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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. (Should probably have mentioned. 1. I\'m open to other offers. 2. I can trade my vouchers before they go out if you want.)
  2. You\'re posting TF2 support... in the KSP forum... =P In all seriousness, yeah, you should probably ask Valve, not Squad!
  3. To be honest, I want the Orange Box. I have HL2 and Portal, but getting the 2 episodes and a TF2 premium account for abour £7.50 (I have a 1/2 price Valve voucher) is really tempting... if someone wants Just Cause 2, I\'ll give them a half price voucher and trade the Orange Box for Just Cause 2...
  4. Hmm, mine doesn\'t do that. Mine does... Place on ship. Hit launch. Loads longer than usual. Straight to that video. Orbit all over the place. Nothing does anything.
  5. http://youtu.be/Aws-T3iC2FI (May take a while to process)
  6. Well you\'re already going in an (almost) perfectly circular orbit around the sun on the pad, so that\'s not really too surprising...
  7. Just got a trojan loading this page... :S someone hosting images somewhere dodgy or...?
  8. Hmm. I prefer Kerbos. They are 'Kerbonaughts' after all!
  9. Also, it\'s Kerbos, not Kerbals. Ahem.
  10. Er... Yes, the thread is old, but it\'s also someone\'s project. A released file. If someone wants to post talking about said file, then I\'d think they can. Just because nobody else has in a while doesn\'t mean people may not still be interested in the contents of the thread. In this case the post was rather pointless, but still.
  11. I\'ve been enjoying interesting combinations of struts, fuel lines, and radially mounted tanks recently. The Goliath line of space heavy-lifters is the result. This version is not suitable for Mun landings! You probably won\'t have enough fuel to get back. It\'s mainly designed to lift chunky stuff up there. Good luck finding somewhere to attach it though...
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