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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It could help the developers of Kerbal as far as graphics go.
  2. Once your at the Pe point (Periapsis) turn around and burn your engines to slow down, and wach as the Ap point moves back to match the Mun orbit.
  3. I just cleared my credit card enough to pay for the Kerbal. In the mids of depression here, I still gather enough money to get this game. Tnx for making my life a lot more fun 8)
  4. Challenge accepted. Challenge completed! The big one with the arm is a 'Station 10'. In its grip is the second craft, lets call it the 'Soyuz' is placed with the arm on the imaginary docking place. 8) 8)
  5. So I lunched a space station equipped with a gigantic claw arm that extends and attempted to 'dock' onto the station with the help of the arm. Couple of stations I had to iterate (10 to be exact) untill I found one that can fly, sustain orbit, and not turn into a freak-rotator once the arm is moved out of central position. Next was the orbital randevous which took a good 3 hours to get, but this forum helped alot. Then came the dissapointment of the day (night) when my claw littelary chew the approaching craft in half (perhaps you can see some debries around). Luckally, what was left was a capsule, some thrusters and a RCS tank =P. That went back into the claw, much more gentle this time and sufficient contact was achieved. Back on station, stabilizing thrusters are engaged and arm operation started with no problems what so ever. Docking position achieved, fresh food and clean underwear for all crew! Edit: jeah the robotics parts are modified for more bending, or extending of parts because originaly it took 9 or more hinges and that would lag the game too much.
  6. Hoya. Im new here but...
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