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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Anyone here know of or are interested in making some Kerbal Space Program Creepypasta? All I know is "Jebediah's Vision," but if you ask me, I think KSP has tons of fuel (NPI) for some good old fashioned nightmare fuel. It IS space after all.
  2. Ah-ha! I got some new ideas for easter eggs and here they are: Planetary Easter Eggs - Abandoned spice harvester on Duna - Statue of Abraham Lincoln on Duna (Adventure Time reference) - Abandoned command module Cockpit Easter Eggs - Air freshener - Fuzzy dice - Jebediah Kerbin dashboard bobblehead Space Easter Eggs - UFOs - Ghost Ships - Asteroids - Russel's Teapot
  3. Then what about that dead Kraken on Bop or the face of Carl Sagan on that one moon? (Forgot its name...) Regarding the SSTV signal Easter Egg, we could have a little fun with that. For instance, there could be a log cabin somewhere on Kerbin transmitting an SSTV signal. When translated, the signal will reveal a photo of Jebediah Kerbin's family, implying he was born and raised in a log cabin like Abe Lincoln. Or maybe a signal that has a photo of KSP's development team. That's always a must for a game...
  4. Hmmm.... What about alien ruins? Like, say...the crumbling foundations of some long-dead city? You know, with crumbling brick walls and cracked roads, fallen pillars, walls with strange heiroglyphics... That would sound fun, wouldn't it? Maybe throw in a couple of fossilized alien creatures...
  5. I'm quite scared now! ^^;
  6. But what about ideas for new easter eggs? Can't we just have fun brainstorming and all that?
  7. That's...that's just spooky.
  8. Does anyone else think there should be a lot more Easter Eggs and hidden thing in Kerbal Space Program? I know we have Mun Arches and Munoliths, but if we're going to keep the spirit of discovery and exploration alive in this game, I'm thinking we should put in a lot more things to see and do in the final frontiers of the Kerbol System. As usual, I have quite a few ideas on what to put in, as categorized by celestial body. Kerbin: - Cities - Towns - Villages - Theme park - Roads - Boats and ships General (Extrakerbal planets): - Crashed Lander - Crashed UFO (Unlocks advanced part if discovered) - Canyons - Dead Kerbonaut (Kerbin skeleton in a spacesuit) - Volcano - Abandoned Rover - Mesas - Crashed Probe - Flag of Kerbin (Only appears after and where you first successfully land on a planet) Mun: - Whale skeleton and smashed bowl of Petunias (Both a South Park AND a Hitchhiker's Guide reference) - American flag - Munhenge (Lunar Stonehenge) Duna: - Face of Duna (Think Cydonia Mensae and, perhaps even creepier, Libya Montes) - Pyramids - Ruins - Tomb Feel free to throw in your own ideas for Easter Eggs. In fact, please do.
  9. There's also Fantastic Planet, but that is Soft Science Fiction to the point where it's just goo. Still great for ideas for surface anomalies and other Easter eggs, which there should really be more of.
  10. I should check that out! Thanks!
  11. Hello, everyone! I thought I'd make my first major contribution to the community by providing you with some sources of inspiration to give you guys plenty of ideas for future mods, patches and add-ons. I'm sure you guys won't mind, no? Websites: http://davidszondy.com/ - An EXCELLENT source of inspiration and entertainment. Its "Tales of Future Past" section is full of articles and pictures about what the people of yesteryear thought the future would be like. "Future Space" is the section you guys should go to for KSP ideas, really. But check out the whole site. Very witty, very fun and very intelligent and insightful. Highly recommended. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/index.php - Atomic Rockets is the ultimate source for writers of Hard Science Fiction - Which is Science Fiction that is meant to be as realistic as possible. Great for all the technical information you need for a game like Kerbal Space Program. Movies: Silent Running Apollo 13 Event Horizon - Not for the faint of heart. Doroga K Zvezdam - "Road To The Stars". A Soviet Russian film made in 1957 about the future of space flight. Space Cowboys - Never seen it and I know little about it, but whatevs... 2001: A Space Odyssey Anything space-related, really. Video Games: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - The MOST brilliant and underrated computer game of all time. Space Colony - Not the best game out there, but it's pretty fun and has plenty of good stuff for Hard and Soft SF fans. Moonbase Alpha I'm sure there's more stuff out there, but this list should be good for now. Have fun!
  12. Thought I'd share with you guys some of my ideas for new features for KSP. And as you can see, I've got a lot of 'em. I know some of them may be or are already established in mods, but regardless, I would love to see these in future patches. Features - Orbital Colonies - Generation Ships (Long-distance starships operated by the fully awake crew members and their descendants) - Sleeper Ships (Long-distance starships where the crew is kept in cryogenic stasis) - Zero-gravity construction - Advanced EVA exoskeletons - Orbital Elevators - Military Ships - Satellite Lasers - Munar Rovers - Munbases - Asteroid Mining - Deep space travel - Rare alien artifacts that give access to advanced and unique parts - Solar Sails - FTL Travel - "Piggyback" takeoffs (Spaceplanes that lift off from the back of regular airplanes) Scenery - If Kerbonauts safely land on Kerbin, but are too far away from the space center or any cities, they will set up a small makeshift campsite - Alien ruins on Mun and other planets (Like the infamous Cydonia Mensae, better known as the "Face of Mars") - Flag of Kerbin on the site of the first successful Mun landing - Gravesites for Kerbonauts KIA Spacecraft/Space Station parts - Colony Module - Rec Module - Probe Launcher - Lab Module - Gym Module - Forge Module - Observatory - Satellite Launcher - Communications Array - Tourist Module - Heat Shield - Inflatable Landing Gear - Laser - Fuel Synthesizer (Slowly replenishes fuel) - Arboretum Space Center: - Research and Development (Makes new tech) - Training Center Easter Eggs: - UFOs - Ghost Ships (Green, glowing transparent versions of ships that have crashed) - Alien ruins on planets - Sometimes, if a Crewmember dies onboard a ship, a Bagpipe rendition of "Amazing Grace" will be heard
  13. I'm more of a builder than a flyer, really. I love to create things...
  14. Hello! You guys can call me Zed. I'm a 22-year-old artist and aspiring graphic novelist with Asperger's Syndrome, and I must say that Kerbal Space Program is incredible - Finally, an aeronautics simulator that flexes your creative muscles and has a witty sense of humor! Praises and applause aside, what really interests me the most on this forum is designing concepts for future builds, mods and patches for the game. I have a Kerb-load of ideas for KSP and I will happily share them with my fellow Kerbonauts!
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