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  1. This challenge is as simple as that. Go to the moon, land, and return without pressing M.
  2. I dedicate this to the honor of Our Dear Leader Kim Jeb-il who blessed us with space flight and rice... and I hope you enjoy
  3. Hi there. Using the current version it is next to impossible. Believe me I have tried. The new experimental build adds the RCS units into the mix. When used correctly it makes it pretty each to catch up to and bump into anything you can see. Here is a video showing the 'Docking' and here is the how to make it video
  4. If you put a decoupler on top of a SBR it will run without blowing up... that is if you haven't built up any heat before hand. I've tried several iterations and I think that SBRs in the final stage are probably a dead end. I also tried out using a three liquid engine rocket as the final stage as it would have slightly better acceleration than a single liquid, but being heavier makes earlier acceleration troublesome. Anyway here is a new run of 243.8Km. Again the left side is removed because I feel it displays too many secrets.
  5. This was very very hard. I did several runs where I would beat you in 3:01. I probably did 20 different redesigns. I didn't think that 130Km was possible, I still don't know if 150 will be. The left hand of the image has been removed to hide design secrets, but this is all stock parts. Final result --> 235.6Km
  6. To be sure non-stock in this competition doesn't impress me. I dove into the .cfg files and shaved down my time from just over 2 minutes to around 1 minute. The only limiting factor was keeping my rocket from ripping apart from the acceleration. Some of the non-stock parts are essentially cheats with nice textures. I honestly don't mind them, but in a competition like this they really can throw things askew.
  7. I did some modifications to my design with much improvement. It continues to coast, for the last 30 seconds, but this rocket is a 3 stage rather than a 2 stage. While the tricoupler is essentially dead weight the lighter final stage allows the previous stages to get just a little extra acceleration. By the time the rocket burn out it has already reached escape velocity. -->218Km
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