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Posts posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi, the drag cube,  is the games representation of the crafts/parts dimensions, the game uses this info to calculate drag. Drag cubes for standard style and simple animated  parts are calculated at every game start up, and written to the part database, once a DC has been written to the PartDatabase.cfg, this is the info that the game will always use.

    Rather than repeating whats lurking elsewhere, have some links :) The first is the post that started my interest in tweaking DC's and the other two explain how to set it all up for parts that may, by default generate a procedural cube(BAD) or no cube at all.



  2. 2 minutes ago, NermNermNerm said:

    Thanks!  I think, though, that I might be better off skipping all that - I've been looking at how SurfaceLights does it - all through code.  Given that I just want to turn the things on & off, that seems like the simpler way to go.

    It reads a lot more painfully  than it feels to do :)   the first time is a bit sketchy but once that's over and you've seen how it works, it's all rinse and repeat. 

  3. Dear mods, for the sake of all the new mod makers out there,  please unpin this horribly outdated and misleading post.

    Anyone following the advice in this tutorial  and applying it to the current (or any version from 1.3.1) KSP will find they have created a part that will not load

    It would be nice too if you could pin the linked post instead :)



  4. 3 hours ago, Davaeron said:

    The radars install on my battleship don't get EC.  I have plenty and the parts should cross feed resources like EC.  It saddens me as I wanted to test it's defense in defend mode.

    Hi not enough information there or in the screenshots, have you tried right clicking on the radar PAW and selecting activate? Have you tried activating the radar using the BDA window, selecting modules and the radar/s you'd like switched on? Do you have a weapon manager fitted ? Are you running the correct version of BDA for the version of KSP you are using?

    If the answer to any of those questions is yes, a  zipped copy of your ksp.log will be required to aid further diagnosis

  5. Hi there can be a couple of causes for this issue  in your case it seems to be mainly multiple tweakscale values on the same part, this is caused be having multiple tweakscale modules being applied by different patches. The fix for this is fairly easy to carry out,  but extremely time consuming, and should not be the responsibility of the end user( that's you) Rather it is the responsibility of the mod maker/maintainer to ensure that the patching is correct. 
    Visit the tweakscale thread for more information and contact the mod makers concerned, regarding the  problematic patching of their parts. I very much doubt you are the only player having this issue with those mods.
    Note that as the fix for this issue involves sorting out and then repatching the parts, problems can occur with saved or in flight craft

  6. Hi something that may answer some of your questions (and give you a whole lot more :) )

    The KSPedia pages are compiled bundles created in unity, aside from the patching methods described above, there is no way (I'm aware of ) to change the contents of a compiled bundle.

  7. Hi, unless things have substantially changed while i've been away, there's no way to do this using purely stock KSP, the problem comes from the landing gear modules, in that you can only have one per part, this means no suspension or self aligning foot. While you could hack it and just use simply animated legs, you would find them less than optimal in use. (rubbish!)

    IT would be possible though to use KSPWheel, (the controlling code for Kerbal Foundries wheels and tracks)  a mod that allows for multiple suspension and wheel colliders on each part, it should be noted that KSPWheel setups are fairly complex and not for the fainthearted, but well worth the effort as it's a much better system than KSPs own.

    On another note after many such builds in my early ksp modding career I'm of the opinion that while you can do this , build more or less one part ships, I don't think it's a good use of time. The problem is that inevitably the craft ends up being a compromise, yes it works, but boy if you had proper control of the drag, mass and COM of all the parts it would work a hell of a lot better. Without that it'll never fly right, especially over the varied conditions your craft will encounter. ( i wont mention the multitude of other self inflicted horrors you have to deal with on a one part craft)
    Really don't want to rain on your parade and discourage a new mod maker,  I'm fairly certain that it'd be of far more use to you, from a modding experience viewpoint  if you made the craft in parts, ultimately it'll be easier and work better.

  8. On 2/26/2019 at 8:23 AM, jrodriguez said:

    guns will not fire unless there is a clean line of sight to the target

    Not wrong, there are ways around some of  the issues, but non of them will work with guard mode, part of the problem is there's no high angle trajectory for shells,  and no way to aim even if there was. Shell trajectory is mainly a product of velocity and mass,  you can manipulate the shell trajectory by increasing shell mass or lowering shell velocity, but in doing so you encounter all kinds of undesirable and peculiar side effects. Conducted a good many experiments with high angle artillery but nothing useful has come from any of it.

  9. 17 hours ago, OPBlue said:

    i wonder if theres a mod that could launch an object like a cannon so it could go extremely fast and detonate a large bomb or just slam into the KSC.

    Hi, yes doable, we've been experimenting with physical projectiles, in this case as they're easy to mess with simple cannons and cannon balls, but the same principle could be applied to mortars etc.  Loads of cons and not many pros right now though, in fact apart from novelty value it has not a lot going for it, little video demo below, scroll to end to see actual balls loaded and fired .




  10. 9 hours ago, Project Cygnus said:

    I'm curious, has anybody had any issue with the Water AI? Everytime I've tried to use it on two specific craft it just locks into either yawing left or right. Logs are normal, nothing should be causing it as far as I can tell

    Hi. no problems noted in my recent scenario runs. Water craft are quite fussy in Ai set up, I've not found a suitable setting that would work for everything , each craft has to be set up individually. There are also issues that only water craft suffer,  such as control surface/rudder runaway that shows itself if  the  ctrl surface is scaled, this starts to show in a turn, the vessel will start to gather speed , regardless or throttle position and the ai will not have a clue how to stop  it ( its a result of some deep internal KSP code that was introduced with the aero package in ksp1.0)   ,  purely scaling parts can also have a horrible affect on a crafts behavior,  excessive deck weight can also induce a turning moment that the ai will be unable to control as it usually combines with the aforementioned runaway syndrome

  11. 46 minutes ago, OPBlue said:

    sorry if i talk too much but i just had an idea for SM Static. Recently i've been wanting a military port with a runway or 2 as a second main base so i could militarize it and raid it. i dont know if there already is one or not but if there isnt, it would be nice to have one. its ok if you cant but it was just an idea that popped in my head.

    Reworking the statics is on my (very long)  to do list. A lot of them need a serious birthday/burning  as appropriate. Cfg updates etc, all of the pre placed stuff has to be redone properly to suit current KK standards, proper groupings etc.

  12. 1 minute ago, KerboNerd said:

    I roughly get the idea your explaining. I'll basically make each object in blender separate (Bot, Top, walls etc.) I'll also be going through your explanations over and over again. Thanks for all of your responses as they've been helpful every time :)

    Don't be tempted to split the actual model and use that to carry the colliders, it plays havoc with the smoothing, and once all the parts are separate its all too easy to nudge one slightly in unity and end up with a gappy model.  Always (imo) clone and cut the clone (and don't worry about how many colliders you have, some of my full size ship hulls with internal spaces have 30 or more)

  13. Hmm, well you'll have to make a set of colliders then, doing it in the modelling app is going to be easier as lining up game objects on cylindrical stuff for box colliders is no fun and time consuming.

    You'll have to decide if you can live with parts hovering above the surface when attached, only in relation to the endcaps though, as a convex collider placed over the whole endcap will bridge the taper out to the end of that cylindrical extrusion .  If you can bear the odd hovering part you can do the end caps in one collider each, if you cant bear it, you'll have to make them in two colliders,  Then just decide how many faces you want to have in each of the wall colliders, difficult to say but 5 looks about right from your image, which will still allow plenty of clearance inside

    roughly abused your image as i couldn't find an easy to view unity ref image in my collection, each color roughly represents an individual collider https://i.imgur.com/xYBgYMZ.png

  14. Hi again:)  What you're going to need to do is create a convex hull, this is a group of colliders arranged to provide an open space. Without a reference image I can't tell what you've got,  this then is based on a simple box with doors on the end.  

    Modelling app version  Step 1 clone your cargo bay less the doors( don't move it)  Next hide the original model and doors . Now you will need to divide your cloned object into 5 parts, left wall, right wall, base. top, and back, unhide everything and make these objects a child of the main model  and export as normal.  In unity you apply a convex mesh collider to all these clone collider parts and remove the mesh renderer component. 

    Unity only version,  create a new gameobject align it with 1 of the walls etc, assign a box collider to that game object and adjust dimensions to suit, continue doing this until you've done all 5 faces

  15. 14 hours ago, KerboNerd said:

    Where do i put the animation after i've made it and it's in my project window? On the part that will be animated or on the whole model? 

    Depends on the part hierarchy (and the why of the hierarchy) but generally if you have imported the party with animation,  the animation would be on the model mesh (first child object) and this should have the animation component added from the inspector window.   If the animation is created in unity it can be either, in the example image above, it's all on the parent gameobject (containing the part tools exporter) as all the animations are created in unity, and that was the highlighted object when i opened the animation window.

  16. 10 minutes ago, KerboNerd said:

    Now THAT'S what i like!

    Must admit that i don't import anything except really complicated animations these days,  I create simple animations once the model is imported using the legacy animation and the curve editor, no need to splice animations, and the option to endlessly tweak it should it not be right first time. 

    Note dont use an animation controller or the Animator component for this, remove those if added,  use add component > miscellaneous > Animation for this , which looks like



  17. 2 hours ago, KerboNerd said:

    You see, when i rotate them separately, there are multiple animations in unity

    You can use the animation tool, to combine multiple animations into one , (just firing up unity 1 sec) select both your animations , right click, select the animation option from the menu that pops up, then compile selected. this will result in the multiple becoming one ,  and result in a new file called CompiledAnimation,  rename this to whatever is best for your project ( doorsOpen sounds right)  then select debug option in the inspector and make sure your new animation is set to legacy, reassign it to the model, check and continue with setup export


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