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    not a rocket scientist
  1. What's everyones thought on the upcoming Dark Crusade game? Is it gonna go down like a burning spitfire or will it actually be good? G.
  2. Blood angels, even though I don't really play any more. Used to play Eldar when I was younger. I have recently got into playing Talisman. For the emperor!!! G.
  3. You would not be able to tell if it's a console port from that line of code alone. Like King Arthur has said you need more context. If the game in question is a port I'm sure you could find it out on the tinterweb. G.
  4. Flat Earth Theory is pretty bonkers. Another great facepalm moment is in "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. He talks about a phD student who could have had a massive impact on the world of biology, but gave up on his work as it would lead to proving to himself that evolution was correct and it would have contradicted his belief in creationism. In fact there's loads of crazy theories and beliefs out there. Hollow Earth Theory is another good one, and that one about the dark side of the moon. G.
  5. Me and a group of people from University had to do an investigation and presentation on this. I personally believe there is no need for an internet of everything, but with that being said it all boils down to money. If companies can makes integrated fridges, toasters, kettles that make people lives easier, even just slightly, and they can do it for cheap then sell for high then it will happen no matter what. Home automation is already becoming more popular and we will only see more of it as technology becomes better. I'd be happy with a hoverboard - Back to the future style, more so than a fridge that will email me telling me I need milk while I'm at work which I forget on my way home anyway. G.
  6. From looking at the screen shots its not a game I'd play, I don't like the "blocky" 3D games that are becoming more and more popular at the moment. It looks a lot like ace of spades, guncraft, minecraft and probably many more in the same vain. The idea of gathering resources and buying buildings is a nice touch I must admit, but at the same time what is the balance between doing this and just wanting to go and cave people heads in? as you stated you can just go kill the other team from the start and this must be more fun than resource gathering!!! I understand your at the very early stages of developing your game and don't give up chasing your vision. I am but one gamer among a lot of gamers and there is a definite group of gamers who really enjoy this style of game. As a developer (not games developer) myself I would say don't be scared to push into areas that you don't feel comfortable in as it gets you thinking in different ways. I wish you all the best in the future. G.
  7. Yeah dude, Really good game for something that looks as bad as it does. My friend laughed at me for playing any old Sh1te when I told him I bought it. I played the demo and really enjoyed it and wanted to support the lone dev who made it so bought full game. Glory to Arstotzka! G.
  8. Really good game considering there's not much to it. Played it off the back of watching Scott Manley play it. G.
  9. Mech jeb tells you the amount of delta V you get at each stage doesn't it? If not have a look for Kerbal Engineer on spaceport because that does: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kerbal-engineer-redux-v0-5/ If you use asparagus staging as well you'll get more use out of your fuel, if you don't know about this then look it up on youtube, its helpful when getting you out the atmosphere. Good luck. G.
  10. I agree with some of your rules. If at the end of the day it helps with your enjoyment of KSP then go for it. 1 - I try to keep things as small as possible, no need for overkill rockets if you ask me. 2 - I have multiple versions of the game that I switch in and out of the steam folder. This way I can play stock, or stock with MJ or one with F.A.R. installed etc. 3 - I use it for learning if I can't do something manually as watching what it does can help you out. I also use it if I'm doing something else, that way I can do 2 things at once 4 - That's just harsh IMO but each to their own 5 - I never mod the save file, I use quick save and quick load a lot like. 6 - Not to sure what your on about with this one. 7 - Just turn debris off if you ask me. 8 - LOL its worse if you end flight by accident. 9 - never really make large ships tend to keep mine small....ish. 10 - I do like stock parts myself and have been using only stock recently, but sometimes other parts do come in handy. G.
  11. Spaceport is a complete cluster f**k of mods, there is gems hiding in there if you dig through it. As for the rating system.....meh and the tagging system is also garbage, I mean why is a craft file of a Mun lander tagged as every possible thing there is? Its the only thing letting this game down. G.
  12. Also make a copy of the clean install that way you can swap mod version and standard version in and out. I find this helps so you don't get one version loaded up with lots of mods. G.
  13. Agent Olivia Dunham from Fringe played by Anna Torv I still need to watch the final series but people have told me it's complete s**t so I've been putting it off.
  14. Betelgeuse - its above the left star in Orions belt, and it could blow up any time, which I'm betting would look pretty f**king cool from where we are Here's the wiki page for it if you want some more info - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betelgeuse G.
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