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  1. Great video mate! Still working on refining my orbits, and this video gelled everything together. You should do one on Hoffman Transfer orbits, bet a lot of people here would eat that up.
  2. Oh sweet jesus, gimbaled engines would be fantastic. I also tried to edit the thrust vectoring for the boosters/main engine, but it didn't have the right effect (that, and I really have no clue about how that parameter works). I also saw the placeholder parameter for engine gimbaling and assumed that was tied to the thrust vector parameter somehow. Also tried to place a dummy OV on the other side of the main fuel tank for weight symmetry, but the thing is still unstable. Also, no amount of SAS modules will help this bird. To show you how bad this thing launches, I'll attach it at the end if anyone wants to give it a go. And that is what I've been trying to do. It's a very precarious balance. Made it to 10K by pure luck at one point (and never again). Separated the SRB's, and from there, was able to nudge it a bit higher with the main 4 cluster engine and OV engine. The split second I over-corrected, things went side ways in a hurry. Jettisoning the main fuel tank went beautifully though. For now, might make a beefed-up cheater SAS module that could maybe handle the force. Maybe this would make throttle steering a bit easier perhaps? If you knew how bad this thing flies, wings are the least of the worries right now . I've also built a clean config version with only the necessities, which still flies just as bad. Going to work with getting this clean version stabilized first, then will add on the adornments. Anyways, good stuff, thank you all for providing some input. Addons used: Sunday Punch's Parts v1.05 Excelsior Class Rocket Family LV-N Nuclear Engine (may or may not have this attached, depending on what experimentation/guessing was going on at the time)
  3. Have been trying to experiment with radially mounted orbiters since I first installed Sunday Punch's new parts. So far every launch attempt has failed, albeit quite comically sometimes, with the explosions being rather large. Here's what I've been trying to do: The asymmetry of weight and drag seem to be the issue at hand. About 5-10 meters after launch, in it's pictured configuration, the launch vehicle has already attained a 90 degree un-commanded horizontal attitude towards the orbiter vehicle side. Then at about 20 meters from the launch tower, the launch vehicle has successfully reconfigured itself into a lawn dart. Have tried different configurations, including the use of the orbiter's engine to balance the asymmetry. However, doing it this way means you have to be jockeying the throttles constantly or the trajectory will destabilize rapidly/horribly. Suggestions?
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