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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I landed on the Mun for the first time in six months or so. Feels good to be back.
  2. Oh, but it's good for the younglings to know of their roots (I may have been dying to use the word younglings for the past few years, for some reason) Me, I started a bit after .20 was released. Joined the forum at pretty much the same time as .21 was released. The game has progressed a lot in such a short time, wish I'd been around earlier, though. Also, for the sake of being slightly more to the point, I still get shivers when I see the new big parts. Just imagine the possibilities...
  3. Oh, what song could it be? Maybe 'Sky takes the soul' ( ), or 'When you're in love' ( )Why yes, I do like The Proclaimers, why do you ask?
  4. Hmm, there's an idea. Anyone know of any space-related airfix? Because I would buy the heck out of that. Especially if the parts resembled KSP. Double especially if you 3d printed it first. It would make it so much easier to derail all conversations onto the subject of space!
  5. Hey Northstar. Sorry, I didn't realise I used your name. I shall re-dub the Hummingbird to *drumroll* the Lobachevsky. Love that song. Onto your questions. 1. I suppose the cargo throttle increases thrust? I shall try it out. 2. I guess I could reduce the part count with that, but I generally have my settings pretty low, so I haven't noticed much, if any lag. I might make a nuclear-version if I get some time, the increased usability would be good, although flying on Duna at night is not fun at all. Also, good luck with your Raven Mk2, hope you come up with a solution. Also, if you can kick the apoapsis out of the atmosphere you might be able to push it into orbit on eva. Probably not, but worth a try. If you feel up for trying some more landings check kerbal maps(http://www.kerbalmaps.com). It has a setting that shows you the slope of an area, so you can look for relatively flat landing sites. Somewhere near to the south pole looks like a good bet, it looks relatively flat, gradually sloping from 1000 meters up to about 5000. Well, good luck. @Duna- First you need and imgur account. Then, if you want to put an album here you copy the letters at the end of the url of the album, and put them between (there is no space between the bracket and the word, I just put that there so it didn't become an image) [ imgur] and [/imgur]. For example: [ imgur] (Those letters) [/imgur]. I'm not entirely sure what to do for single images though, it might be the same tags.
  6. An interesting proposition. I think you're right, we are lacking some low/no powered decouplers. Although, if you aren't afraid of mods you could try and use something like KAS (found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System) and winch things down to the ground. This has the added bonus of being re-attachable. Or, a Clampatron Junior might do the trick. I'm pretty sure that they will act as decouplers, so you do not have to dock the rover, just put it on in the VAB, and I don't think they would be powerful. Hopefully that makes sense. Edit: Welcome to the forums!
  7. Hmm, interesting points. I was largely basing my conclusions on two things. One was the shortage of helium, and the shortage of phosphorus. Helium being used in liquid form to cool all manner of technology, and phosphorus being used to make fertiliser. Easily accessible and dense phosphorus may run out in the 30's, where we will have to produce more food, with less land, without the benefit of modern fertiliser. Admittedly, with better distribution of resources this problem may be reduced. But, withstanding significant advances in space flight, or the discovery of vast new deposits of resources, I feel **** is about to get real. But then again, these problems have been predicted, and wether they would have come to pass or not, there will be those who work to avert such things. Okay, I'm trying to finish this off but I have more to say. I have very little doubt that all of those above have lived upon this earth for longer than I, and have more experience, having seen those promising the future or predicting the end, and have come to see that they are often wrong. But what of the little boy who cried wolf? Okay, done now, have a nice day.
  8. So, hello. I am creating this thread to see what you guys think the future will be like. By the future I mean the relatively near future, nothing much further than the next 50 or so years. (Does that still count as near future? To me it seems like a fraction of a blink of an eye, but alas, I am an astronomer, and also a dreamer) I admit, I'm making this because I've been reading to many articles/papers predicting a breakdown of our civilisation within 50 years. (Also, a lot of them are by NASA, its almost like they are trying to convince us to buy into spaceflight or something:sticktongue:) ...Anyways... Where do you picture the world in the near future?
  9. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I thought I'd just pop in and say a few words. The way I see it is that sending stuff into space is always going to be damn expensive, so you'd better have a solid reason to do so. In most situations solar panels are not a solid reason. In a country like Australia, where you have a ridiculous amount of sunbaked land, and for the most part no good use for it, why would you send solar panels into space. Japan admittedly does lack space, and I don't really know about its weather, so solar panels in space might be the best option. But that is just solar panels. There are many other sources of energy that are not only cheap (once established), but relatively clean, which they could instead use, such as wind farms, the tides, or geothermal. Most, if not all, production could occur off shore, thus saving space. A possible use for orbital solar panels, which I heard of in the book Colonies in Space(google it if you're interested), is as a source of revenue when establishing infrastructure in space. The idea of it seems to be that, while such infrastructure is being expanded, the existing framework should be put to use, in this case making solar satellites. This provide jobs for workers, power on earth, revenue for the venture, and provides a good test of their capabilities.
  10. I was reading the page, and it seemed eerily familiar, and then I remembered this comic: http://xkcd.com/1337/ It'd be good if it gets funding, I'll link to it in my sig.
  11. That comic is too true. xkcd is nice.
  12. Answers are still welcome, but for now I'm going to install the Hullcam mod, that should offer some improvement.
  13. Hello. So, are there any mods that let you clip your camera through the surface? Or, does anyone know what part of the code needs to be deleted/changed. My main reason for this is exploring underwater. The game treats water like the ground, but your craft can still go beneath it, so you get stuck looking straight down, which is boring and annoying. Edit: 100th post!
  14. I might give this a shot, I do quite like exploring the oceans. To anyone else doing the challenge, you might like to know that full orange tanks sink. Or at least, they did before. I think they still do. I haven't tried with the new parts yet.
  15. 1D-1()T


    G'day. Welcome to the forums! Good luck with your asteroid base.
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