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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Hi, this mod looks great but I'm struggling to make it work. I've installed it and everything seems to work apart from the FuelSwitch on the holding tanks. I've linked an image to show the problem I have HyperEdit, B9Aerospace, KAS, Mechjeb and EVE installed. Do any of these cause compatibility issues? Thanks for any help
  2. Other mods I'm using are MechJeb, InfernalRobotics and DockingAlignment... Don't see how any are incompatible as I've used them together before
  3. Tried using in 1.0.4 and on the symmetry and angle snap is working. None of the keybinds work at all
  4. Found a fix! Go to [your install path]\Kerbal Space Program\saves\[savename]\Ships The problem is caused by a missing SPH folder, if it's not there just create a new folder called SPH Fixed it for me
  5. I posted about this earlier - It's clearly a fairly common bug. Needs to be fixed asap as it's annoying as hell!
  6. When I try to launch a plane from the SPH, the game gets stuck like this... Can't move camera or anything but kerbals still wandering around... How do I fix this?!
  7. The Falcon is the most agile plane I've ever built... - It can do a very tight u-turn at mach 1 - It has a ridiculous amount of lift - Lots of fuel - Can easily pull out of a dive even if you're 200 meters from the ground going mach 1 - Very stable - No need for airbrakes... More Here Download (WARNING: Do not use if you have mods that will cause sudden deconstruction of your craft at high g-force...)
  8. I've been playing KSP since .18 and I've never had this problem before Recently, for every multistage rocket I make, if I have a central rocket in the middle with a couple of boosters attached, when I decouple the boosters the top of them falls into the rocket, destroying it. I've tried with and without struts, separatrons, different decouplers, going slower and cutting the engines all together. The only way this doesn't happen is if my rocket is spinning at a rather sickening speed... How do I prevent this from happening? Currently any rocket blows up before it gets to space (I still lack the skill to make SSTOs) Edit: I think I'll just wait until Monday
  9. Whenever I start up a new save all buildings are Fully Upgraded and the Upgrade button is grayed out. But then I can't EVA off of Kerbins Surface... I've even tried re-installing but it still doesn't work
  10. Basically replace Science Mode with Custom because it seems a tad pointless
  11. Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux Docking Alignment Indicator Remote Tech (Normal Difficulty +) Some kind of Life Support (Normal +)
  12. I think the settings for game-modes should be changed so that there is Sandbox, Career and Custom as the Science game-mode makes no sense... Sandbox options would only provide the ability to turn things on or off such as crew re-spawns and add the options to turn cheats on permanently. Career would have Easy, Normal and Hard (Or other just because) and remove the sliders. Finally the Custom game-mode would allows you to change any settings for the game. So you could turn Science on or off, Funds on or off or and change starting funds, science gain and also the cheats I mentioned before. I think this makes more sense than having a Science game-mode and I hope what I'm suggesting makes some sort of sense. TL-DR - Replace Science game-mode with Custom - Change the available settings for each game-mode so that Career barely editable and Custom can be almost completely changed as I think this makes more sense I hope people agree with this...
  13. Here is an image if people want to know what it looks like... Link: http://imgur.com/oeEs8ac
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