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  1. Hey, here is my rover, I made it for science missions on the Mun in career mode. So far it has the Thermometer, the Seismic thingy and the Atmosphere pressure guy (does not work on the Mun sadly) also has the Goo tester. When I figure how to put it up on the web for downloading I'll post it here.. should be soon. I call it the Raptor II, It has 2 liquid fuel engines (180 fuel) front and back for boosting or breaking. I have managed to jump over small craters in this thing (rarely manage to land without completely destroying it) It can drive safely at around 80-90km (20-22m/s) and has 2 command seats. It has plenty of rcs for air time adjusting or help with turning. Also has 4 of the larger rcs fuel tanks so plenty there. There are 12 large battery pack on the underside and 6 solar panels on the top side so it never runs out of electricity. You can drive most of the night without running out (on Mun) You can refill the rcs and liquid fuel tanks via the small docking port on the back side as well. DO NOT TRY THIS SH*T AT HOME! >>> Here is the Raptor I, just for fun.
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