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  1. Yeah, even a completely stock mark 1 crew pod, with only an antenna and some batteries, bits and bobs (no more than 8 parts in total) attached. When hitting the atmosphere the framerate will drop to 2-3 on average. Even with the graphics options set to low (such as the aero fx which some suggested were a preformance hog). But frankly the graphics options dont matter, might as well keep them maxed out, because in 1.0.2 i never saw this issue. Something is wrong with the simulation, the physics calculation regarding atmospherics, drag or lift, or temperature.
  2. Is there any way to make the atmosphere layer more transparent at the center, and more opague at the edges / rim? For instance, making it look thinner if you look down directly through the equator from orbit, but gradually thicker as it nears the edges of the planet (as in real life, since the atmosphere looks thicker at the edges, more "air" for the light to pass through. I'm guessing it may have something to do with these settings? Thanks scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 4 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 0.4 fadeDistance = 100 rimDistance = 0.6407767 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 1.747573 falloffScale = 3.65 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 0.3 fadeDistance = 8 rimDistance = 1 }
  3. 22fps, you guys are lucky. I get 1-2 fps. With 30-part ships. Without any ships (only the graphics rendering) i get 50fps stable, on the surface, in the air, or in orbit. This is with mods and EVE with clouds and citylights etc. In 1.0.2 i got 30fps at the ground. So something DEFINTELY broke with the updates. (yes, obviously tried stock too, and updating the mods to their 1.0.4 versions)
  4. Same problem. Ran with all my fancy mods in 1.0.2 and had playable framerates. Now in 1.0.4 i cant even launch a THIRTY (30!!) part rocket without yellow physics delay where 1 second equals EIGHT (8!!) real life seconds. It is utterly ridiculous. force-d3d9 or force-d3d11 or force-opengl doesnt change anything. No mods, still the same extreme physics slowdown. Sick of this. Why cant i download 1.0.2 from the official store anymore?
  5. I have the exact same problem.... Very excited to find this thread marked "SOLVED", then disappointed to see there was no real solution, just random dumb luck. Well, im happy for you, just wish i could have the same accidental "oops fps problems magically fixed for no reason". Sigh.
  6. Love this pack. Screens with my Kelite Kangerous reshade fx preset. (its on kerbalstuff) Lowered the atmosphere density slightly, wanted to see that glorious colorful ground through the atmosphere a bit more. Edit: why no spoiler tags in these forums?
  7. Im getting black headed kerbals in the VAB (no racism LOL, the texture is missing). And much of the ground clutter, grass etc is black. Using ATM and this pack with EVE. Any ideas? Cheers
  8. All i can do is refer you guys to http://reshade.me and see if you can get the install package and thereby install other .dll's (for 64bit or opengl etc). Then it's a simple matter of copying my files into the same folder (your ksp folder) and overwriting, except dont copy the dll's in my rar file if you got them from reshade.me
  9. How do you hide the Edit Gas Giant and Edit Comet Tail buttons from the ingame map / signal tracker button tray? In settings.cfg it only states "set this to 'editor' to allow..", but doesnt say what you set it to if you DONT want editor Safe to just delete that entry?
  10. For posting .dll file links from a 3-post forum account, i think it'd be more safe if you link to the website you found it on instead of directly to the file.
  11. It certainly does, but that's just a part of the effect and can be disabled at will. Its not about trying to mimic 3d dual-channels though, it's about trying to mimic the effect that can be seen during extreme contrast and brightness differences. Looking at a very bright surface with a very dark background etc, creates this "rim rainbow" effect, not just in old cameras (most prevalent in 90's movies), but also to our eyes. Its an optical illusion. Kind of how bloom in games tries to simulate how our eyes / brains get overwhelmed by sudden brightness.
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