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  1. This Mod is now merged with KIU Chinese Pack, specifically the KIU Chinese Human Spaceflight pack, check it out! UPGRADE TO KIU CHINESE HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT PACK WILL BREAK YOUR CURRENT SAVING WITH ICSP VEHICLES, PROCEED WITH CAUTION! Icecovery's Chinese Spacecraft Pack (ICSP) is a spacecraft pack that allows you to build Chinese spacecraft in the game. It is a great mod build by @Icecovery and it is my privilege to continue this mod. ←Automatic start landing burn and inflate airbag Moar image can be found here Content: Shenzhou Spacecraft Tiangong Space Lab Tianzhou Cargo Ship Tianhe Core Module Required Mods: RasterPropMonitor -For IVA props Kerbal Inventory System -For Tianzhou's Cargo Module RealChute Parachute Systems -For parachute of course Highly Suggested Mods: Comfortable Landing -For automatic start landing burn and inflate buoy. NT Chineserockets Pack -Chinese Launch Vehicle pack Waterfall -For engine and RCS FX Supported Mods: RemoteTech Realfuel Installation: It is highly recommended to use CKAN to install this mod. For those of you prefer the it the old-style: 1. Download and install all the required mods. 2. Download ICSP from Spacedock, and drag the ICSP folder into Gamedata. Known issues: The RCS FX on Shenzhou is very buggy, I have not been able to fix it. It will not affect the attitude control or translation. And it can be fixed via waterfall config, so waterfall is highly recommended. Note: This mod is originally created by @Icecovery and I do not intend to add more content to this mod. To-do list: Chinese Localization Stock size config License: Icecovery's Chinese Spacecraft Pack was released under CC BY-SA 4.0
  2. 因为插件很多,但是支持本地化的,汉化的优秀插件都很少,所以打算对一些优秀的插件进行本地化处理+翻译. 很多插件作者其实不太注意本地化工作,与其等待作者本地化之后进行翻译,不如主动进行本地化,并翻译.也算为大家造福啦. 如果大家有喜欢的插件尚未支持本地化可以留言,我会注意并回复,工作频率为每2周 1~2 款插件的本地化+汉化翻译,视插件大小,词条数量,还有平时工作的繁忙程度变动. 因为跟 @linuxgurugamer (下文简称 LGG) 大神比较投缘 , 加上 ToolBar 本身吸引了大量插件使用 , 所以第一款插件联系了当时的作者 LGG 询问翻译的事情, 大神告诉我还没有本地化,所以无法翻译. 与其等待作者们本地化后去翻译,不如主动对优秀插件进行本地化后再翻译. 所以我就这样,开始了本地化+翻译的路. 这周跟 LGG 闲聊,希望他推荐一款插件进行本地化, 就这样走上了不归路啊. 以后肯定不止一款插件啦. 所以决定还是开个贴写进度.当然还有个原因决定主动开贴,就是咱们中文社区实在有些太冷淡了. 很多人,本身英语是很好的,也有开发的功底,所以能看到一些优秀的插件也有咱中国玩家的身影,但是主动本地化的,我暂时没发现. 不能因为本地化限制了广大玩家的翻译热情,不瞎BB了.进入正题,本地化+翻译进度如下: 1.4.3 版本适用 1.4.2 版本适用 1.4.1 版本适用
  3. ·前言· Squad在KSP1.3版本推出了本地化API,允许modder使用更加方便的方式来本地化mod。为了配合坎巴拉太空计划吧MOD发布条例,规范坎巴拉太空计划吧mod发布,故编写此简易教程。这是此教程的forum版本。 ·常用链接· MOD本地化之家(en-us) MOD中文翻译帮助中心 (zh-cn) KSP.Localization类Localizer函数描述 ————————正文———————— 1.本地化标识符(Localization Identifier) 在1.3的KSP中,Squad给了我们一种方式来实现本地化——本地化标识符。 P.S.:建议使用Notepad++等编辑器而不是记事本编辑cfg文件以确保文件编码正确。 ·实现 通过本地化标识符来实现本地化的方式如下: 在.cfg中用本地化标识符替换原文本/在plugin代码中用Localizer.Format函数替换原文本。 运行mod时,KSP会从各mod目录下的Localization文件夹下的dictionary.cfg文件中读取指定语言的Localization部分。 KSP会将本地化标识符所对应的文本输出。 ·本地化标识符的格式 本地化标识符唯一的格式要求是必须以”#”字符开头,其后的字符只要是字母数字下划线均可。 例: #autoLOC_700000 #CAL_AmmoBox_title ·本地化标识符的规范写法 为了更加简单易懂地明白每个本地化标识符的含义及其对应文本,我们推荐按以下命名规则命名每一个本地化标识符。 #MOD名称_部件名_属性 例1:一个叫A的mod的一个叫Engine的部件的标题 #A_Engine_title 例2:一个叫B的mod的一个叫LiquidFuel的资源 #B_Resource_liquidFuel 2. 指定语言 KSP使用国际通用的语言代码来标记语言,现用的5种语言及代码如下 语言代码 对应语言 en-us 英语(美国) zh-cn 中文(中国) es-es 西班牙语(西班牙) jp 日语 ru 俄语 可以添加其他语言的代码实现对其他语言的本地化。 3. 本地化文件的编写格式 本地化文件存储在mod根目录下的Localization/dictionary.cfg配置文件中,每一个配置文件都遵循KSP标准配置结构。 本地化文件的标准格式如下: Localization { 语言代码 { 本地化标识符1 = 对应文本1 本地化标识符2 = 对应文本2 本地化标识符3 = 对应文本3 …… } } 例如: Localization { en-us { #autoLOC_7001100 = Loading... #autoLOC_7001101 = Adding K to Every Word... #autoLOC_7001102 = Adding More Boosters... } } Localization { zh-cn { #autoLOC_7001100 = 加载中… #autoLOC_7001101 = 正在给每个词加上K…. #autoLOC_7001102 = 正在添加更多助推器… } } 4. 对.cfg文件的本地化 对.cfg文件的本地化非常简单,你只需要将.cfg中需要本地化的文本用本地化标识符替换,并在本地化文件中按格式添加对应语言中的对应的本地化标识符的文本。 如将某部件的parts.cfg文件本地化时,在dictionary.cfg中添加如下内容: (图片仅供参考) 对于除部件外例如resource等.cfg文件都适用于此方式。 在这里我建议在本地化时以注释的形式将原文本附在本地化文件中,以方便翻译及校对。 5. 对plugin的本地化 在代码中使用本地化时,你需要声明使用KSP.Localization类才能调用Localizer函数 方法为在代码开头添加 : using KSP.Localization; 最基本的Localizer 函数为Format函数,它接受一个本地化标识符,并返回这个标识符对应的字符串,例如: using KSP.Localization; string text = Localizer.Format(“#autoLOC_500605”); 此时字符串text会被赋值,值的内容为在本地化文件中#autoLOC_500605所对应的文本。 通过此方式,可以将代码中需要翻译的内容使用Localizer.Format函数替换。 更多的Localizer函数可以在常用链接3中找到。 _________________·后言·_________________ 在参与mod本地化时,我们建议与mod原作者取得联系以获得技术支持。 想要寻找需要本地化的mod,可以到常用链接1或2中寻找需要本地化的mod。 想要深入探究mod的本地化可以在常用链接1中与modder进行讨论。 感谢您对KSP本地化事业的支持!
  4. I recently decided to play ksp again. First time in about 5 months, had some issues with visual mod installation (I can't stand vanilla ksp's lack of clouds) but eventually got it all ready. I wanted to make a new mig-15 because I recalled the one i made about 2 years ago was amazingly fun to build. Here's some screenshots of the new one. The plane is missing stall fences/strakes on the wings because I couldn't find anything to use for them that I liked. I know, send me to the gulag and all. The gear is made with infernal robotics, I hate the look of every other gear in the game. Only useful for front gear and larger modern planes. I spent about a half an hour making this system but it was worth it. Could not wish for better. I also decided that since I used a fairing for the engine block, I might as well make an internal engine. I started with accuracy in mind, But over time I devolved it for practicality. Added small fuel areas, intakes, and extra engines to make the plane faster. Looks more like an engine to me though, and I like the look of this more. The plane flies like a dream, loved the build. Am probably going to make an f-86, during that I'll be streaming, and if you want to join in and watch, my steam profile is http://steamcommunity.com/id/adawdga123sad123123/ and my broadcast link is http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561198042846224/ WIP of f-86
  5. Canard-delta airframes aren't new. The late 60s / early 70s brought us the SAAB Viggen, but it had a CoL behind it's CoM and therefore did not need FBW (fly by wire) technology to render it controllable. However, most current fighter aircraft are designed with CoL ahead of CoM (inherently unstable). They are completely dependent on FBW assistance - this includes tailed designs like the F-22 Raptor, as well as canards like the Eurofighter Typhoon - But what of the dark horse, China's J-20? It's hard to find actual information about this aircraft rather than just endless trash-talking and trolling on the internet - yes we know China makes a lot of cheap and substandard stuff. Yes we know they're new to this game and however it looks on paper it probably will not be as good of a weapons system as the Raptor in reality. What interests me is the airframe. I suspect this might not be a "relaxed stability" or "inherently unstable" design. Look at the canards in this takeoff video , they angle up to raise the nose ... and they appear to remain angled up after the aircraft rotates. They are having to maintain an up force to maintain the positive AoA. On an unstable design, the higher the AoA, the more the canards must angle downward, to suppress the nose's tendency to rise ever higher. Of course, it is somewhat complicated by the fact it also has elevons and thrust vectoring, we can't really see what these surfaces are doing from this low quality footage.
  6. 既然别的板块写中文就会有一堆吐槽只能写英语,那么就来这里咯。 贴吧的和果壳的多少应该见到过这个ID。。。
  7. 【1.0.5】中国嫦娥三号MOD 发布帖 登陆器及月球车 拖到现在,先放个测试版吧。 内容稍后编辑 另编辑好 后,求英语好的 同学给翻译,,,愿意帮忙的,可以再次回帖报名,或者贴吧回帖报名。。。 这个是非英语板块,,所以发汉语应该没关系。 另外,因一些原因,贴吧我已删帖,具体更新还是这里发布。 部件: 1.玉兔车身(控制) 2.玉兔电池板 3.玉兔轮胎 4.嫦娥降落舱 5.嫦娥电池板 6.嫦娥rcs 7.嫦娥发动机 一些问题: 首先,玉兔着陆器设计问题。 因为开始做的准备工作不够,凭着印象里的看过的一个动画模拟做的。所以呢,最后登陆器制作的是有些问题的。 1.登陆器的高度和形状。虽然我做的也是八边形,但是其中四个斜面明显小了。另外,登陆器实际是做的高了些。所以看起来和原版有些差别。 2.玉兔的安放。 受曾经看过那个模拟动画影响,我把玉兔安排在了登陆器肚子里。转移时,玉兔是从内部升起。。而实际,玉兔是架在登录器上方其中一边。当然因为掏空了登陆器,电池板只能做了重新设计安排,也就是现在的样子。 3.转移机构 , 目前的转移设置,和原版还是有很大区别的。当然这个开始设计的时候是一样的,实际效果也完全达到了。但是其中出现了一个鬼畜的bug(看过我贴吧帖子的应该知道),无奈,只好换了现在的转移方式。 4.轮子的一些问题。。最大的遗憾是没有悬架功能。实际设计之初,尝试着努力实现这个悬架。可是技术有限,无法做出这个效果哦。随后,只能无奈的放弃。当然,还有一些其他问题。比如,轮子偶尔会鬼畜的乱跳。这个问题,应该是减震的问题。可实际修改减震数据,还是没什么用。最后迫于无奈,删除了破坏效果,鬼畜bug稍微好了些。(初始版本是有破坏的。) 一些其他小问题和没有发现的问题。 更新日志: ----------------------------------------------------- V.0.1.2: Beta release,Transfer mechanism re-edit V.0.1.2: 测试版发布,重新制作了转移装置 ----------------------------------------------------- V.0.1.1: Fix some bug,But there is one bug for Transfer mechanism No repair。So,No release V.0.1.1: 修复了一些bug,但是转移装置bug无法解决,未发布。 ---------------------------------------------------- V.0.1.0: First edition MOD Production (There are some bug,No release) V.0.1.0: 第一版本mod制做完成,(但是存在一些bug,所以未发布。) 下载地址: (点击下方显示红色的文字) kerbalstuff 版本 0.1.2 curseforge 版本 0.1.2 如需模拟现实发射,请配合使用 长征3B MOD :中国包 我的其它MOD 天宫  点击进入
  8. Sorry My English is not good. PARTS 1.TG-Command module 2.Orbital Lab 3.Engine 4.Antenna 5.SolarPane 6.DockingPort 7.rcs Issues/Bugs It uses the IVA from the Squad's "MPL" I hope to solve those problems later. If you like this MOD,Understanding my hard work.Support me to continue to develop.please consider being kind and donating a few bucks through PayPal. DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK V 0.3.5 DOENLOAD ON curseforge V0.3.3 My other MOD : Chang'e 3 Lunar Lander & Yutu Lunar Rover Chinese version Release (中文版) License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Changelog:
  9. My second MOD Chinese Chang'e 3 Lunar Lander & Yutu Lunar Rover Beta release of this mod, including parts of the China's lunar lander Chang'e 3(嫦娥三号) and its exploring rover Yutu(玉兔). First to apologize,my English is not good ! Another,I am a novice Part List: Yutu Rover Body (Command pod) Yutu Solar Panel Yutu Rover Wheel Chang'e 3 Lander Chang'e 3 Solar Panel Chang'e 3 RCS Block Chang'e 3 Main Engine Known issues: The shape of landers, It's Difference with the reality yutu placement and storage mode, It's Difference with the reality rover transferring mechanics,It's Difference with the reality Some issues with the wheel, eg. absence of suspension mechanics. If you like this MOD,Understanding my hard work.Support me to continue to develop.please consider being kind and donating a few bucks through PayPal. License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Changelog: Download: 0.1.2 kerbalstuff curseforge Please download ChinesePackContinued , if you want to use CZ-3B for launch My other MOD : Tian Gong Space Staion Link More IMG
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