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The Tantares Non-Replica Repository

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Welcome to the place to post all the preposterous things you have built with the excellent Tantares Mod!

With this thread I hope to show how creative this mod in particular lets you be, and I can't wait to see what others have come up with. :cool:

There are few rules:

1. The craft Must have Tantares, or developmentally related parts in it. (AB Launchers, OMSK Space Products, Q Orbital Systems or Tantares and TantaresLV textures for ProceduralPart.)

2. Try to avoid replicas. The Tantares pack includes the perfect parts for TKS, Salyut, Mir, ISS, OPSEK... They have been done. By all means make them for your self, but lets be creative shall we...

3. Have Fun (No Exceptions!)

I figure I'll start off this wild ride a few scratch built craft made from NOTHING but Tantares parts! Thats right not even stock parts in these babys. :)

I Present, The Kom-Sat Range!

(Download at the bottom)

(All broken with the current version of Tantares.)


Kom-Sat Download

Alright now lets see some creativity!

Edited by Foxxonius Augustus
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What on Kerbin could this be a part of?


Definitely built for long-duration flight, and for docking with something else. A lander, perhaps?


Mind you, these are prototypes. And we'll see just how much I need to soup up an N1 to lift all this madness...

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Wow the first contributions and a nod from the Bread himself!

Mind you, these are prototypes. And we'll see just how much I need to soup up an N1 to lift all this madness...

Why have N-1 when you can make something all your own out of the same parts? In that vain, feel free to use this.


[sFS] Rockets Download

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Why have N-1 when you can make something all your own out of the same parts? In that vain, feel free to use this.


Thanks for the parts offer. My line of thinking about a "souped-up" N1 is, knowing full well the historical configuration of the N1 would have great difficulties lifting this planned payload, to use as much of the original concept as possible in re-engineering her if possible. If not, then back to the drawing board it is. :)

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I love seeing Tantares part use to make craft the were never designed for (obviously) and the N-IMV-II-III dose count. Hope to see some pics at some point!

In the mean time, I made a Mun probe. The [sFS] Eksplorer mk-1!


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[sFS] Eksplorer mk-1 Download

Look out for the mk-2 soon!

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Well I have a new craft for you guys, it's called Kom-Stat Alpha! Given that it is a station meant to strengthen and provide local control for a Kom-Network and I am not great at naming things (hence *Alpha*). It has living and working space for 6 kerbals and facility's to allow it to control robotic craft independently of KSC (in remote-tech anyway). It's not very big and not really meant for use out side of Kerbin's SoI, although there is room for expansion to allow for use deeper into to Kerbol system. An interesting feature is the use of T-OM's as docking nodes, also their angle makes docking *interesting* but fun!

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No download yet, I have to pull out some TACLS parts first...

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Here is my latest space probe, in orbit around Sarnus, from the Outer Planets Mod. The full mission album is in the Tantares thread.


To be honest, I'm pretty sure that the only Tantares parts I used for this are the Excursion Module fuel tank and engine.

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pTrevTrevs said:

To be honest, I'm pretty sure that the only Tantares parts I used for this are the Excursion Module fuel tank and engine.

The right part for the right job! I must say it is a gorgeous probe and I don't think I'm alone in saying I would love to get my hands on the craft file. :) Although sadly I don't have a craft file to share ether... But I do have some early pics of a new station I am working on. Most of the structure is there, I just have to go over it with the offset gadget to make all the docking ports line up right. After that it just needs greeble and some lift vehicles to get it up there.


Edited by Foxxonius Augustus
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Are those landing legs part of Tantares as well?

I cant speak to where they are from but I know they are not from Tantares. Very cool though.

Is it a refuelling depot or just a really big station? Can't really figure out what the thingies on the bottom are.

It is a propellent depot. The 12 things down the bottom are ALV II c fuel tanks attached to some tantares girder segments. They are the propellant storage and modular so the capacity can be extended if needs be. It is also not very big as my stations go (spoiler!) at least in terms of internal space or crew capacity, only having a full time crew of 2-3.

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The right part for the right job! I must say it is a gorgeous probe and I don't think I'm alone in saying I would love to get my hands on the craft file. :)

Well, if enough people ask for the craft file, I can see about uploading it. It has a few other mods besides Tantares/Tantares LV. Most prominently, DMagic Orbital Science, as well as Procedural Fairings, Mechjeb, and Tweakscale. Also, if you want to take it to a Saturn like planet, you will need Outer Planets Mod. Oh yeah, Hullcam too.

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I have another wacky craft for you all. Part Zenit, part Proton, part Black Arrow, I present the [sFS] Zenton Arrow! Designed to capture small to medium asteroids that pass within Kerbins SoI.




AB Launchers

Procedural Fairings

[SFS] Zenton Arrow Download

Edited by Foxxonius Augustus
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am only two weeks into Tantares but here are the craft I use for fulfilling tourism contracts.


Space for the People by Kordite, on Flickr

The "Comrade" Mk2 is the workhorse, taking up two vacationers into orbit at a time. The "Proletariat" Mk1 had a single capsule but that was more expensive that using two "Comrade" launches. But just barely. Five can fly on a single "Proletariat" Mk2 more inexpensively than on a pair of "Comrades" and an "Oligarch." The thing is, there are rarely that many pending tourism contracts.

Edited by CaptKordite
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Now those are some handsome craft! I have been letting this thread slip a bit, but between trying to bring the Tantares TACLS config up to date and remaking the Kom-Sat range for the new Tantares version my free time has mostly been eaten up. I should be back to posting my creations again soon, and maybe, maybe getting back to making videos... this time with friends! Anyway, great craft man!

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  • 3 weeks later...

In flying the N1-L3 I discovered that most of the motors are over powered. That is, except the LK lander itself, which barely has enough power for its mission of landing and returning to Munar orbit. As designed, I used the Block-D for the descent and dumped it with plenty of fuel remaining. On subsequent missions, I kept the Block D attached and landed it that way, using RCS and SAS to keep it precariously balanced. And even then, the Block D still had plenty of fuel to take off and land again in another biome.


Which had my think, why bother with the lander at all? Why have the Soyuz 7K-LOK waiting in orbit? Because the American Apollo did it that way? Why don't I just slap some landing gear on the Block D itself and call it good.



In the Early Cyrillic alphabet, the name of the letter ô (d) name was ôþñрþ (dobro), meaning "good". Since this is a lander built around Block D, it is actually very good.

It does everything the N1-L3 did in getting two Kerbals to the Mun with 40% of the mass, 40% of the fuel, 60% of the cost, and 15% more delta-V. And, unlike the LK, it has plenty of fuel to land on the Mun twice before coming home. Plus, the launcher, an N1-L3 without the first Block A engine, is easier to fly.

In going to Minmus I was able to land and take off half a dozen times, bunny hopping around the planet picking up multiple biome science. Then I was able to return to Kerbin and rendezvous with an orbiting space station to drop the science off in the science module.

Remove the materials bay, add a docking port and put an Aurora module under the Koyuz capsule any you can fulfill space station and base contracts as well.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Dobro is pretty good. This may be gooder.


It's cheap. It's light. It's efficient. It gets two Kerbals to the Mun and back with little fuss. Perfect for the "Stranded on the Mun" contracts. I haven't figured out what to call it yet but the launcher looks a little rude.

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An assortment of launchers to orbit.


If you build replicas of the real world spacecraft, they are way overpowered. These are semi-historical in that the payload is pretty close to looking like what the Russians put into orbit but the launcher is just what is needed to get into Kerbin orbit.

For example, Sputnik was put into space with a R7 rocket, what in this illustration is sitting below the Vostok and Soyuz. But at the very left you can see how small a rocket is needed to put a Stayputnik into orbit. And then, when you get to the Vostok and Soyuz, I eliminated one entire stage and half of another and still have the 3500 m/s delta-V necessary to make orbit. The N1 was designed for lifting space stations into orbit, interplanetary flights and going to the Mun but, in KSP, you can chop off the bottom stage and two off the top and still put the Mir core module into orbit. Even what I have here is a little overpowered but I went with that because it's what the N1 was for.

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