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Suggestion: Add Navball markers to the smiley list.


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11 minutes ago, max_creative said:

... I still can never remember the difference between the two radial markers...

:antiradial: Has the markers on the INside of the circle. It is radial IN. Your craft will face INwards.
:radial: Has the markers on the OUTside of the circle. It is radial OUT. Your craft will face OUTwards.

Edited by Tex_NL
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4 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

:antiradial: Has the markers on the INside of the circle. It is radial IN. Your craft will face INwards.
:radial: Has the markers on the OUTside of the circle. It is radial OUT. Your craft will face OUTwards.

And that is why we need these Emojis. :) 

also, we can say things like "my :targetpro: is to get to Dres and back in 20 years!" Or "In the dogfight the planes had to do some crazy :maneuver:s!" 

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Three more new ones (props to @nightingale for providing assets for these):


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2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

While we're talking smiley faces, could we make the default Kerbal smiley face actually smile? You can use the one already present for :| by removing 2 pixels.

Due to the way the software is set up making a change to an existing emoticon breaks all existing references to it. Seeing as the regular smile is probably the most commonly used one I think that cost here is just too high, sorry.

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Well, 2.4b permitting, the directions could carry information outside of the plaintext. For instance, :prograde: could imply "full ahead," while :targetpro: would be a message of approval.

(Also, what about AP, PE, and closest approach markers? Or vessel-type markers. I know, give 'em an inch, they want a mile.)

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On 9/24/2016 at 6:21 AM, Red Iron Crown said:

Turns out this is easier to do in IPS than it was on vB. The following have been implemented:



Apologies for the dark background on the prograde/retrograde ones, they were barely visible without it.  Fixed, credit to @Tex_NL for the better versions.

Sorry for the late response but thanks to both of you @Tex_NL, and @nightingale for the other 3

On 9/27/2016 at 11:53 AM, Dman979 said:

Why not just use them as a helpful teaching aid? It's less trouble to explain to new players now.

@0111narwhalz The above was the intent of the request, but they could be used in other ways I suppose, rules permitting of course.  Look at the link in the first post for an example of usage (of course those were links to the wiki images).

Edited by Alshain
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On 24/09/2016 at 4:22 PM, Tex_NL said:

:antiradial: Has the markers on the INside of the circle. It is radial IN. Your craft will face INwards.
:radial: Has the markers on the OUTside of the circle. It is radial OUT. Your craft will face OUTwards.

So simple, I feel pretty stupid for having never noticed that before :( 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance of getting as many of the regular face emotes on the "top level" of the Overview in the smiley drop down menu? Or maybe do away with the Overview/All Emoticons selection altogether. There's no way the box takes up so much space that it's content needs to be split up. It takes me three clicks to get to a face that's not on the top level, and hasn't been recently used. Too many clicks... for this. --> :mad:

I suppose one simple viable solution might be to just remember whether you left the menu selection set to Overview or Emoticons, across all pages, I notice it remembers if you switch to the Emoticons (all) view once you've used it once on a post, but the second you reload, or use another page, it defaults back to Overview again.

Minor quip, but it's been a pet peeve since the new icons were added.

Last thing... Can we get those yellow alien blobs Kerbalized? Why do we have those there anyway!  Are those yellow smileys the things transmitting the Duna SSTV signal! :0.0:

Edited by richfiles
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20 hours ago, richfiles said:

Any chance of getting as many of the regular face emotes on the "top level" of the Overview in the smiley drop down menu? Or maybe do away with the Overview/All Emoticons selection altogether. There's no way the box takes up so much space that it's content needs to be split up. It takes me three clicks to get to a face that's not on the top level, and hasn't been recently used. Too many clicks... for this. --> :mad:

I've rearranged the order a bit, please give feedback on it. :) 

20 hours ago, richfiles said:

I suppose one simple viable solution might be to just remember whether you left the menu selection set to Overview or Emoticons, across all pages, I notice it remembers if you switch to the Emoticons (all) view once you've used it once on a post, but the second you reload, or use another page, it defaults back to Overview again.

Minor quip, but it's been a pet peeve since the new icons were added.

That requires changes to the underlying software rather than just configuration, which we'd like to avoid.

20 hours ago, richfiles said:

Last thing... Can we get those yellow alien blobs Kerbalized? Why do we have those there anyway!  Are those yellow smileys the things transmitting the Duna SSTV signal! :0.0:

Unfortunately replacing these would break any previous references to them, afraid we'll have to leave them be.

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10 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Unfortunately replacing these would break any previous references to them, afraid we'll have to leave them be.

If you would completely remove them, yes, that could cause a problem. But what's so difficult about replacing them with Kerbalized smilies? The existing code just calls for a certain image. It does not know what the image is. If you replace the yellow smilies with green Kerbals with the same name the new ones should be displayed instead. Nothing will break and unless you know better nobody will notice. It will look like it has always been that way.

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Just now, Tex_NL said:

If you would completely remove them, yes, that could cause a problem. But what's so difficult about replacing them with Kerbalized smilies? The existing code just calls for a certain image. It does not know what the image is. If you replace the yellow smilies with green Kerbals with the same name the new ones should be displayed instead. Nothing will break and unless you know better nobody will notice. It will look like it has always been that way.

Unfortunately the software doesn't support supplanting images directly. That requires direct file system access, which I don't have (nor should I) and is limited to our provider. See Kasper's post earlier in the thread regarding that limitation under vB, the same limits apply to IPS but the software allows us to do a little bit more.

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4 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Unfortunately replacing these would break any previous references to them, afraid we'll have to leave them be.

4 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

If you would completely remove them, yes, that could cause a problem. But what's so difficult about replacing them with Kerbalized smilies? The existing code just calls for a certain image. It does not know what the image is. If you replace the yellow smilies with green Kerbals with the same name the new ones should be displayed instead. Nothing will break and unless you know better nobody will notice. It will look like it has always been that way.

4 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Unfortunately the software doesn't support supplanting images directly. That requires direct file system access, which I don't have (nor should I) and is limited to our provider. See Kasper's post earlier in the thread regarding that limitation under vB, the same limits apply to IPS but the software allows us to do a little bit more.

For real!? Who's idea was it to add a bunch of non stylistically conforming smileys in the first place... They're an eyesore.

Let me ask you this... Who uses them... I certainly don't. I feel they just don't fit here, so I actively avoid them... Even when we had the big mass exodus of devs, and everyone was talking about onion cutting ninjas and stuff... I still didn't even see one single use of even the ninja smily... It was always just the crying Kerbal. Never the yellow ninja. Doing a search for "ninja", "Ninja'd", and "ninjas" and clicking a bunch of random posts in new tabs tells me the same thing... No one seems to be genuinely interested in the "oddball non Kerbal smileys". That one just happened to be easy to search for.

I don't know what the actual site adoption of the yellow smileys are, but Instead of making assumptions, i have one simple suggestion:

You say changing them will break all previous uses of the yellow smileys... So?

Have a poll. Sticky a poll on the top of the announcements or something, and get the opinion of the forum users. I know I won't miss the yellow smileys, cause I just simply don't use them, period! Simply ask: Do you want to leave the Yellow Emoticons as is, or do you want to replace them with Kerbals (at the expense of breaking any previous use of the yellow emoticons).

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Bummer... I'd still say to replace them. If you can't ninja the tags, I'd say do something silly like add a "k" to the front of each default tag, and make a new equivalent emoticon... Then leave the stock yellow ones alone, hidden away by the main "Emoticon" list, so it takes the extra clicks to reach. We add a "k" to the front of everything else, why not these! :D

Eh, it's only my opinion though. :wink:

In the meantime, I won't exactly be using the yellow ones though... Doesn't feel Kerbal enough! 

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1 hour ago, Red Iron Crown said:

The yellow ones are IPS defaults, I believe. 

Sure. The yellow smilies are stock. But a lot of the original stock smilies (like :):D:P:wink:) have already been replaced by Kerbals. YOU might not be able to change them (which I consider incredibly strange since you are able to add new ones), that doesn't mean it can not be done. Get somebody who can into it.

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