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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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Yeah Pak, I used to do my shuttles with procedural B9 wings and many many parts welded together. The effect was good, and it looked decent, but now I don't need to.



(notice the OMS and RCS systems. The RCS was a whole bunch of B9 linear RCS welded together)






And then fastforward a year...


Much, much nicer.. and It all just works. I'm kind of sad in a way, because my shuttle was truly unique to me, but I can't argue with the quality of these parts. :)

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53 minutes ago, Cdodders said:

Would you consider adding Ablator cfg. to the lifting body, nose and wing parts? went for a re-entry and the body and wing parts were overheating, till the nose exploded and took the cockpit with it

Realizing and understanding that the RL Shuttle did not use ablation to survive re-entry, I would support this. At least until some one works out how to make it survivable with just heat system, tweaking max temp and such.

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2 hours ago, Cdodders said:

Would you consider adding Ablator cfg. to the lifting body, nose and wing parts? went for a re-entry and the body and wing parts were overheating, till the nose exploded and took the cockpit with it


2 hours ago, Foxxonius Augustus said:

Realizing and understanding that the RL Shuttle did not use ablation to survive re-entry, I would support this. At least until some one works out how to make it survivable with just heat system, tweaking max temp and such.


The CA parts are perfectly fine for re-entry without ablator, if you are having overheating problems I recommend a less aggressive re-entry profile for myself this means from a 180km circular orbit I set my Pe to 36km above the island runways, and it brings me down fine every time with a couple of S-turns 

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On 03/09/2016 at 1:44 PM, DrLicor said:


Think it works good now.

My spaceshuttle included too.

Download link:


Used mods for shuttle:

Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics + parts


Thanks for the RO cfg man, outstanding.

Just got some little troubles with it, maybe you could help

For the craft file it says that its missing STS Bay ??

Also noticed that IR parts it can't find due to the tweakscale mod, i'll try to solve this...

Also wings have their textures inverted (if one has tiles up, the other will have tiles down)

Many thanks!!

Edited by Fox Loco
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@Fox Loco

Heey, thanks, still working on it though.

I forgot to say, I added the payload bay from this mod:


[1.1.3] Shuttle Payload Technologies v0.12


Will add it when I fixed some things.

I mainly don't use the wings of this mods since I cant scale them in RO, but I will have a look at it after the weekend.

Think I messed up something while putting in the rescale factor. 

About the IR parts, I didn't mess with there files, no rescales etc. 

So I currently don't know whats going wrong on that.

Thanks for your input :)


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Okey, fixed some little things in the RSS/RO configs

- tiles on the wings don't fix there symmetry, as in default.

- max.heat is set to 3400 (default = 2600) for parts on the outside.

- new ship.

- ship doesn't use any other mods except for Shuttle Payload Technologies from MrMeeb

- included the edited configs of Shuttle Payload Technologies from MrMeeb


So the new ship is named: Space Shuttle - Cormorant.

Gimbal of the main engines are locked on default, can set to free through action group 1.

If you're making a real shuttle, with external tank and SRB's. Its recommend that the main engines can't gimbal during the flight while the boosters are attached.

I enable the gimbals a couple of seconds before decoupling the boosters.


A good thing to know is when you do a reentry, make sure you disable the pitch, yaw and roll on the Big-S bodyflap. (in the saved ship, there disabled on default)

The reason, when the flap moves in a pitch, the engines won't be protected anymore, resulting in overheating...


Last but not least, I will get a github, so the download link doesn't change all the time I update something.

For now, you have to do it with a dropbox link :)

Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5sdqzbvr4c9gkl8/AAAFN5l5jhGZvGbm3Z6twxpOa?dl=0 

Let me know if there are some problems.







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Uhm I'm not sure, before launch you see the engines gimbal a bit (tests I assume).

But when the shuttle is turning after it cleared the launchpad, you can clearly see its done without the gimbal of the main engines..

The mean reason why I disabled the gimbal to that point is because the shuttle will be a lot more unstable. (and because you see it a lot in tips on the forum)

When flying without gimbal, you can make a much more smooth gravityturn, without wobbling the hack out of your beloved shuttle :)


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4 hours ago, falken said:

I have to ask, did the real shuttle not gimbal its engines until near srb cutoff?

I am positive that while the SRBs are attached the SSMEs played a much smaller role in directing the shuttle, and basically only operated to keep it balanced. As said before, the SRBs control the roll program, and once the pitch program is started, Gravity takes care of the rest. I believe it's a kind of 'passive' control in the initial ascent in which the roll and pitch maneouver are completed, and then gravity is in charge until the later stages, in which active measures through engine gimbal are taken to achieve the exact orbit. Of course this is much harder to achieve in KSP, especially stock scale due to the amount of time being shorter and the precision of control being far less

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6 hours ago, falken said:

I have to ask, did the real shuttle not gimbal its engines until near srb cutoff?

Yep, it used the gimbal on the SRBs to do the roll. A good way to do it in kerbal is to only allow for pitch on launch, then set up an action group to toggle yaw and roll.



Wanted to post a little progress. The EDO pack is getting pretty close to done. The EDO itself has enough fuel to power the fuel cells for an additional 14 days (with Kerbalism and Persistent Rotation eating power) and if Kerbalism is installed also contains enough oxygen to support 6 kerbals for and additional 10 days. The little boxes next to it are Kerbalism food containers  There will be the two new options for MMU mounts. The slim version replaces the current one, and the bigger version has a KAS toolbox, handrail and monoprop reserve tanks.

You can also check out what I'm up to with my CA Roadmap link (also on the front page)




In other news I tend to zone out at night and put some time into just modeling whatever stuff because it's relaxing to me (unlike unity and CFG edits), so I have a bit of progress on the ET and SRBs as well



Continued thanks to @DrLicor for all his RO work.

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15 hours ago, Pak said:

Yep, it used the gimbal on the SRBs to do the roll. A good way to do it in kerbal is to only allow for pitch on launch, then set up an action group to toggle yaw and roll.



Wanted to post a little progress. The EDO pack is getting pretty close to done. The EDO itself has enough fuel to power the fuel cells for an additional 14 days (with Kerbalism and Persistent Rotation eating power) and if Kerbalism is installed also contains enough oxygen to support 6 kerbals for and additional 10 days. The little boxes next to it are Kerbalism food containers  There will be the two new options for MMU mounts. The slim version replaces the current one, and the bigger version has a KAS toolbox, handrail and monoprop reserve tanks.

You can also check out what I'm up to with my CA Roadmap link (also on the front page)




In other news I tend to zone out at night and put some time into just modeling whatever stuff because it's relaxing to me (unlike unity and CFG edits), so I have a bit of progress on the ET and SRBs as well



Continued thanks to @DrLicor for all his RO work.


Looking good! That ET always did look good in white (even if it was way heavier).

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18 hours ago, Pak said:

Yep, it used the gimbal on the SRBs to do the roll. A good way to do it in kerbal is to only allow for pitch on launch, then set up an action group to toggle yaw and roll.



Wanted to post a little progress. The EDO pack is getting pretty close to done. The EDO itself has enough fuel to power the fuel cells for an additional 14 days (with Kerbalism and Persistent Rotation eating power) and if Kerbalism is installed also contains enough oxygen to support 6 kerbals for and additional 10 days. The little boxes next to it are Kerbalism food containers  There will be the two new options for MMU mounts. The slim version replaces the current one, and the bigger version has a KAS toolbox, handrail and monoprop reserve tanks.

You can also check out what I'm up to with my CA Roadmap link (also on the front page)




In other news I tend to zone out at night and put some time into just modeling whatever stuff because it's relaxing to me (unlike unity and CFG edits), so I have a bit of progress on the ET and SRBs as well



Continued thanks to @DrLicor for all his RO work.

Im loving this new stuff!!! Just a question, will the et contain normal LFO or hydrolox?

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On 9/12/2016 at 1:13 PM, awsumindyman said:

@Pak, how big are the SRB's (diameter wise)?


9 hours ago, SpaceBadger007 said:

Im loving this new stuff!!! Just a question, will the et contain normal LFO or hydrolox?

LFO. This mod will always be aimed at stock

1 hour ago, StevieC said:

Will the EDO pack be compatible with TAC Life Support?

No. I'll be providing Kerbalism support, but feel free to make whatever patches for other life support mods.


12 hours ago, Avalon304 said:

Looking good! That ET always did look good in white (even if it was way heavier).

Agreed. I'm planning on doing a few texture options. At least painted and orange

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Maybe you should provide couple adapters and maybe shorter tanks so we could make some kind of jupiter rocket? after all it used mostly shuttle parts (sls would be nice but there's already a dozen of mods that have it,although if we have parts for jupiter it's maybe also may not be a problem to provide adapter for four engines and just say it's an sls)

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23 minutes ago, NeoFatalis said:

Maybe you should provide couple adapters and maybe shorter tanks so we could make some kind of jupiter rocket? after all it used mostly shuttle parts (sls would be nice but there's already a dozen of mods that have it,although if we have parts for jupiter it's maybe also may not be a problem to provide adapter for four engines and just say it's an sls)

Maybe you should try this mod

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