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Life Support - TAC or USI?


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1 minute ago, RoverDude said:

To be clear, this is not a problem - it's simply how stock works in order to keep things nice and performant, even with hundreds of craft all chock full of converters :)  i.e. - it works as intended, and without issue.  Visually showing this is really just a matter of extra code tbh (and my plate is a bit full).

The compromise Kerbalism makes is that it drops a lot of the stock mechanics in favor of an alternate model.  So as long as you don't use things that leverage some of the stock features such as dynamic efficiency, thermal, required resources, etc. you are ok.  But to be clear, it's definitely a compromise - there is no such thing as a free lunch (or free processing of hundreds of converters 50 times per second).

Totally get that everything is a tradeoff and it's really helpful to have you and other Devs on here taking the time to clarify things. I think for me the game experience is a repetitive series of frustrations, discoveries and revelations. I read up what I can. I make a best guess based on what I can read. I find out that it doesn't work as advertised because of some mechanic that's not fully explained. Then I re-think and re-work my plans with my new info and try again.

One could argue this is wonky or one could say "this is what NASA went through"   :)

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14 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

What does not work as advertised?

That KSP and the USI-LS readout isn't accurate if the ship isn't in physics range. I was remembering the times I've pulled up my life support readout and had a panic moment because it reported my ship was out of EC or almost out of Supplies only to jump to the ship and find that everything was fine.

@Merkov explanation from the USI-LS thread:  "this happens because KSP doesn't really calculate life support when the vessel in question is not in physics range (or maybe when you're not focused on it?) so when you re-focus on that vessel, it retroactively calculates what the life support usage was since the last time it was in focus. If I remember correctly, this also happens with other resource usage, such as warehousing/logistics in UKS, and drilling/ISRU and fuel cell usage in stock. The reason we notice it with USI-LS is because there is actually a window for seeing life support status when you don't have the vessel in question loaded, whereas there is no equivalent status screen for unfocused vessels using the stock functions.

KSP is super complicated and there are trade-off between performance and accuracy...this is just one of those tradeoffs and now that I understand it I can plan for it.

Edited by tjt
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To be fair, you would never have noticed it without a readout :)  Similar to how if you leave a drill running in the background and come back a year later, its chock full of Ore (and even handles thermal correctly... i.e. if you leave while it is warming up, when you come back, it will be at its stabilized temperature).


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2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

To be fair, you would never have noticed it without a readout :)  Similar to how if you leave a drill running in the background and come back a year later, its chock full of Ore (and even handles thermal correctly... i.e. if you leave while it is warming up, when you come back, it will be at its stabilized temperature).

Totally fair!  :)   and the work you do "in your spare time" makes the game even more fun! Can't thank you enough. Now that I'm not fearing for my kerbal's lives because of the readout I can sleep better

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14 hours ago, BT Industries said:

So without futher ado  here is my custom profile...

  Reveal hidden contents

// This is the default profile

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// comment out to disable the signal mechanic
// disabled automatically if RemoteTech or AntennaRange are detected
@Kerbalism:FOR[EnableSignal] {}

// comment out to disable malfunctions
// disabled automatically if DangIt is detected
@Kerbalism:FOR[EnableMalfunction] {}

// comment out to remove scrubbers from the game
@Kerbalism:FOR[EnableScrubber] {}

// comment out to remove radiation from the game
@Kerbalism:FOR[EnableShielding] {}

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

  name = Climate
  resource_name = ElectricCharge
  rate = 0.0001242236 // 0.02 per-second at average temp diff in LKO
  degeneration = 0.00000345 // 30min
  on_eva = 20.0 // 16min
  on_resque = 250.0
  modifier = temperature

  warning_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL feels cold|$ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is sweating
  danger_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is freezing to death|$ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is burning alive
  fatal_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL froze to death|$ON_VESSEL$KERBAL was burned alive
  relax_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL hypothermia is under control|$ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is hugging the climatizer

  low_message = $VESSEL batteries are almost empty$NEWLINE<i>We are squeezing the last bit of juice</i>|$VESSEL batteries are almost empty$NEWLINE<i>Shutting down non-essential systems</i>
  empty_message = There is no more ElectricCharge on $VESSEL$NEWLINE<i>Life support systems are off</i>|There is no more ElectricCharge on $VESSEL$NEWLINE<i>We lost control</i>
  refill_message = $VESSEL batteries recharged$NEWLINE<i>The crew is allowed music again</i>|$VESSEL batteries recharged$NEWLINE<i>Systems are back online</i>

  name = Oxygen
  resource_name = Oxygen
  waste_name = CO2
  rate = 0.04629629 // 1000 per-day
  degeneration = 0.002083333 // 8 minutes
  on_pod = 5000.0
  on_eva = 100.0 // about 30min
  on_resque = 1000.0
  modifier = breathable

  warning_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL can't breathe
  danger_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is suffocating
  fatal_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL suffocated to death
  relax_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is breathing again

  low_message = Oxygen reserves are dangerously low on $VESSEL$NEWLINE<i>There is mild panic among the crew</i>
  empty_message = There is no more oxygen on $VESSEL$NEWLINE<i>Everybody stop breathing</i>
  refill_message = $VESSEL oxygen reserves restored$NEWLINE<i>The crew is taking a breather</i>

  name = Stress
  degeneration = 0.00000086805 // 53 days
  variance = 0.33 // add per-kerbal variance
  modifier = qol
  breakdown = true // trigger breakdown event instead of death

  warning_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is losing $HIS_HER mind$NEWLINE<i>Concentration is becoming a problem</i>
  danger_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is about to breakdown$NEWLINE<i>Starting to hear voices</i>
  // no fatal_message because breakdown message is generated automatically
  // no relax_message because there is no recovery from stress

  name = Radiation
  degeneration = 1.0 // just use the modifier
  variance = 0.1 // add per-kerbal variance
  modifier = radiation

  warning_threshold = 15.0 // in rad
  danger_threshold = 22.5 // in rad
  fatal_threshold = 30.0 // in rad

  warning_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL has been exposed to intense radiation
  danger_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL is reporting symptoms of radiation poisoning
  fatal_message = $ON_VESSEL$KERBAL died after being exposed to extreme radiation
  // no relax_message because there is no recovery from radiation

// ============================================================================
// Customize resource containers
// ============================================================================

    @name = Food
    @amount *= 1.0
    @maxAmount *= 1.0

    @name = Oxygen
    @amount *= 1.0
    @maxAmount *= 1.0

// ============================================================================
// Add scrubbers to pods
// ============================================================================

    name = Scrubber

    // change scrubbed resource
    resource_name = Oxygen

    // change waste name
    waste_name = CO2

    // change ec/s per-crew
    ec_rate = 0.01
    @ec_rate *= #$/CrewCapacity$

    // change waste/s per-crew
    co2_rate = 0.04629629
    @co2_rate *= #$/CrewCapacity$

// ============================================================================
// Customize greenhouse
// ============================================================================

    // change food resource
    @resource_name = Supplies

    // change waste resource
    @waste_name = Mulch

    // change ec rate for the lamps
    @ec_rate = 0.5

    // change waste rate
    @waste_rate = 0.00138888 // waste/s for crew of 3

    // change harvest size
    @harvest_size = 5000.0

    // change growth rate
    @growth_rate = 0.00000015432 // 300 days

// ============================================================================
// Resources
// ============================================================================

// waste pseudo-resource

// waste pseudo-resource
  name = CO2
  density = 0.0
  unitCost = 0.0
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = NONE
  isTweakable = false
  isVisible = false

// Removes food resource from all parts 

@PART[*]:FINAL { !RESOURCE[Food] {} } 

//Removes food parts 

!PART[kerbalism-food-*}:FINAL {}

Just replace this with the default one, which can be found at GameData/Kerbalism/Profiles

Just remember you will still have too worry about the extra features Kerbalism adds...

Climate Control, Oxygen EVA-LS, Quality of Life, Malfunctions, Signals, Radiation, Space Weather.

Feel free to modify at will and have fun with your new realistic KSP save with a bit of kerbalism from USI-LS (sorry for bad pun)

If you want to remove other Kerbalism feature  just delete the bit in the profile about it.

Totally going to try this!

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