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[1.0.5] Kraken Parachutes


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Kraken themed parachutes with flapping tentacles action! Stack and Radial. no dependencies... at least until Squad changes stock parachute code.


grab them, and other fun bits and bobs, at Dr. Kermanssus' Parts Emporium!


Edited by nli2work
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Oh yeah, Flapping is always on. It's just a noise rotation on a joint at the center of the parachute that moves the tips of the tentacles, set the Loop/Automatic play in Unity. Semi and Full deploy are animated as usual by scaling the parent objects. Adjust the Skinned Mesh Bounds or transform scale if the part is tiny in VAB/SPH icons.

Edited by nli2work
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After fighting a lot with the axis orientation (my first chute ever^^) I managed to replicate the effect somehow: made a looped, skinnedmesh object as child of the stretch-animated canopy, but unfortunately, the looping mesh, while it gets streteched during inflation properly doesnt move like the chute normally does. It stays put in is orientaion and plays its looped animation. Any tricks?

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the canopy object parameter is what waves around after deployment and it shouldn't move the same object that's in the looping animation. in my case it was "root" object, Z+ gets rotated and pointed at the terrain, so set invert canopy to true/false depending on how your chute behaves in game. the canopy object is what gets destroyed after landing so your visible mesh has to be it's child at at some level.

Semi/Full Deploy animations just scales the root object. canopy is the visible skinned mesh. rimMove is a useless object that I didn't end up needing, but you can nest multiple objects to layer multiple procedural animations from your 3d app and bake it all down on export. flaps is the bone that drives the tentacles. since the flapping action is procedural from max and baked on export I have to maintain the tree heirarchy or the animation would break. 

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Well actually that is what i wanted to do.

Heres is the basic idea of the hierarchy:

	canopy (animated to stretch, but without mesh renderer)
		skinnedmeshrenderer-object, looping through an animation




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I managed to do it. Thanks!

Also tried (and managed) to actually have a bone-based animation for the two deploy stages (but without a third, ever-looping anim, yet). That way i can avoid having the lines go thicker when the canopy deploys (which looks totally silly if the risers meet into a single line some meters above the capsule, and this line suddenly becomes 80% thicker). Also i hope to achive some nicer deployment animation. Would be cool to couple it with a "flapping" animation, too.

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