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[Request] Need a Master to teach the padiwan that I am on making planet packs.

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The title says literally what this post is about, but yes. I need training, I do know it's a hard process. And I can alter other planet packs to have different orbits or sizes. But I need a run down on how to make a plane by scratch (Also, please no S.E, I saw why it's disliked by the community of planet makers).

So yea, as long as you are a budding planet developer, I'll PM you! Thx For listening :D

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Umm, you want procedural, or heightmaps and colour maps?


/\ Thats for a planet with colour and height maps.


@Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] //<--- that is a line comment marker
{ //this is Laephus from my mod. It has a bunch of comments
	%mainMenuBody = Laephus //the name of the planet if you want it to be the planet in the main menu (currently Kerbin)
		name = Laephus //the name
			name = Duna //use this if you want a rocky planet with atmosphere
			removeAllPQSMods = true //definately do this
		Properties //basically all the basic things. use The White Guardian's guide for everthing until the PQS area.
			description = Larinax C is the third planet from Larinax, not that we can find the first two planets. We have just assumed that Larinax has eight planets, but at the moment there is only one. Good idea on the naming, then?
			radius = 400000
			rotates = true
			rotationPeriod = 51186.3
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 
			geeASL = 1.2
			timewarpAltitudeLimits =  10000 17500 25000 40000 60000 80000 200000
				landedDataValue = 30.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 20
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 20
				recoveryValue = 50
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 300000
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000
			referenceBody = Larinax
			semiMajorAxis = 5000000000
			inclination = 30
			eccentricity = 0.009
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 
			epoch = 
			color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 
			fadeEnd = 
				texture = LarinaxSolarSystem/Laephus/PluginData/Laephus_Color.png
				normals = LarinaxSolarSystem/Laephus/PluginData/Laephus_Normal.png
				shininess = 0.82515
				rimPower = 3
				rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
					0.5 = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0
			ambientColor = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
			lightColor = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
			enabled = true
			oxygen = false
			altitude = 80000
				key =		130.202625	-1.3690036625E-02	-1.3690036625E-02
				key =	4000	75.4424785	-1.11418013125E-02	-1.11418013125E-02
				key =	8000	41.0682145	-6.81904525E-03	-6.81904525E-03
				key =	12000	20.8901165	-3.81946975E-03	-3.81946975E-03
				key =	16000	10.5124565	-1.9487506875E-03	-1.9487506875E-03
				key =	20000	5.300111	-9.757005E-04	-9.757005E-04
				key =	24000	2.7068525	-4.882518125E-04	-4.882518125E-04
				key =	28000	1.3940965	-2.46206E-04	-2.46206E-04
				key =	32000	0.7372045	-1.24388E-04	-1.24388E-04
				key =	36000	0.3989925	-6.41215E-05	-6.41215E-05
				key =	40000	0.2242325	-3.39400625E-05	-3.39400625E-05
				key =	44000	0.127472	-1.86485625E-05	-1.86485625E-05
				key =	48000	0.075044	-1.060125E-05	-1.060125E-05
				key =	52000	0.042662	-6.4089375E-06	-6.4089375E-06
				key =	56000	0.0237725	-3.7425625E-06	-3.7425625E-06
				key =	60000	0.0127215	-2.1363125E-06	-2.1363125E-06
				key =	64000	0.006682	-1.1725625E-06	-1.1725625E-06
				key =	68000	0.003341	-6.264375E-07	-6.264375E-07
				key =	72000	0.0016705	-3.53375E-07	-3.53375E-07
				key =	76000	0.000514	-2.088125E-07	-2.088125E-07
				key =	80000		-1.285E-07	-1.285E-07
			pressureCurveIsNormalised = false
			temperatureSeaLevel = 460
				key =		460	-0.00802083375	-0.00802083375
				key =	9600	339.1744841	-0.0011360735	-0.0011325715
				key =	16800	339.1744841	0.0011325715	0.0011325715
				key =	24800	425.478424	0.000619018	0.000619018
				key =	44800	425.478424	-0.000853660375	-0.000853660375
				key =	64000	293.6687703	-0.0011360735	-0.0011360735
				key =	72000	293.6687703	0.000592218125	0.000592218125
				key =	80000	361.1427597	0.000868255125	0.000868255125
				key =	120000		-0.000562011375	-0.000562011375
				key =		1		
				key =	6153.846154	0.5	-0.000075	-0.000128306125
				key =	6780.941539			
				key =	12346.44923			
				key =	29138.03077	0.2		
				key =	44184.71385	0.2		
				key =	56178.21535			
				key =	80000	0.4		
		Rings //not nessecary. dont put this in yet until you are used to doing this.
				angle = 
                		outerRadius = 2000
				innerRadius = 1500
				texture = LarinaxSolarSystem/Laephus/PluginData/Laephus_Ring.png
				color = 0.893258,0.6966,0.2247,1.0
				lockRotation = true
				unlit = false
				VertexPlanet //if there is no comment on the line, dont edit it.
					seed = 146256837 //the basic seed.
					deformity = 20000 //how high the mountains are
					colorDeformity = 6000
					oceanLevel = 
					oceanStep = 
					oceanDepth = 
					oceanSnap = False
					terrainSmoothing = 0.100000001490116
					terrainShapeStart = 2
					terrainShapeEnd = -2
					terrainRidgesMin = 0.4
					terrainRidgesMax = 1
					buildHeightColors = False
					terrainRidgeBalance = 0.1
					enabled = true
					order = 100
						deformity = 1 //same as deformity
						octaves = 5 //does something with count of edits
						persistance = 0.400000005960464
						frequency = 1
							octaves = 10
							persistence = 0.400000005960464
							frequency = 1
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 0.5
							octaves = 4
							persistence = 0.5
							frequency = 0.5
						deformity = 50
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.550000011920929
						frequency = 1.5
							octaves = 4
							persistence = 0.550000011920929
							frequency = 1.5
						seed = 1
						deformity = 0.00100000004749745
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 0.5
							Frequency = 0.5
							Lacunarity = 0.5
							Quality = High
							OctaveCount = 4
							Seed = 23126
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 12
						persistance = 0.7
						frequency = 4
							octaves = 12
							persistence = 0.7
							frequency = 4
							startHeight = 
							endHeight = 
							fractalDelta = 0.00100000004749745
							name = SeaLevel //change the name for now on to suit your needs
							fractalStart = 
							fractalEnd = 0.05
							baseColor = 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0 //the colour of the terrain at sea level
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 4
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 4
							startHeight = 
							endHeight = 
							fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574
							name = SeaFlat
							fractalStart = 0.05
							fractalEnd = 0.45
							baseColor = 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0 //the colour of the terrain at sea level till medium height.
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.3, 0.25, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 4
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 4
							startHeight = 
							endHeight = 
							fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071
							name = Flats
							fractalStart = 0.45
							fractalEnd = 0.9
							baseColor = 0.62, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0 //colour of medium terrain
							colorNoise = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.300000011920929
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 3
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 3
							startHeight = 
							endHeight = 
							fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
							name = ScorchedHighlands //mountains
							fractalStart = 0.9
							fractalEnd = 2
							baseColor = 1.0, 0.67, 0.5, 1.0 //the colour of the mountains
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.400000005960464
							lerpToNext = False
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 2
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 2
				VoronoiCraters //seed, frequency and deformation can be edited below if you want craters
					deformation = 50
					voronoiSeed = 43765
					voronoiDisplacement = 
					voronoiFrequency = 2
					CraterCurve //dont edit below this
						key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
						key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
						key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
						key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
						key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
						key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
						key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
						key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
						key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
					simplexSeed = 123123
					simplexOctaves = 3
					simplexPersistence = 0.5
					simplexFrequency = 120
					jitter = 0.1
					jitterHeight = 3
						key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
						key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
						key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
						key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
						key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
						key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
						key = 0.9970253 0.003401639  
					rFactor = 1
					rOffset = 1
					colorOpacity = 0.7
					DebugColorMapping = False
					enabled = True
					order = 100

That is for procedural. Advanced Kopernicus users will frown at using this is a mini tutorial, because of VertexPlanet. But my comments are relatively simple as well.

BTW the VertexPlanet colours are in Red Green Blue format, along with Transparency (Alpha), but don't change that channel from 1.0.

Oh, and good Star Wars reference. Too bad May the Fourth has gone by...

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