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Journey to Dres

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16 hours ago, max_creative said:

Any advice for Eve Ascent Vehicles?

Go minimalist. Orbital payload should be Kerbals in seats, a probe core, a reaction wheel, and minimal batteries. As well as maybe a solar panel and the last stage. The last stage should be something like a flt-200 with a 0.625m engine (depending on your payload).

Then, if you have a 1.25m rocket, add asparagused aerospikes or asparagused vectors underneath. If it is a 0.625 meter rocket, you won't need as many asparagus stacks. If it is a 2.5m final stage, uh, asparagused orange tank vectors?!?!?!? I don't have much experience in that field, so...

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A few points for Eve ascent:

--Mammoths are great first stage engines. High thrust and acceptable Isp
--Use aircraft landing wheels, they're much more robust than legs
--Aerospikes are ideal upper stages
--be able to discard entry/landing parts such as parachutes to save liftoff mass
--surface refueling can help a LOT!

You don't need to put kerbs in seats if you make a big enough ship and design it right. I got 5 crew to orbit in nice comfy cabins, with plenty of dV to spare :) 

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9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

A few points for Eve ascent:

--Mammoths are great first stage engines. High thrust and acceptable Isp
--Use aircraft landing wheels, they're much more robust than legs
--Aerospikes are ideal upper stages
--be able to discard entry/landing parts such as parachutes to save liftoff mass
--surface refueling can help a LOT!

I just strapped a LOT of Vectors on a bunch of fuel tanks. All your tips I completely agree with. I spent a few hours looking at Eve Ascent vehicles. I actually also took so ideas from the MAV in the Martian. 

Eve acsent vehicle abort went well... 


Landing test didn't... 


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On July 14, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

49 MAMMOTHS?!?!?!?!?!?


Erm... The current count is 75... It got halfway to Dres just by burning prograde and pressing Z. I think it might even be slightly over engineered for Eve Ascent... 

I'm working on a space colony to orbit Laythe. That's why I haven't made a chapter recently. That and swim team championships... I also plan on putting a dome on Laythe soon.

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  • 1 month later...
On August 23, 2016 at 0:45 AM, Mycroft said:

Yay! Can't wait to read the next chapter! Also I think Gerty should remain Gerty. I don't exactly know if the contest is still up, but that's my opinion.

Gerty will stay Gerty. And I annilated all the mun irsu bases, just in case. Next chapter might be awhile though. Imgur is killing my story. Soonest I can get a chapter is Wendsday. That's when school starts, and I might have a friend over to help. Might. Until then, I probably will just finish the redstone missile base for him...

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  • 3 weeks later...

1.2 is coming soon, and so is a lot MOAR chapters... 

Interlude 11 1/2: preparing for 1.2! (Ish)

Another bored meeting at the KSC... 

Gene: 1.2 is coming soon. Today we have a meeting because we can and stuff.

Gerty: yeah. 

Jeb: what? Chapter 1002 is coming soon? 

Gene: no, update 1- 

Jeb: Cool! That software update that Linus was making for Gerty, right? 

Gene: no, that's v1.14592, and- 

Jeb: -it's done! 

Gene: ... 

Gerty, no, it's not comp- 

*Jeb presses button* 



.5981 ne nyurB ed yrboL sédnaloh ocimíuq le rop zev aremirp rop óraperp es arup ardihna anicardih .sozreufse soditeper sol ed rasep a ,arup anizardih al renetbo ed zapacni euf ,ograbme niS ;odiulid ocirúflus odicá noc socinágro sadizaid ed otneimatart le etnaidem anizardih ed otaflus le odicudorp aíbah suitruC rodoehT ,7881 nE ]44[ .adiutitsusonom anizardih ne naítsisnoc euq socinágro sotseupmoc ricudorp ed odnatart abatse euq ;5781 ne rehcsiF limE rop odañuca euf "anizardih" erbmon lE

.anizardih ed otardih ed latelbus nóicisopxe ed sesem 6 ed séupsed óirum euq ebas es onamuh nu sonem lA .sisotaetse rasuac néibmat edeup anizardih aL .mpp ed ojab ognar le ne ratse aírebed euq nereigus socituécamraf sotcudorp ne anizardih ed etimíl ed sabeurp
.anizardih a sotseupxe serodeor ne odavresbo nah es socitápeh seromut sol y ,lasan dadivac ,nómlup ed recnác ed aicnedicni al ed otnemua lE .anicardih ed nóicalahni al ed sévart a etnemacinórc sotseupxe selamina sol ne odatroper nah es sediorit aludnálg al y ozab le ,odagíh le ,senomlup sol a sotcefE .selamina sol y sonamuh seres sol ne leip al ed otcatnoc ed sititamred ricudorp edeup y ovisorroc se odiuqíl lE .lartnec osoivren ametsis le y senoñir sol ,odagíh le rañad edeup néibmat aduga nóicisopxe aL .sonamuh seres sol ne amoc ,senoisluvnoc ,ranomlup amede ,saesuán ,azebac ed rolod ,soeram ,atnagrag al y ziran al ,sojo sol ed nóicatirri riulcni nedeup anicardih ed selevin sotla a )ozalp otroc a( aduga nóicisopxe ed samotnís soL
:.UU.EE ed latneibmA nóiccetorP ed aicnegA al noc odreuca eD .ardihna amrof al ne elbatseni etnemasorgilep y ocixót etnematla se anicardih aL

.nirtimoryg y ,odicáonima nu ed anizardih ed odavired nu ,anitiraga odneyulcni ,socinágro anizardih ed sodavired ecudorp suciragA "nótob" suropsib elbitsemoc ralupop sám le osulcnI .socilóbatem sosecorp rop anicardihlitemonom ne etreivnoc es euq anizardih ed ocinágro odavired nu se hcihwnirtimoryg onenev le ecudorp leroM oslaf lE .)aidacorB snadixommana( otreiba onaéco xommana airetcab al y sarudavel sanugla rop adicudorp sE .)xommana( ocainoma ed osecorp ed aiboreana nóicadixo al ne oidemretni otcudorp le se anicardih aL
.leirbaG ed sisetnís al ne anima ed rosrucerp omoc odazilitu res arap adimilatf nóina etimrep nóisicse ed nóiccaer atsE .sodaliuqla-N adimilatf ed sodavired sol ridnicse arap asu es anizardih aL
sadimilatf ed nóiccetorpsed aL
.solinobrac noc otneimatart rop sanozardih amrof néibmat anizardihlisot aL .olica ed sorulah y olinoflus ed sorulah racata edeup 4H2N ,olifóelcun neub nu reS
.selozairt rad arap sadimi noc ranoiccaer rennurB-nrohniE nóiccaer ed sanizardih sal nE .lozariplitemid-5,3 le rad arap asnednoc es ,anoidonatnep-4,2 noC .selanoicnufid solifórtcele ed amag ailpma anu noc nóicasnednoc ed sévart a socilcícoreteh sotseupmoc sohcum ed nóicaraperp al arap evalc otnemele nu se anizardih ,sanima sod noc ,lanoicnufib res lA
acilcícoreteh acimíuq
.nóiccaer al ricudnoc a aduya anizardih ed odavired led ritrap a elbatse etnematla onegórtinid al ed nóiccudorp aL .anozardih ed oidemretni nu ed sévart a )olitem opurg nu ne odíhedla nu o( onelitem ed etneup nu ne anotec anu ed olinobrac opurg le amrofsnart euq nóiccaer anu ,renhsiK-ffloW ed nóiccuder al ne azilitu es anizardih aL
renhsiK-ffloW ed nóiccuder
.sanizairt ne sanotecid-2,1 odnasu soditrevnoc res nedeup euq ,adima sadizardih ramrof arap anizardih noc nanoiccaer sanidiriponaic-2 ,adanoicaler nóiccaer anu nE
.sadataliklaid sanizardih-1,1 ricudorp arap aipmil amrof anu atneserp sanicardih sal a sanozardih ed nóiccuder aL .)sairanidro sanima ne euq laugi( nóicutitsus ed levin led lortnoc lam nu a odibed etneicifeni etnemlamron se nóiccaer al orep ,oliuqla noc sadiutitsus sanizardih esab ed sotneimidner sol ed aicneserp ne oliuqla ed sorulah noc sanizardih ed atcerid nóicaliuqla .KUCP-anifotA ed osecorp le ne oiraidemretni nu se anonaporp aniza aL
2HNN = C2 )3HC( 2 → 4H2N + 2 ]N = C2 )3HC([
2 ]N = C2 )3HC([ + O2H 2 → 4H2N + OC2 )3HC( 2
:anozardih al rad arap anizardih noc etnemlanoicida anoiccaer omitlú etsE .)anoteca ed aniza( anizardih nediliporposiid le rad arap anonaporp noc nóiccaer us se olinobrac elpmis nu noc anizardih ed nóicasnednoc al ed sovitartsuli solpmejE
anozardih ed nóicamrof al
.aífargotof al ne y selitxet setnit sol ne omoc ísa ,)senoicacilpa nóicces al esaév( socituécamraf sotcudorp sol ed acitcárp aicnatropmi ed sol odunem a ,sacinágro sisetnís sahcum ed etrap nos sanicardiH
acinágrO acimíuQ
.zacifeni res odartsomed ah orep ,recnác le rop adicudni aixeuqac al ed otneimatart nu omoc odagitsevni euf anizardih ed otaflus lE .anizardih ed otaflus odamall néibmat ,4OSH ]5H2N[ ,oinizardih ed otaflus le se númoc las anU .selarenim sodicá noc otneimatart rop )+ 5H2N( senoitac ed oinizardih ed sadilós selas ne etreivnoc es anizardih aL
oinizardih ed selas
.ocimrétordih otneimatart ed sévart a )OGR( onefarg ed odixó ed nóiccuder al a )OG( onefarg ed odixó ritrevnoc arap azilitu zacife y númoc sám rotcuder etnega le se anicardih aL .odanoiccaer nah on euq atalp ed sorulah y etnaroloc rodalpoca azilartuen euq ay ,nóicazilibatse ed odaval nu omoc anizardih ed libéd nóiculos anu nazilitu néibmat roloc ne socifárgotof sosecorp sonuglA .raelcun rotcaer soudiser ed oinotulp ed nóiccartxe al y ocitílortcele odaleuqin le ne sorup selatem sol ed sodixó y selatem ed selas sal ricuder arap asu es néibmaT .nóiccafelac ed sametsis y auga ed saredlac ne nóisorroc al ed rodibihni nu y ,onegíxo ed rodanimile nu ,etnadixoitna nu omoc azilitu es ,otnat ol roP .auga y onegórtin sag etnemacipít nos sotcudorpbus sol euqrop etneinevnoc rotcuder nu se anicardih aL
.)bl / UTB 5439( gk / J 701 x 149.1 se )eria( onegíxo ne anizardih ed nóitsubmoc ed rolac lE
xoder senoiccaer saL
)5-01 x 87,1 = ocaínoma bK roP(
1,8 = aKp
6-01 x 3,1 = bK
]72[ :serolav sol noc
61-01 x 4,8 = bK HO + + 2 ]6H2N[ → O2H + + ]5H2N[
:etanotorpid licífid sE .ocaínoma ed sol a selbarapmoc sacimíuq )ilaclá( sacisáb sedadeiporp eneit anizardiH .ordihna lairetam le euq )3mc / g 230,1( osned sám se euq otardihonom nu amrof anizardiH
esab-odicá otneimatropmoc le
acinágronI acimíuQ

.)senoisolpxe ,riced se( obut ed socifórtsatac sollaf sol odneyulcni secev a ,atla yum nóiserp anu acovorp sag ed nóiccudorp ed asat royam al ed y ,ednarg sám otcatnoc ed eicifrepus anu noc ajubrub narg anu asuac noitingisim nu ed séupsed etnevlovne al ed otneimivom lE .adaucedani nóicingi al rop etnemlareneg sodasuac nos odidnecne ed sollaF .nóiccoc al etnarud analp nóiserp ed lifrep nu noc ,elbatse y elbicederp sám sol ed onu se etnemroiretna etneleporp ed alczem aL .odagrac-lenarg a odiuqíl etneleporp aírellitra al arap radnátse latnemirepxe rosluporp nu se auga ed %5 y anizardih ed otartin ed %23 ,anizardih ed %36 ed alczem anU
amra etneleporp
.0691 ed adacéd al ne selaicapse setilétas ne acirtcéle aígrene nanoicroporp euq sonugla odneyulcni ,.proC sremlahC-sillA rop sodacirbaf elbitsubmoc ed salip sal ne azilitu es anizardih aL .auga odnarebil ,onegíxo noc ereihda es euq onegórdih e onegórtin ramrof arap aluléc al ne enopmocsed es anicardih aL .onegórdih le arap V 32,1 a etnerf V 65,1 ed otla sám zirtomortcele azreuf anu eneit anizardiH .adarebil se adiuqíl anicardih ed otardih le ,etneilac auga noc euqnat led odaval le ,secnotne araP .oruges odilós anozardih odamall nu amrof y anoiccaer elbitsubmoc le ,onegíxo-onobrac ecalne elbod noc odinu olinobrac nu ed onell euqnat nu ne anizardih al ed otneimanecamla le etnaideM .onegórdih le euq dadilicaf royam noc odanecamla y odalupinam res edeup ,etneibma arutarepmet a odiuqíl se elbitsubmoc le euq adidem A .sorac onitalp ed serodazilatac razilitu ed dadisecen al nis ralimis onegórdih ed aluléc anu ed sám a 2mc / Wm 002 ed sám ricudorp edeup euq se anizardih razilitu ed ajatnev lapicnirp aL .elbitsubmoc ed salip ne onegórdih a avitanretla anu omoc anizardih ed nóicazilitu al otseuporp ah atcA onailati rodazilatac led etnacirbaf lE
elbitsubmoc ed sadleC
.socitégrene socinói sodiuqíl y )ZAMD( edizalyhteonimalyhtemiD-2 ,oinomalixordih ed otartin neyulcni sarodetemorp savitanretla .laicapseorea airtsudni al ed sacixót etnematla saicnatsus sarto noc otnuj anicardih razalpmeer arap sozreufse odnazilaer nátse eS
.anretxe nóicingi ed etneuf anugnin nis azneimoc euq acifingis euq ol ,ocilógrepih se néibmat ameuq al y ,acimrétoxe yum nos senoiccaer satsE .4O2N ,onegórtinid ed odixórtet noc otnuj odunem a ,setehoc ed setnenopmoc sod ed selbitsubmoc ne nasu es sodavired sotsE .)HMDU omoc odiconoc néibmat( )2HN( N2 )3HC( ,acirtémisa anizardihlitemid y ,)HMM omoc odiconoc néibmat( )2HN( HN )3HC( ,anicardihlitemonom nos setehoc arap elbitsubmoc omoc nazilitu es euq anizardih al ed setnairav sartO
.]adireuqer atic[ sag ed sedaditnac seroyam ricudorp a sadanitsed nátse senoiccaer sal odnauc selbaesed nos salucélom sám sartneim ,setehoc ed serosluporp sol euq elbaesed se atla sám arutarepmet anu ;3 nóiccaeR al ne aicosid es euq 3HN al ed nóicroporp al a atcefa rodazilatac ed arutcurtse aL .salucélom ed oremún royam nu ecudorp néibmat euq onis ,sotcudorp sol ed arutarepmet al ecuder ísa y acimrétodne se 3 nóiccaeR .sodnuges 022 ed rodederla ed oícav ed ocifícepse oslupmi nu noc etneicife etnatsab rosluporp rosluporp nu anicardih al euq ol rop ,odiuqíl ed nemulov oñeuqep nu ed etneilac sag ed senemúlov sednarg necudorp y ),sodnugesilim ed nóitseuc ne C ° 008 a ragell edeup rodazilatac ed aramác al( acimrétoxe etnemadamertxe nos 2 y 1 senoiccaer saL
8 2H 3 + 2N → 4H2N + 3HN 4 .3
2H 2 + 2N → 4H2N .2
2N + 3HN 4 → 4H2N 3 .1
]91[ :senoiccaer setneiugis sal noc odreuca ed onegórdih ed sag le y ,sag onegórtin ,ocaínoma ne agnopmocsed es euq ecah euq ,animúla erbos onedbilom ed orurtin ,etnemetneicer sám ,o ,onobrac ed sarbifonan o )oinimula ed odixó( laicifrepus aerá atla ed animúla ed oyopa le noc oidiri ed latem nu omoc lat rodazilatac nu rop rasap ecah es anizardih al ,setneleporponom anizardih ed serotom sol sodot nE
.etnemavitcepser ,2102 ed otsogA y 8002 ed oyam ne etraM ne ózirreta euq ytisoiruC revor y xineohP adnos al omoc ísa ,0791 ed adacéd al ne amargorp ed gnikiV sadnos sal ne nazilitu es serotom selaT .laicapse evan al ed lanimret osnecsed ne odunem a nazilitu es etneleporponom anizardih-sodatnemila setehoc ed serotom sol ,sámedA .)UPA( laicapse rodadrobsnart led railixua aicnetop ed sedadinu ratnemila arap azilitu es y ,laicapse evan al ed arboinam ed serosluporp sol arap aicnetop ajab ed rosluporponom omoc azilitu es anizardih aL
.selisim 2-V le arap lonahtemffotsnnerB auga / elbitsubmoc le arap edrat sám adazilitu néibmat nóicangised anu ,ffotS-B ed ovitanretla erbmon le óibicer senamela sol laidnuM arreuG al rop olos asu es anizardih aL .abeurp atla ed odixórep ed esab a ffotS-T etnadixo le noc ocilógrepih y ,)setehoc rop odaslupmi etabmoc ed nóiva remirp le( B361 eM ttimhcsresseM al arap ,ffotS-C abamall es euq ,auga ed %31 y )ffotS-M amall es amsim ís ne( %75 tnetnoclonahtem nu noc otnat osep ne %03 ed alczem anu ne ,setehoc arap elbitsubmoc led etnenopmoc nu omoc laidnuM arreuG adnugeS al etnarud zev aremirp rop ózilitu es anizardih aL

setehoc arap elbitsubmoC
socirótsih sosu sol y ,ohcin ed ,alacse añeuqep nE
.noitacidemlagnufitna nu se ,anizardih odnazilitu odazitetnis ,lozanoculf lE

.nofemidairt y lozanociporp ,elozartubolciD ,lozartubolcap ,nizubirtem ,lozarip anortimateM ,anizadirip rolcazateM ,lozanoculf ,lozortsanA ,nátpirtazir ,anilozafec lozairt-4,2,1-onima-3 neyulcni sodazilaicremoc sovitca-oib anizardih ed sodavired ed solpmeje soL .sanizadirip y solcicoreteh selozarip sol arap anizardih ed nóisrevnoc al nacilpmi senoicacilpa satse ,odunem A .sadicitsep y socituécamraf sotcudorp soirav ed rosrucerp nu se anicardih aL
socituécamraf sotcudorp y sadicitsep ed rosrucerP
.evanorea al ed aicnegreme ed onegórtcele opurg ratnemila arap anizardih azilitu 61-F etabmoc ed nóiva lE .selairtsudni saredlac sednarg ne azilitu es euq auga ed y Hp led lortnoc le ne otleusid onegíxo ed nóicartnecnoc al ricuder a otnat y ,odrob selaicapse solucíhev ne rosluporp nu omoc néibmat azilitu es anizardih aL
.oidos ed otirtin noc nóiccaer rop anizardih ed ritrap a ecudorp es ,eria ed saslob ne sag ed rodamrof etnega le ,oidos ed adiza ,adanoicaler nóicacilpa anu nE .rosrucerp ed omarg rop sag ed lm 002 a 001 óid euq ,olirtinoritubosisiboza y adimanobracidoza neyulcni socifícepse sotseupmoc soL .odalpos ed setnega ed rosrucerp nu omoc se anizardih ed aíroyam osu lE
selapicnirp sosu

.otcudorpbus omoc las anu ecudorp on euqofne etse ,gihcsaR nilO osecorp led aicnerefid A .anotec al rareneger y anizardih al rad arap azilordih es etnatluser aniza al ;anotec ed etnelaviuqe sám anu noc asnednoc es anozardih atsE .ollicnes ecalne onegórtin-onegórtin al ed nóicaerc ed osecorp nu ,ocainoma noc otneimatart rop anozardih al ad anidirizaxo al ,nóicaunitnoc A .onegórtin y onegíxo ,onobrac eneitnoc euq ollina ed sorbmeim sert ed anu ,anidirizaxo al a onegórdih ed odixórep noc adixo es euq ,animi al rad arap nasnednoc aremirp ocaínoma y anotec aL .anotec litelitem o anoteca omoc lat anotec anu y ,onegórdih ed odixórep ,ocaínoma ed ritrap a sapate sairav ne ecudorp es anicardih ,atur atse nE
2 O2H + 2HN-N2H → 2O2H + 3HN 2
:eugis aten nóiccaer aL .)enizatek osecorp o ,KUCP-anifotA ed olcic le ,-nnamlhuK enigU-yenihceP ed osecorp odamall secev a( odixórep ed osecorp le ne onegórdih ed odixórep y ocainoma ed ritrap a razitetnis edeup es anizardih aL
ocaínoma ne odixórep ed anidirizaxo rop nóicadixo aL
.anizardih ed etnelaviuqe adac rop las ed etnelaviuqe nu ecudorp euq ed ohceh led eceloda odotém etse ,otirolcopih ed esab a satur sal sadot euq laugi lA .onegórdih ed odixórep ed ragul ne etnadixo omoc ocidós otirolcopih aelpme eS .odixórep ed osecorp led rosecederp le se enizateK reyaB osecorp lE
anoteca ed aicneserp ne ocaínoma ne otirolcopih ed animarolc rop nóicadixo aL
.aisA ne etnemlapicnirp acitcarp es y sovitacifingis sotcudorpbus areneg osecorp lE
3OC2aN + lCaN + O2H + 4H2N → HOaN 2 + lCOaN + O = C2 )N2H(
:aten nóiccaer al artseum eS .etnadixo le omoc evris oidos ed otirolcopih sám zev anU .ocainoma ed ragul ne odadixo res edeup aeru al ,gihcsaR ed otneimidecorp le noc nóicaler nE
otirolcopih rop aeru al ed nóicadixo aL
2HN-N2H → lCH + 3HN + lC2HN
:otcudorpbus onegórdih ed orurolc anu omoc ísa ,elpmis ecalne onegórtin-onegórtin le raerc arap ocaínoma noc animarolc ed nóiccaer al ne asab es odotém etsE .7091 ne odaicnuna osecorp nu ,ocaínoma le y )serodaeuqnalb sohcum ne ovitca etneidergni le( oidos ed otirolcopih ed gihcsaR nilO ed osecorp le ne ecudorp es anizardih aL
ocainoma ed otirolcopih ed animarolc rop nóicadixo aL
.nóicadixo al ed olinobrac la sodinu onima sopurg sedivorpaeru ,animi ne ecalne elbod onegórtin-onobrac ed ragul nE .anotec ed aicneserp ne ocaínoma le adixo onegórdih ed odixórep ,odixórep ed osecorp le nE .anotec ed aicneserp al nis ocaínoma nadixo orolc ed esab a setnadixo sol ,gihcsaR nilO ed osecorp le nE .ollicnes ecalne onegórtin-onegórtin led nóicaerc al se evalc osap le :soña sol ed ogral ol a odallorrased nah es satur setnerefiD
nóiccudorp y sisetníS

.nóicator ed arerrab etreuf anu atnemirepxe néibmat y ,"adagses" lanilcitna nóicamrofnoc anu atpoda euq ,osoesag onegórdih ed odixórep ed sol a necerap selarutcurtse sedadeiporp satsE .onate ed led elbod le se nóicator ed arerrab aL .ehcuag nóicamrofnoc anu atpoda alucélom al y ,)mp 541( Å 54,1 se N-N ecalne olos aicnatsid aL .ladimarip amrof ed se N-N2H dadinubus adaC
ralucelom arutcurtsE

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Jeb: Uhh... Maybe it's not finished? 


Jeb: sooo... That's yes it's incomplete? 

Gene: Yes! 

Gus: the KAL-1 cargo ship is almost done, and we just started building the KAL-2 and 3. 

Gene: good. What about the GertySat network?

Gerty: :) !solle ed ódroca es neiuglA !etnemlaniF¡ 

Gus: erm.... We're behind schedule. But GertySats 1-5 are ready for Dres, and the rocket is about 45% done. Also, GertySat v1-3-5 got damaged, so it was replaced by GertySat v1-3.1-5. 

Gene: ok. 

Gerty: !rotcudart le CCAB eibmac neiugla rovaf roP 

Gene: huh? Wait... Gerty just said... Please someone to change BACC translator? 

Gus: I think Gerty wants you to change it BACC to English. 

Gene: Oh ok. 

*presses button again* 

Gerty: Nemo, qui Latin! Mutare to English please! 

Gene: oops. 

*presses different button* 

Gerty: Thank you! Linus, can you please remove the translator? Or at least make it so only I can change it? 

Linus: sure! 

Jeb: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Gene: so, what next?

Bobak: remember that the Special Agent still wants to see you. He has a really sweet looking plane!

Gene: oh yeah... Ok. I'll go talk to him. End of meeting thingy! 

End of interlude 11 1/2 thingy!

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Thanks for the KAL naming! The KSS max_creative will wait for your Dres ship at Dres :).

As to what Gerty said:

Finally! Someone remembered them!
Please! Someone change the BACC translator!
No, that's Latin! Change it to English please!

Still working on his long speech...

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14 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

Is it the Wikipedia article on hydrazine?

Yep! You actually translated all that?!?  Wow... 

Edit: actually, it doesn't seem so hard. At the very bottom is the word hydrazine written backwards... That would be the top, so you could just read the title I guess...

Edited by max_creative
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11 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

They break the 4th wall like Jeb breaks planes.


Jeb: No! 

Gerty: Actually you break the fourth wall more than you break planes. 

Jeb: no I don't! Right max? 

Um, how many planes has he crashed? Gerty? 

Gerty: there are at least 15 planes at the Island Airport. There is only 1 completely intact plane and 6 in mostly fly able condition. Also there is the bulldozer that we use for cleaning up parts. You really need to go clean up... 

Jeb: No! 

8 hours ago, Mycroft said:

And rockets!

And the Space Center!

Aaaannnd just about everything else....

He's just great at breaking things...

Jeb: I'm good at not not breaking things. 

Bill: that means you're good at breaking things. 

Jeb: I mean, not not not not not not not not not not breaking things? 

Bill: same thing.

Edited by max_creative
I think he broke Imgur... Maybe he was the cause for the Imgur update that ended all...
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1 hour ago, max_creative said:


Jeb: No! 

Gerty: Actually you break the fourth wall more than you break planes. 

Jeb: no I don't! Right max? 

Um, how many planes has he crashed? Gerty? 

Gerty: there are at least 15 planes at the Island Airport. There is only 1 completely intact plane and 6 in mostly fly able condition. Also there is the bulldozer that we use for cleaning up parts. You really need to go clean up... 

Jeb: No! 

Jeb: I'm good at not not breaking things. 

Bill: that means you're good at breaking things. 

Jeb: I mean, not not not not not not not not not not breaking things? 

Bill: same thing.

Jeb: Okay, fine. But-

Bill: No

Jeb: Bu-

Bob: No

Jeb: B-

Val: No

Jeb: what about-

Gene: NO!

1 hour ago, max_creative said:


Jeb: No! 

Gerty: Actually you break the fourth wall more than you break planes. 

Jeb: no I don't! Right max? 

Um, how many planes has he crashed? Gerty? 

Gerty: there are at least 15 planes at the Island Airport. There is only 1 completely intact plane and 6 in mostly fly able condition. Also there is the bulldozer that we use for cleaning up parts. You really need to go clean up... 

Jeb: No! 

Jeb: I'm good at not not breaking things. 

Bill: that means you're good at breaking things. 

Jeb: I mean, not not not not not not not not not not breaking things? 

Bill: same thing.

Me: *Speaking to Jeb* Hey, I could design a bulldozer for you if you want. 

All the KSC Staff except for Jeb: PLEASE!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, here's how I do it:

1) Download the new version (obviously) and unzip it.

2) Open both the file that has the old version install and the file that has the new version install in two separate windows. 

3) Open the "saves" file in both windows. 

4) Move all files in the "saves" file EXCEPT for scenarios and training from the old install to the new install. 

5) Close the files and launch KSP from the new install.

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1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

Ok, here's how I do it:

1) Download the new version (obviously) and unzip it.

2) Open both the file that has the old version install and the file that has the new version install in two separate windows. 

3) Open the "saves" file in both windows. 

4) Move all files in the "saves" file EXCEPT for scenarios and training from the old install to the new install. 

5) Close the files and launch KSP from the new install.

1.2 here I come! Thank you so much! Unfortunately I'm out of rep for today... ;.;

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