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Best VTOL Propulsion Systems?


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As Time wore on, I realized my interests in KSP have become more low altitude based, in the form of helicopters, jets, and tanks. As a Munar Tank Commander, I wish to find special VTOL systems to go with my hardware. TCA was amazing for BD Armory hovering attack platforms, and I was hoping to find more engines or other VTOL related flight systems.

What I already have is good enough, but I was hoping there were others I did not know.

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For atmospheric VTOLQuiztech aerospace has some really cool parts.  They are mostly mk2 and mk1 sized, so they are great for fighter jets.  For in space, BDynamics has some great looking retracting engines.  They both say that they have not been updated, but I use both of them in 1.1, and they work fine.

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In stock, the Junos are a surprisingly flexible choice for small and even medium VTOLs. They are light and small enough to spam and to clip away, which allows a lot of flexibility in finding a good balance between thrust and looks. Disadvantage is the slow spool up/down speed, which means you have to anticipate a lot.

For the somewhat heavier craft, the Panther afterburner jet is the prime choice, as you can design around the dry mode thrust for hovering, and the almost immediate wet mode kick can be used as a toggle/pulse for ascending or for arresting too fast descends. The high thrust-vectoring gimbal can be put to good use for controlling horizontal speeds, without needing RCS.

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For the Mk IV mod parts, I can just imagine how much payload that thing could carry.


As far as using the outdated BDynamics mod, I initially got scared off when the Critter Crawler part disagreed with the ground and exploded, sending everthing flying in all directions at 300+ m/s.


When It came to stock engines, I think I remember using the Junos for a tiny unmanned air guard turret. I did not realize Pantherengines would have a high response speed. I used stock engines awhile back at one time, and the slow response time made me look elsewhere. Liquid+Oxidizer engines are just too inefficient in the atmosphere.

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