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Just Jeb Things!

Darth Badie

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Hello everyone,

We had such a great response with the Kerbals Around The World contest that we decided to create a Jeb Kerman’s account on Instagram @justjebthingsksp, in homage to a popular twitter hashtag that emerged after this year’s Twitchon!

What's its purpose?

We want the awesome KSP community to keep sharing Jeb's adventures around the world. Any post you share here will be posted in Jeb's account. People that are into social media channels need to use #JustJebThings and #Share, so that we can identify your pictures and post them.

Let's have fun!

You can follow us in the official KSP account: 




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Ok, let's start this then.


Today Jeb decided to visit the winter fair in Sibiu, Romania in the heart of Transylvania.

On the way, a quick photo of the Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral, built between 1371 and 1520 (damn Huns kept breaking stuff).



And here is the winter fair. A blizzard started raging.




And here is the Christmas Tree




And a look at Sibiu's City Hall.



After the blizzard was done with Jeb, his space helmet looked like a Christmas tree decoration. An early Happy Holidays to everyone!

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