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the mega unrealistic satellite launchers..

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so some one challanged me in the IRC channel to try to put as many satellites into orbit as possible(can't remember who it was though).. so after 6 friggin hours of screwing around with trying to get it to work here they are...

heres the progression of the first attempts to get it to my 8 satellite ship to work..


Failed miserably.. it would wobble like crazy on the launch pad. out of the 10 attempts to launch it i got it to leave the launch pad twice. both times it hit 1000 meters and then flipped over and dove straight into the ground


failed miserably as well.. this time it didn't wobble as badly but still it wobbled enough that a few parts would break and cause it not to launch.


failed even more spectacularly then the others.. i attempted to stiffen the design so that there was no possible way any single piece breaking could cause the rocket to fail. well i was wrong, one single piece broke making the rocket totally useless.. so after 5 hours i was pissed and decided to fire every single stage in one fail swoop and here is the outcome of that..



so finally decided i had given up with the launch stage i came up with this idea after 6 hours i was pissed so i figured i'd at least see if it was possible to launch and what did you know IT WORKED!!!


hard to see but if you look just to the left of the gimball you can see one of the 8 satellites launched following the ship.


releasing the first stage getting ready for the second stage..(sorry its hard to see)

here is the second rocket i made(i completely expected this thing not to work and quite frankly it SHOULDN'T work but it does). this baby has the ability to put 24 satellites into orbit!!!


SUCCESS!! yes its about as unrelistic as it gets but i don't care it worked. it allowed me to put 24, YES 24 SATELLITES into space and orbit!!




each satellite can be independently launched one at a time thanks to Nova's awesome mechanical decoupler. you decouple the satellite and single burst fire the engine to slowly move away from the satellite.

if anyone wants me to upload the files let me know.. the first ship will only work in the .9 X5 client with the correct stages i created, for some reason the X6 client shuffles all the stages up making it a total pain in the ass todo all the stages(i took me 30 minutes just to do it the first time). the second rocket was made in the X6 client and can not be used in the X5 client because again it shuffles all the stages. there are a ton of mods used in these rockets as well.

anyone that wants to sit there and complains about how i used mod's don't bother posting in here because i don't give a crap. this game was designed for mods if you don't like it TO BAD!!!

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I'm personally flying a quad-launcher right now. I think I can expand the same design into an eight-satellite load without much trouble - I jettisoned my second launch stage with a quarter of its fuel left, after achieving a stable orbit.

Seeing as all satellites are mods, I'm curious how anyone would be able to try this without one!

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