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Kerbin oribter's KOS challenge (warning maths is needed)

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This is a very easy (but still hard), challenge,

first and foremost the goals of the challenge.

these are split into 5 levels. to progress onto the next level you must make an entry on all the levels before that e.g a level 5 entry needs a level 1, 2, 3 and 4 entry, if you get stuck go to the KOS documentation. the steps marked with an asterisk (*) are optional you do not need to complete that part of the challenge 

see below the goals of levels for the rules.

level 1.

1. write a basic KOS script that gets a craft into orbit of kerbin, Gael or whatever kerbin-alike planet you wish.

2. write a KOS script to bring that same craft down from orbit.

level 2.

1. write a script that can go to the Mun or any mun-alike body (hint: Vehicle must be like the saturn  V with the conical fairing covering the LEM)

2. write a KOS script that can do a transreposition and docking (like on Apollo were they turned the CM around and docked with the LEM).

3. write a script that can do a insertion around that moon.

level 3.

1. continuing on with the level 2 challenges you must write a KOS script that can land on the moon you are orbiting.

2. write a KOS script to ascend from that moon you have landed on.

level 4.

1. write a KOS script to rendevous with the CM that is orbiting the moon (this level may qualify your name for a place in my signiture if it is a universal code).

2. create a KOS script that can dock.

3. retearn the spacecraft home from the moon.

level 5.

1. create a KOS sciript that can go to Duna (or the planet packs equivelent)

2. land on duna.

3. go to ike (if it has a moon in the planet pack)

4. retearn to kerbin

4*. for extra credit, go to the moon.

5. re-enter safely and go home

5*. land near the KSC (100Km minimum) (Manley may be required :)).

secondly, the rules: (these are really simple rules). i know this challenge is possable because an old KOS dev did this challenge which is were insparation comes from this.

1. all parts mods are alowed (KOS is a requirement to complete this challenge).

2. don't cheat (no RO, or RSB without the stockalike patches)

3. KOS must control all aspects of the mission (Exept for EVA's and you actviating the scripts which is running the scripts from terminal).

4. most importantly, have fun coding these

5. you can use your old KOS scripts if you wish.

Edited by kerbinorbiter
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56 minutes ago, kerbinorbiter said:

 (hint: Vehicle must be like the saturn  V)

I think that's a bit too vague of a requirement for a challenge description and probably needs to be nailed down more precisely.  Being "like" something is a fuzzy description.  "Okay, my rocket has little fins on the bottom.  Therefore it is 'like' the Saturn V."


3. KOS must control all aspects of the mission (Exept for EVA's and you actviating the scripts).

You might want to be clear about exactly how much interaction is allowed.  Does it literally have to be so hands-off that no manual decisions about even when to start various phases is allowed?  Or are you allowed to decide when to start the next phase of the mission by having it wait for you to type in another RUN command when you're ready?

(For example, somebody could just type commands one at a time at the console and not really have a program:  Type "lock steering to prograde". hit enter.  Then type "lock throttle to 1." hit enter.  Then type "lock throttle to 0." and watch the map and just wait until it looks like the burn is done and then hit enter...)

A good rule might be something along the lines of ("all you are allowed to type at the console is `RUN PART1.`, RUN PART2, RUN PART3, and so on.")


Edited by Steven Mading
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  • 2 months later...

I have a script somewhere that can get to orbit, transfer to mun, circularize and land to any given spot near the mun equator (with less than 1m error). I just need to find it and write the return part of the script.

I wont be doing transposition docking since that is totally unnecessary. I will probably write a proper rendezvous and docking script at some point though.

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