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This award winning design was greatly praised by Kerbal engineers worldwide for its cheap price and simplicity. It was only after they had built it and carted it to the launch pad that they realized the rocket would require fuel to actually go anywhere.


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My X-1 spacecraft is exactly as it says on the tin. The first spacecraft in an experimental series designed to determine the viability of sending a space plane into orbit, and returning it safely to the Kerbal Space Center. Early designs of the X-1 proved to be... unstable... to say the least. Even Jebediah had a trickle of sweat going into the danged thing... But that\'s not the point. The point is that the X-1 is a massive improvement over the recently... redesignated X-0 (after it was proven to be a total failure straight off the launchpad).

A nearby news chopper covering the highly classified launch (for reasons as yet unknown by the administrator of KSP) took the following image which media officials said is typical of the 'hot doggin\'' mentality, and disregard for Kerman life that is so prolific within the program:


Investigations into the crash are currently ongoing (and will be concluded once the rest of Jebediah\'s teeth are located for dental record). Meanwhile, tax-payer dollars were pumped into stabilizing the instability of the X-0, and the result is the X-1.

By offsetting the weight of the hefty upper stage with depleted uranium modules, the center of gravity was lowered to the point of controllability. While there is still some residual wobbling at the intersection of the lower stage with the upper (thus contributing to the spacecraft\'s affectionate nickname by the ground crew: The Iron Maiden), structural supports holding the top part steady prevent catastrophic failure on the same magnitude as that of the X-0.

Unfortunately, these safety measures add a large burden of weight onto the engines, and so the X-1 is incapable of reaching stratospheric altitudes (capping at a maximum altitude of 5,000 meters). Once the lower stage is discarded, the combined nuclear and ion engines are insufficient to increase altitude further, but do serve to slow the descent to non-pant-crapping velocities. While studies into exactly how much radioactive material these propulsion methods do spread across the country side, the KEPA has been informed that 'it probably isn\'t that big a deal,' so until further testing of the X-1 is banned, its mission to test a possible candidate for an orbital space plane platform will continue.

Once the lower stage runs out of fuel (or is discarded, as long as KEPA doesn\'t find out), the space plane component of the X-1 is activated, and the command module can be safely (or not so safely depending on your piloting skills) guided back to the space center. WARNING: Landing skids have, as yet, not been attached to the X-1 landing module. Currently the only way to not smear bits of Kerbonaut across the landscape is to eject the command module and fire off the main chutes... provided you\'re not flying too low.

This concludes the X-1 safety brief. Stand by for further versions.

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My solution to get my spaceplane into space. Yes, those are stacks of SASs.


If anyone wants to try flying it, here it is, you need C7\'s Flight Pack, and the parachute on the command pod is supposed to be a drag chute to stop once you are on the ground.

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My solution to get my spaceplane into space. Yes, those are stacks of SASs.


If anyone wants to try flying it, here it is, you need C7\'s Flight Pack, and the parachute on the command pod is supposed to be a drag chute to stop once you are on the ground.

And I thought I was crazy.

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to date, I have yet to escape the confines of Kearth\'s atmosphere. the closest I\'ve gotten is on that gets to around 5000 feet and then levels off, then tilts enough to hit the ground. or they simply blow up on the pad before I can even launch them. It\'s actually kind of frustrating.

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