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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread



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Soviet pack 2,0

NOW you need last version KAS plugin.

Delete old version Soviet pack before install version 2,0



Soyuz – old type ship

Soyuz U – middle launch vechicle

Soyuz TMA – new ship

Progress – unmanned ship

LK – old soviet Moon lander

LK Block D – LK booster block

MIR modules pack

Proton Heavy Launch vechicle

Buran – space shuttle

Kliper – russian CTV

SoyuzST commercial payload

N1L3 - Soviet Mun race project

Official YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/BobCatAKMS/featured

Kliper tutorials

Buran tutorials

DOWNLOAD Spaceporthttp://kerbalspaceprogram.com/soyuz-pack-1-0/

DOWNLOAD Mediafire mirrorhttp://www./?v75377195a0qhhv

American pack 1,2


Orion spacecraft

Ares I launch vechicle

Ares V launch vechicle

Altair lander

LER rover

Version History


– first release Orion and Ares I


-Add Orion interior


-Add Altair lander

-Add AresV rocket

-Add LER rover


-0.22 copabale


-add ECLSS support

-add ECLSS IVA control panel

- add LER props

- change some Internals

- small fix bug

-rename all parts for MM compatibility

-recreate all ships files


-Complex optimizing texture

-Add rastermonitor for each pod (test)


To correct work all parts you need Romfarer.dll


Soviet Engines Pack V1.0

In pack

RD 0124

RD 0146

RD 0120

NK 33

NK 43

RD 171 M

RD 180

RD 191




All BobCat ind product 88x31.png License

Edited by BobCat
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Is there a trick to get the Kliper to fly? Every attempt has resulted in a crash. Or does it use parachutes ?

Also, I couldn't find how to decouple the LES in order to expose the docking module. I used the docking port from the Soyuz TMA. Is that correct ?

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A thread that's a shadow of her former self....

Anyway, in with the new.

Looking to try this, but wondering if people are getting memory issues what with slaming a KSP install (already laden with Mods) with 120 some megs (!) of content.

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Is there a trick to get the Kliper to fly? Every attempt has resulted in a crash. Or does it use parachutes ?

Also, I couldn't find how to decouple the LES in order to expose the docking module. I used the docking port from the Soyuz TMA. Is that correct ?

Try look tutorials

Also, I couldn't find how to decouple the LES in order to expose the docking module. I used the docking port from the Soyuz TMA. Is that correct ?

You need use action groups for that.

Yes , Kliper hard to control in sonic speed. Yes, its normal, like real. Its not plane , its winged crew treasfer craft.

Edited by BobCat
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I have a problem. Ever since i installed the Advanced sas toggle plugin my game has some very strange textures. The sky turns into blue lines and Kliper(which is awesome by the way) becomes invisible from time to time. Has anyone else these Problems?

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Is there a trick to get the Kliper to fly? Every attempt has resulted in a crash. Or does it use parachutes ?

Also, I couldn't find how to decouple the LES in order to expose the docking module. I used the docking port from the Soyuz TMA. Is that correct ?

The kliper is actually very easy to fly. Are you you sure you have every control surface Where they should be? You get rid of The LES by rightclicking on it until you see the option to decouple the node (it takes some time).

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Ugh,it deleted your topic?:(,Well anyways,for anyone interested,you can mate the Soyuz together with standard parts,If you:

a)set the rescale factor of soyuz parts to = 1.085

b)install Kosmos Salyut pack, and take the 1.5m to 1m and 1.5m to 2m taper

Hope this helps someone,I needed ages to make this work and look nice (dont want to use the original soyuz propulsion block,370s is too low for me,and its not modular)

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Ugh,it deleted your topic?:(,Well anyways,for anyone interested,you can mate the Soyuz together with standard parts,If you:

a)set the rescale factor of soyuz parts to = 1.085

b)install Kosmos Salyut pack, and take the 1.5m to 1m and 1.5m to 2m taper

Hope this helps someone,I needed ages to make this work and look nice (dont want to use the original soyuz propulsion block,370s is too low for me,and its not modular)

I thought Kosmos pack was not rescale.

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Yeah, I know, I'm really bad at flying in the atmosphere.

And speaking about the historical spacecraft: there was a question here (?) about some suggestions. Well, I recently watched the "2010" and guess what, there is one of the most impressive Russian spacecraft ever: "The Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov"


Just saying ;)

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Not an historical Spacecraft but still an awesome idea!

Of course not historical but it doesn't really fit with the Cassowary and the HOME vehicles which are very futuristic.

Another idea: Venera probes!


I know that the BobCat team is very busy creating the great stuff as I'm writing this but I think this is the last thing which the Soviet pack needs, the first probe landing on the other planet was achieved by Veneras after all.

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