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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Needs a bigger vertical stabilizer then. Maybe less dihedral. Maybe both.

Edit: Pumping some fuel forward may also help damp it.

V-tail design; I think it's too big as it is. Using FAR. I will give the less dihedral a shot. Pumping fuel forward helped last night; for some reason I have in my notes to have the fuel balanced during re-entry but I might shift it forward early and see if that helps matters.

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Hi All :)

I continued my "Almost Gran Tour" with the stock "B.O.B" (Bunch Of Bananas) ISRU Mammoth SSTO Explorer..

Second step: Minmus to Moho with less than 5000 Dv (Fully refueled on Minmus + 300 Ore)


I choosed to go to Eve, parking the ship in a big elliptical orbit to wait the ascending node between Eve and Moho (about 900m/s used from Minmus takeoff to Eve orbit)


After a Burn of 875m/s from the PE of my elliptical Eve orbit, i reached moho PE orbit, but the Dv needed to match the moho plane was way too much for my ship...

So i decided to make a new Eve Encounter to help matching planes :) (395m/s to new Eve encounter and gravity assist to match planes and 357m/s to finalise Moho plan at A/N)


This ended with 1257m/s burns to encounter and make a 30km Moho orbit :)


I then landed on Moho (on my first try !!! lol) with 276dV left, made science, took sample, put flag, and waited for a looong refuel...


To be continued ;)

Edited by astrobond
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Launched the Coleridge 1, my grand autonomous expedition to the New Horizons Joolian system, with ten separate probe landers.


Unfortunately I got hit by the crazy overheat bug, so no screenshots of the ship until I tediously go through the save and make the temperatures not infinite.

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Well, launched a rocket that decided to flip a dozen times on accent, and realized that i forgot to remove the oxidizer from the fuel tanks of the payloads, after FINNALLY getting it into orbit, to also find out that i lost 3/4 of my small radiators after activating my nerv engine.


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I launched Kibo and the other JEM facilities to dock with my ISS build that I'm doing. Still haven't docked but the Kibo module is at the ISS so there isn't much left. I also am half way done with sending my first probe to Dres.

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I havne't done anything in KSP today' date=' though I did dredge up some of my screenies from back when I did still play, and naturally I'm currently reinstalling and getting set up to repeat the experience <3



I love the little mission info you've got at the bottom of the screenshots. Did you add those yourself or is it a mod of some sort?

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In utopian-money-is-no-object Sandbox I sent the Queen Valentina II (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=2194008&viewfull=1#post2194008) to Duna (after a near 20 minute injection burn) with a skeleton crew.

In hard-nosed-capitalist Career I returned a shuttle with a load of tourists and a rescuee from Minmus to LKO. Unfortunately it is in a rather inclined orbit and the spaceplane transport everyone back to KSC is in equatorial orbit and neither has enough dV to rendezvous with the other. Now I have to work out the most cost-effective way of refuelling both and recovering all the passengers and crew.

I will probably launch a Big Dumb Tank, rendezvous the spaceplane and use it to transfer enough fuel to the shuttle when I pick up the tourists so it can rv. with the tanker later but I haven't done the mission costings for that yet.

Oh, and the spaceplane only has 5 seats and there are 6 kerbals, so someone will have to stay with the shuttle until I launch another plane.

I'm using MechJeb so the orbital mechanics isn't a problem. It's the profit and loss accounting which is doing my head in ;)

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Welp, I just fired up my new install (along with my myriad of required mods along with some new ones that I thought sounded cool) and I flew my customary Apollo 11 mission that I fly whenever i'm just feeling out a new install.

And holy cow, is my adrenaline pumping. You see, I installed the sound mod Ship Effects. And what was already a pretty pleasant all IVA experience just got that more visceral and real. And when I came in for reentry? It was pretty intense.

And mind you this is without my surround sound even working properly atm so right now I'm not even getting the full on experience. Suffice it to say I am fully back into this game now xD

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Had another satellite contract to fulfill, so I delivered it to orbit via another Ballista 7a spaceplane. The probe is on its way towards its apoapsis at the moment; it'll arrive sometime tomorrow. Meanwhile, Jeb and company have returned to Kerbin's orbit. Owing to grand stupidity on my part, they're stuck in a 200x71 orbit about 5 degrees off the plane of the Kerbinport 7 space station; they missed the Waldorf-Astoria station by 20 klicks. Out of gas - so a refuel mission will be in the works for this evening. Bob's still on his way back from Minmus; Bill's on his way there, and both of those flights will arrive at their respective destinations in about nine more days.

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Launched my 'outer Grand Tour' vessel from Minmus and got a Duna intercept with a trajectory that kisses the orbit of Eve, making good use of the extreme ISP of the electric engine I am using, should arrive in about 230 days.(definatley *NOT* a good launch window)

I also finished fueling my original Grand Tour vessel on Moho, Launched it and docked with my high-efficiency Fuel-rescue vessel and started doing burns with the high-efficency engine to leave orbit.

A few problems though:

Acceleration: 0.22m/s

Ideal thrusting location: behind Moho

Power source for electric engines: Solar

Max physics acceleration without drifting off course: 1x

Total planned thrust for node: ~3km/s

So I first raised the orbit so that I can have longer burns before being occluded by Moho, then I started making un-accelerated burns during the parts of the orbit where I am even with or behind Moho's center of mass when compared to Kerbol but not occluded by Moho.

Good thing I have some seasons to catch-up with on Netflix...

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