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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Futher refined the 1000 class.. trying to fix the one basic problem

its not wheels.. its not power.. its not anything mechanical.

the lack of any .. emotional attachment to the thing.. with diesel electrics they were living engines of power, multiple systems to depend on (and fail)

a dance of symbiosis between the diesel generators with electric output, using monopropellant as a transmission medium feeding into the wheels that were modified to use just enough to regulate speed and torque the same way..

terrain was scanned for the best route, too much speed ment death.. hills were both victories of speed and formidable challenges of torque and brakes...

Good times.. ones that are missed


The current 1000 class RTG powered pure electric trams functioning ironically as fuel transports and passenger transfer vehicles function well..

beautifully infact.. the modified M1s provide enough torque to be realistic and graceful, speed limited to 15m/s where they cut off power and regenerate into the batteries whats lost..a charming bell that rings happyness into the lands.. along side the drill like soothing white noise of the electric motors.. never screaming in a warcry nor too slow and complaining

Everything just works.. by all rights.. they are the flagship train of the KTP..


I'm just not feeling it. I miss the detriot engines and the careful dance of keeping things balenced with diesel electrics..


I took the unusual step to give 1005 a name outside of just her running number.. named "Natalia" after a loved one..


I hoped that it'd bring some attachment to the train.. so far.. not much difference.. but enjoying the KSC-Mountain-KSC run all the same :)

I'm also considering increasing speed limits to 25m/s rather than the somewhat sterile and lifeless 13-15 currently set







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I just built this and call it "Interceptor" for obvious reasons! :D
That nice cockpit is from mk2 parts mod.

PS. Seems like Valentina has no safe ways to get back to the ground, since I didn't add landing gears and, ehrm, kinda forgot the parachutes. :rolleyes:Literally launched from the runway!



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Made this monstrosity in the SPH...


It's a fully equipped ship/station/vessel?, ready to pull every last scrap of orbital science from Duna and Ike. It's going to be a bear to build, though, even with KIS and the new ability that provides for you to move entire assemblies of parts, instead of single pieces at a time like before.

It's also heavy as all get-out, tipping the scales at nearly 300 tonnes, which makes it the LARGEST thing I've ever intended to put in orbit.

Time shall tell if I can actually build this beast in orbit with my terrible computer, but if I have to, I can leave some of the components out.

Oh, and the solar array trusses are fitted with IR turntables, so I can tweak their angle to match the sun. Anyone know if there's a kOS script to do that?

Edited by MaverickSawyer
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Had a major breakthrough in the kOS hoverslam script I've been working on for three days. I wanted to write one from scratch. Turns out I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Three days of struggling, and then BAM. I figured it out.

Originally I had been trying to write a deorbit+hoverslam program but that proved to be way over my head, so I settled for a vertical hoverslam. I'm going to be making a video tomorrow, and a reddit post.

Here's the kicker: it's a single line of code, and it does perfect hoverslams on any body (that I've tried so far, haven't tried atmospheric bodies yet).

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In the development and testing phase, in preparation for the Elcano Challenge (ground based circumnavigation). I sort, of accidently climbed a mountain-island. With a boat. Well, a boat-car. So a mountain climbing boat-car. Yes!



And it even survived the descent too!


The full story is here if you'd like to see more.

@Overland Long-time noticer and admirer of you work (well, as it's come up on What Did You Do Today). Well done with your latest train! I love that you keep pursing your niche interest, and get so much out it. Good on you. Yes I hear you about the lack of soul in electric engines. There's something *alive* about the thumping and rumbling of an internal combustion engine. Hence we humans sometime give our cars names IRL, hey?
Also, cool digital camo!


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My long awaited Jool launch window appeared. Trans jool burns were completed, with

1 spaceplane for laythe

1 mining rig for either bop or pol

1 tanker for hauling the fuel

1 lander for vall? Tylo? Cant remmerber, the 0.8g one. 

2x connected landers for the other hings, plus a small nuclear tug

1 orbital station plus big nuclear tug and return vehichle 

and one more thing, which I've forgotten what it was. Seven flights in total. 

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5 hours ago, blorgon said:

Had a major breakthrough in the kOS hoverslam script I've been working on for three days. I wanted to write one from scratch. Turns out I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Three days of struggling, and then BAM. I figured it out.

Originally I had been trying to write a deorbit+hoverslam program but that proved to be way over my head, so I settled for a vertical hoverslam. I'm going to be making a video tomorrow, and a reddit post.

Here's the kicker: it's a single line of code, and it does perfect hoverslams on any body (that I've tried so far, haven't tried atmospheric bodies yet).

If you want a stern test in vacuum, try it in an ion lander with *very* low TWR, like 1.0something. In such a lander you can actually find TWR decreases meaningfully through the landing because you don't use much fuel and gravity is stronger at lower altitude.

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Constructed a new station:


Removed the hitchhikers ( after they'd added a couple of struts, anyway ) - I wondered where most of my space corps had gone...


And then began the long, long process of kicking it to Mun. Going to be 5 peri-kicks I think.



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I sent the Caduceus on a test flight to Moho. It performs beautifully and should be able to carry the 4 stock sensors on a one-way trip to Moho. (Originally it was just 2, but the test flight proved that I had way more EC than I needed. So I replaced the .625m inline battery with a radially attached one and MOAR SCIENCE!)

Pictures and craft file (reusable SSTO lifter included) on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/DaMachinator/Caduceus

Flyby periapse should be as low as possible. The Oberth effect works for injection burns too. You can get the periapse to about 10km with a course correction using only the stock maneuver system.

Land on the bright side for best results.

Is Moho tidally locked? It seems to rotate VERY slowly, if at all.

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1 hour ago, DaMachinator said:


Is Moho tidally locked? It seems to rotate VERY slowly, if at all.

No, being an analogue to Mercury, it just rotates VERY slowly.  

Fun Fact: due to its slow rotation and eccentric orbit, if you were standing on the surface of Mercury looking up at the sun... you would die horribly. And I mean really really horribly.  

But if somehow you didn't, you would see the sun appear to slowly rise, come to a complete stop in the sky, go back the other way, then stop again and resume its motion. 

Never tested if this works on Moho. Moho is cursed, so I generally spend as little time there as possible. 

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Today Yesterday, to refuel the Transport Trucker to Jool, I landed on Pol for my first time!


@Pine might want to see this...

Edit: First post of page 999, I have made 199 posts as of this post, and have 99 rep as of this post! but someone liked the post, boosting my reputation to 100 :(.

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I built the Cascadia Space Station. 5 flights to put up the basic core of the station, including the science module, 2 habitation modules, and 2 solar arrays.


Not the most impressive station, but I recently rejoined my career mode after doing a bunch of experimenting in sandbox and I plan to use this station for my first career mode missions to other planets, I am also going to keep a small science lander and a cruiser ship for transport to the Moons of Kerbin and back docked to the station at all times, and disposable refuel tanks when needed. Pictured is the station from the both sides, and also the delivery of the scientists who are about spend a lot of time in orbit. Thanks for reading. you guys are awesome! This forum is the only time I get to nerd out with this game, haha. 

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25 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

No, being an analogue to Mercury, it just rotates VERY slowly.  

Fun Fact: due to its slow rotation and eccentric orbit, if you were standing on the surface of Mercury looking up at the sun... you would die horribly. And I mean really really horribly.  

But if somehow you didn't, you would see the sun appear to slowly rise, come to a complete stop in the sky, go back the other way, then stop again and resume its motion. 

Never tested if this works on Moho. Moho is cursed, so I generally spend as little time there as possible. 

Well, it certainly makes precision landings easier...

How is Moho cursed? It's not that hard to GET TO, just hard to come back. Hence my designing a disposable light probe.

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Just now, DaMachinator said:

Well, it certainly makes precision landings easier...

How is Moho cursed? It's not that hard to GET TO, just hard to come back. Hence my designing a disposable light probe.

Every mission I've ever sent there has ended in disaster or near so. The transfer orbit "mysteriously" changes so I miss it, docking ports bug out so I can't decouple, rovers randomly bounce around or shoot Kerbals off into space...

Its cursed, I tell you! Cuuuuuuuursed! Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!

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In 1.0.5 (what i'm using) orbits oscillating usually means the spacecraft is spinning - turn on SAS and it will stabilize to it's original orbit. Apart from that, the only way I can get to moho is using MechJeb's maneuver execution feature and setting it to 0.01 m/s precision - otherwise course corrections and precise transfer burns are useless.

I got an approach down to 10km periapse with a correction burn. But there was NO WAY i could have executed that by hand with any kind of the required precision.


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Installed the Z1 to the Unity module. It's a powerful command and control module which I forgot to disable before installing. Thought my Canadarm IR was all messed up but I discovered the reaction wheels don't like getting man handled. :D



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3 hours ago, cantab said:

If you want a stern test in vacuum, try it in an ion lander with *very* low TWR, like 1.0something. In such a lander you can actually find TWR decreases meaningfully through the landing because you don't use much fuel and gravity is stronger at lower altitude.

Hmm. Good idea. I tried it out on Tylo and Gilly for the two extremes, and I also tried it out with my lander at 3% thrust limited and they all worked perfectly. Even on Gilly—didn't even bounce.

I'm gonna go try out Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe, and then I'll see how it performs when TWR = 1.

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Wanted to make a shorter video than usual, so I didn't show the script working for any TWR above 2. It requires a tiny tweak if your TWR is 1 < TWR < 2. And I'm pretty sure that if your TWR were < 1, it might still work, since having to start the burn so early would likely burn enough fuel to bring it above 1. Haven't tested that yet.

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