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The Daily Kerbal: First Edition


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Yes, a new edition is due out some time on Monday - but it is still Monday in most of the world, and at the time of writing only mid-afternoon in Mexico. There is plenty of time left!

Umm... it is now 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday...

Am I missing something? It is supposed to be posted here, right? Or is it in the addon section?

EDIT: Why is it on Tumbler?!?! KSP Weekly's were always here, why spread the info all over the entire internet? Now I look like a buffoon... :(

Edited by theflyingfish
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Why is it on Tumbler?!?! KSP Weekly's were always here, why spread the info all over the entire internet? Now I look like a buffoon... :(

No you don't. They do. I was excited when I saw this forum go up because I figured it would have the Dailies in it. Seems a reasonable expectation considering its name is "The Daily Kerbal" and all :)

I'm not going to hunt around everywhere for the dailies. If they start posting them here I'll happily read and comment on them.

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