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People reject the new rocket builder groups.


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Seriously? Are your minds so glued on popular ones like Zokesia and Zepto you can't accept the new ones like my own UFJ or KSASO? SERIOUSLY? Stop rejecting the new groups! Gosh these people on this forum! All views and no replies! Give us replies! Replies! REPLIES!!

Be kind to newcomers

Newcomers may be annoying. They ask the wrong questions, including ones that seem obvious (or whose answers seem easy to find). But lots of valued contributors started out this way, and treating newcomers kindly makes them more likely to turn into the valuable community members we all know and love (and cut some slack when they mess up).

So while you don't have to humour them or suffer them gladly, and it's fine to point out when they make mistakes, point newcomers in the right direction in addition to turning them away from the wrong ones, and be kind to them in the process of correcting their transgressions.

Follow the Good Conduct Guide everyone! FOLLOW. IT. You obviously are not right now.

Edited by ExplodingRocketShips
Adding Good Conduct Guide Example
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You can't force people to like your offerings. They may come to you and they may not, and you need to respect their preferences every bit as much as you want them to respect you and the work you're offering them. From your second post, it seems you're coming to understand that, and please try not to take things quite so personally.

And since this thread seems to have served its purpose, why don't we close it now and get on with discussing the game?

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