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Voyager - 8 super heavy liquid booster, version 12 now available

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The Voyager series of craft was originaly intended to launch deep space probes, but as the system proved to be extremely stable and reliable, a stripped version was developed over several iterations for purposes of deep space exploration and extended heavy orbital maneuvers.

The voyager - 8 the eponymous 8th iteration of the venerable series, is a 3 stage liquid fueled rocket sporting a massive cluster of 12 thrusters in her first stage, she can reach an altitude of 60 km and a velocity of 1000 m/s before her sizable 2nd stage kicks in, with 9 voluminous tanks and 3 engines, she can reach escape velocity with fuel to spare, if an even higher escape velocity is required her 3rd and final stage will kick in and deliver a final escape velocity of 7300 m/s on straight brute force escape trajectory.

Regretably, attempts to improve the design have run into a stonewall, as 1st stage expansions cause insurmountable stability issues that prohibit the use of solid boosters.

Youtube video of a Voyager - 8 superheavy flight test:

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Voyager 12, the next stable iteration of the Voyager series is now available, continnued expansions of the first stage have allowed corresponding increases in the other stages with stability still being the hallmark of the Voyager series of superheavy lifters.

On a straight ascent trajectory the Voyager 12 can reach a maximum velocity of close to 8500 m/s, ideal for getting places fast without blowing up on the pad 8)

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