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Celebrate the Kerbin Cup with Official Mods and a Community Contest!


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While the World Cup kicks off in Brazil, Squad is launching festivities up in the stars with an official mod pack and community competition centered around the familiar planet of Kerbin. It’s time to celebrate the Kerbin Cup!


Squad has released its first-ever official Kerbal Space Program modpack on Curse. The Kerbin Cup pack contains Kerbal-sized and rocket-sized SOCCER BALLS with the physics to match, as well as the flags of all 32 World Cup participating countries. It’s both a small token of gratitude and a way to capture the excitement of one of the world’s biggest sporting events, but in the grand stage that only space can provide.


Represent your KSP community home and compete in the Kerbin Cup contest! Reddit and The Forum will square off in a weekly, elimination-based competition where prizes and pride are on the line. Mystery, creativity and the community voice will rule over all.

Have fun and enjoy!

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