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    Hello Everyone!
    As you might know we've been working with Gamer’s Edition to produce the official physical release of Kerbal Space Program. With a physical edition we didn't want to give you just a USB drive or disc with the game on it, but we wanted to make something a bit more special, that's worth investing in. Like every Gamer’s Edition, the Kerbal Space Program collection includes a Steam code, is packaged in an individually numbered presentation box and is part of a one-off run that will not be repeated.
    What’s in the box?

    [*=left]Four hand-painted Kerbal figurines - Bill, Bob and Jebediah Kerman plus a standard Kerbalnaut, each showing varying emotional reactions to the adventure that awaits.
    [*=left]A stirring diorama backdrop - which optimistically suggests you have made it to the moon.
    [*=left]Official Kerbal Space Program mobile - allowing you to ponder the hypnotic vastness of space and the quantity of space junk and unlucky Kerbals you have scattered across it.
    [*=left]Official Kerbal Space Program patch - proudly displaying the Latin motto of the program: “Demum Pervenius” (lit. We’ll Get There Eventually).

    “It’s a real honour to partner with one of the most enthralling indie games of recent years”, said Jon Hicks, Head of Gamer’s Edition. “Having spent many hours abandoning Kerbals to uncertain fates in orbit, on the moon, or within several feet of the launch site, I feel more than qualified to do the same in the real world”.

    The Kerbal Space Program Gamer’s Edition campaign runs from today until midnight BST (4PM PDT/7PM EDT) on 29th July and costs $80 (roughly £55). It’s available for purchase now at The Gamer’s Edition website.

    If you wish to learn more about Gamer’s Edition you can find them in these places.
    Website: www.gamersedition.com
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/GetGamersEdition
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/gamers_edition
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/gamers.edition
    Fly safe!


    When I started working on Kerbal Space Program, I was handed the task to bring Kerbals to life. The biggest challenge has been converting a bunch of polygons and textures into believable characters that can exist in their own Universe and laws. Kerbals needed to be more than expendable beings inside a sandbox space simulator. After a couple of years in the process, the task of bringing Kerbal girls into the game happened. The design production of the Kerbal girls has been a process of several months of work, of gathering feedback, brainstorming ideas and talk to the guys inside the team and special members of our community. Throughout the road I found some obstacles and design problems that needed to be overcome, which will get explained on this post, to the extent of creating Valentina Kerman: the most badass Kerbonaut inside Kerbal Space Program.
    How to design the perfect Kerbal female?
    It all began with an idea at the office. How do we make it happen? What are the social implications of having female Kerbals in the game? How are the Kerbals going to feel, experience and display it? How will they be portrayed? How to translate all the challenges, questions and concepts into one single character?
    Kerbals are well known to our community, they have their own names, their own backstories, even after the names run through a name generator. Our community has given them stories, backgrounds, adventures, and recorded hours and hours of gameplay with Kerbals visiting all the planets of the known Kerbal Universe. What’s the best way to add a new idea into that already expanding world?
    One small step before the launch
    After talking with the Lead Developer Felipe Falanghe, the producer Miguel Piña and the executive producers Ezequiel Ayarza and Adrian Goya, I thumbnailed some ideas of what the Kerbals should look like. The early drafts and concepts look significantly different than the actual model, but from the beginning we had some solid ideas to what paths we were taking. Female kerbals have slightly different proportions than men, human anatomy was taken as a starting point and modified to meet the needs of our universe. Kerbals have very specific proportions, they have noticeable anatomical limitations and need creative ways to solve their day-to-day problems.

    What makes a Kerbal female?
    From the beginning we knew that the whole concept of the “Female Kerbal†had to be in the details. Slightly longer arms, but smaller trunks. Heads rounded, against the square heads of the male counterparts. Bigger eyes but smaller mouths. But the first problem happened: what to do with the hair? Kerbal Astronauts have a generic military haircut, but they could have different hairstyles, and colors in other sections of the game. We have played most with that idea on the extended universe of Kerbal Space Program. The YouTube animations have different hairstyles and colors, Kerbalizer has a broad range of styles and wigs. But the core experience is the game. What kind of generic hair should female Kerbal Astronauts have?

    Some research
    If you do a quick search with the keywords: female astronauts and look at the list Wikipedia has to offer, you will find that every single one of them as a different hairstyle (as we all humans do). So the first source for references was extremely broad. Next thing to try was different hairstyles and colors. They looked good. But what do we do about the other Kerbals that are already in the game? Should we give them haircuts too?
    Then the decision came: we need to save resources, give the Kerbals a personal trait, but keep them as generic as always.

    Our new Kerbals started to have distinctive look and feel, and they could happen inside our Universe. At this point in development, I knew what the body of the female Kerbals was going to be like. The hair was its own problem.
    Kerbal girls started to look more like young boys than female Kerbals
    One of the first 3d models that I made looked more like a young Kerbal boy, than a female version of the Kerbals. The smaller size, the rounded face, could match the description of a young version of the male Kerbals. Even after doing some research, there was a missing link to make it work. I tried the idea of using a buzzcut for the girls, just like the guys, but that just pushed the young boy concept even further.

    It was to that point that talking with the lead developer and producers that they should all have ponytails, and somehow show it inside the helmet, so that they look generic and Kerbal enough.
    This was going to be the female Kerbal that we were going to appreciate in the game. Until one last iteration.

    There was one extra detail that I added to the design that helped further the design and concept. Eyelashes. They shouldn’t be extremely toon, but be consistent with the design. A small line surrounding the upper part of the eyes did the trick. We knew we had the base of the female Kerbals inside the game, and that we all liked the design and final result.

    The most badass Kerbonaut in the game
    Valentina Kerman was presented to the community as one of the main characters of the game. She has the special orange suit all veterans inside the game have. And the most important characteristic, she is an intertextuality for Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly in space. After overcoming all the challenges that the design exposed, Val felt like an member of the Kerbal Universe already. She had become, as stated at the beginning of the post, more than polygons and textures. Our community quickly adopted her, she starred in fanart of the game as well as the most important missions of YouTubers. Valentina Kerman is, and will always be, the most badass Kerbonaut inside Kerbal Space Program.

    Hi again,

    Just a very quick update this time, version 1.0.2 is now up:


    =================================== v1.0.2 ============================================================

    Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

    * Fixed ships potentially overheating when splashed down.

    * Small tweak to Mk16 parachute drag.

    As always, you can get the latest version from our KSPStore, GOG, or get auto-updated on Steam.

    Happy Launchings!


    Hi Again,

    We've just published KSP v1.0.1. This is a small revision patch to address some of the most noticeable bugs we encountered since the release of 1.0.

    Some of these we knew about for a while, but couldn't fix in time for the release (as we approach publishing time, the risk of code-breaking and delaying the entire release outweighs any benefits in the potential fix), others we found out about during the weekend livestreams, and some others we found from your own feedback.

    This patch isn't meant to cover every single bug, of course, just the more relevant ones. We're going to keep on with the bugfixing and tweaking as we move into development of version 1.1.

    Here's the patch changelog:

    =================================== v1.0.1 ============================================================

    Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

    * Temperature gauge system.
    * Vessels which are splashed will now have much higher convective coefficients making them cool to ambient temperature faster.
    * Removed node size from being taken into account for stack occlusion. Added custom drag cubes for remaining hollow parts.
    * Parachute heating/burning.
    * Fix for bug in FI dealing with unpacking vessels at analytic warp (>=1000) rates.
    * Fixed conduction on service bays. Added Module Conduction Modifier to help service bays not incinerate their contents & configs updated
    * Updated emissivity for spaceplane configs.
    * Lowered heat production on LV-N.

    * Replaced overheat mechanic of the ISRU and drills with a skill-based mechanic.
    * Removed Overheat Throttle mechanic.
    * Increased mass of Ore tanks to match wet/dry ratio of stock tanks.
    * Aerodynamics
    * New values for physics global drag and lift multipliers.
    * Added a CoP offset calculation to procedural fairings
    * Fix for the aero debug drag arrows switching directions. Added body lift arrows (cyan)
    * Fixed occlusion on mk2 docking port.
    * Fix for Laythe's atmosphere.

    Solar Panels:
    * Solar panels now use the proper inv square from FI's solar flux.
    * Removed obsolete power curves from solar panels.
    * Rebalanced solar panels against each other.

    * Doing science at the flagPOLe, the north POLe, or the south POLe, will no longer mark Pol as visited with the progress tracker.
    * Science contracts and science World Firsts can no longer be triggered with science gained by reverse engineering recovered vessels. You have to transmit or recover an actual experiment.
    * Ensured that if a grand tour contract includes Kerbin, that Kerbin is chosen as the final stop on the tour.
    * Capped amount of recovery contracts that can generate, but increased caps on station and base to increase contract variety.
    * Fixed "On Wheels" optional side objective not triggering on outposts when utilizing the new fixed landing gears.
    * ISRU contracts round their capacities up, to handle cases where the player brings exactly enough resource capacity.
    * Use the word "spaceflight" instead of "flight" when appropriate, to prevent player mistaking certain things for atmospheric flight.
    * If the game cannot find an agent listed in the save file, it will pick a random agent.
    * Remove some debug information from survey waypoint generation.

    * Added Tier 0 rocket fin.
    * Added RescaleFactor to the RT-5 (preventing a potential regression bug).
    * Removed the allowstack option from the NBS and orbital scanners to fix a bug if they were used as the root part.
    * Fixed an issue where the physicsSignificance flag was set to 1 for heat shields.
    * Added an option to clamp the lower bound of the deploy pressure of parachutes.
    * Adjusted parachutes to open at a slightly higher atmospheric pressure.
    * Fixed fairings not initializing their masses in flight properly.
    * Added module info section for fairings.
    * Rebalanced engine entry costs.

    * Moved all Part Loader part info code into a separate method which is run after drag cubes are loaded/created. Thus modules can access the part’s drag cube information in their info.
    * MapSO and CBAttributeMapSO methods made virtual and member variables protected.
    * Made physics-less part mass effect KB mass value.
    * Zero part count vessels will not be run through Flight Integrator.
    * Increased mass on some wings.
    * Fixed a nullref being caused when clicking between vessels and empty space in map view.
    * Vessels that blow up in atmosphere properly kill off their crew members.
    * Added Part temperature gauges/highlighting (toggle with F10).
    * Part temperature overlay can now be toggled with F11
    * Part aerodynamic forces overlay can now be toggled with F12

    As always, you can get the latest version from our KSPStore, GOG, or get auto-updated on Steam.

    Happy Launchings!


    Greetings, Kerbonauts!
    This is a special one! After four and a half years in development, Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is now officially released!

    Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is what we envisioned when development of the game started four years ago: we set out to make a game in which the player is given ultimate control over the exploration of space: from designing their rockets to launching and flying them to their destinations, in a universe that was modeled to be realistic, but at the same time still be fun to play in.
    However, our 1.0 release is more than just a new version number. It’s also the biggest update to the game we’ve ever done, and contains many new and updated features, plus improvements to just about every game system, which we’re sure will appeal to both newcomers and seasoned veterans. These are the highlights:
    The flight model has had a complete overhaul, meaning the lift is now calculated correctly to all lift-generating parts, which includes lifting bodies. The drag simulation has also been completely revised, and uses automatically pre-calculated data based on the each part’s geometry, to be finally applied based on not just the orientation of parts in flight, but also taking other parts into consideration. Stack mounted parts are now occluded from drag by neighboring parts, and lift induced drag is also properly simulated. Both the lift and drag are dependent on air density and the speed of sound, which are calculated from temperature and pressure. Be careful when flying aircraft in this new update: stalls are now properly simulated as well, and spontaneous craft disassembly during high-G maneuvers is now a very real thing.
    A new heating simulation has been implemented together with the improved aerodynamics. Now, not only temperature but also energy flux is considered when making heat calculations, meaning radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are all simulated and all parts have their individual thermal properties. Parts will emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough. Although part temperatures can now be affected by such things as being exposed to sunlight and hypersonic flight heating, they can be properly occluded from these effects as well. Atmospheric temperature (and density) takes into account latitude and the position of the Sun. Celestial bodies now accurately emit thermal radiation that makes nearby craft warmer. Finally, ablative heat shields (with a finite, editor-tweakable ablation material) have been added to protect the parts behind them from reentry heating.
    You can now add fairings to your rockets! Fairing construction starts with a base part which will allow you to procedurally create a fairing after you place it. The design of the fairing is left up to you: shape individual sections of fairing with an intuitive visual system which gives you total control over the shape of any fairing.
    Once you've placed the fairings you can still edit your payload! Mousing over the fairing will make it transparent and will give you an exploded view, allow you to access anything that's inside. If you later want to edit a fairing, simply right-click the fairing base to modify it as needed.
    Fairings will shield anything inside them from drag and heat, making them an ideal tool for making payloads survive even more aggressive aerodynamic stresses. Like cargo bays and service modules, they will also prevent wings from generating lift, as well as science experiments, solar panels and antennas from deploying, which means all these new parts should be a big part of your mission design.
    Resource Mining
    Mining for Resources is now a part of Kerbal Space Program: set out to find Ore, which can be found throughout the Solar system, including on asteroids. To do this you'll have access to several different scanners to map out and find the best places to mine, drills to extract it, specialised holding tanks to store it, and a processor / refinery unit to convert it into usable fuels. To help you find the Ore, new map overlays have been implemented on all celestial bodies, and new UI elements have been added to various pieces of equipment. Also, Kerbal engineers are particularly good at keeping those drills humming at peak efficiency.
    As always, you can find the complete changelog here:

    =================================== v1.00.0 ============================================================* New:Editor:- New Engineer's Report Toolbar App, provides warnings and advice during construction, notifying players of possible design issues with their ships.- Added 'Cross-Section Profile' Filter to Parts List.- Added Thumbnail images for Craft files in both Launch Dialog and Craft Browser screens.- Added 'Merge' button to Load dialog, allowing ships to be loaded without replacing the current one- Added confirmation dialogs when overwriting a save, launching or leaving editor without saving.Aerodynamics:- Complete overhaul of the flight model.- Lift is now correctly calculated and applied for all lift-generating parts.- Drag is now pre-calculated automatically based on part geometry, and applied based on part orientation in flight.- Both lift and drag are dependant on density and the speed of sound; both properly calculated from temperature and pressure.- Stack-mounted parts can occlude each other for drag calculations.- Lift-Induced drag now properly simulated.- Stalls are now properly simulated.- A new body-lift system meaning parts can induce lift even if they are not designed to do so.Heat Simulation:- Completely revised part heating model, energy flux is considered, not merely temperature.- All game temperatures changed from ‘Kervin’ to proper Kelvin.- Radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are simulated.- Parts can have individual radiative, conductive, and convective properties.- All parts now emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough.- Conduction between attached parts is more accurately modelled.- Parts can occlude other parts from being exposed to sunlight, celestial body albedo/radiation and supersonic flow.- Reentry/hypersonic flight heating is now simulated.- Added difficulty Setting to scale aerodynamic heating.- Atmospheric temperature, and thus density, takes latitude and sun position into account.- Celestial bodies accurately emit thermal radiation making nearby craft warmer.- Service modules, fairings and cargo bays can be used to protect parts inside from heat.- Heat shields provide (finite) ablation-based protection for parts behind them.Parts:- New procedural Fairings added, in 3 sizes- New Heat Shields added, in 3 sizes- Service Bay parts added in 1.25m and 2.5m sizes- Several new Landing Gear parts added, in many sizes.- Many New large airliner and shuttle style wing sections added.- Large wing sections have internal fuel tanks.- All old spaceplane parts overhauled with a more up-to-date style.- Old Avionics Nose Cone overhauled and repurposed as a standalone, non-autonomous SAS module.- New atmosphere scanner part added.- New Inline Xenon Tank part added.- New RT-5 'Flea' Solid Rocket Booster added.- New Fuel Cell parts added (small and large), convert LiquidFuel and Oxidizer into Electricity when turned on.- New models for Circular and Ram air intake parts.- New models for Engine Nacelle parts.- Several new nose cones and tail sections.- New Airbrake part. - New module for Airbrake parts, responds to Brakes input and can also be used as pitch/yaw actuator.Internal Spaces:- Added new IVA space for the Mk1 Inline cockpit- Added new IVA space for the Science Lab- Added new IVA space for Mk3 Shuttle Cockpit- Added new IVA space for Mk3 Passenger Cabin- Added new IVA space for Mk2 Passenger CabinResources:- Added 'Ore' resource, which can be mined across the Solar System- New drill part added- Ore container tanks added- ISRU Ore processor unit added, converts Ore into Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer or MonoProp- Three new Ore scanner parts added- Added new MapView overlays displaying Ore density for all Celestial Bodies.- Support for moddability of resources added (including atmospheric and oceanic)- New Difficulty Setting to scale resource abundance (both stock and modded).- Asteroids can also be mined for Ore.- Engineer Kerbals are able to ‘overdrive’ drilling equipment for increased yield (and less safety).Kerbals:- Female Kerbals added, with new randomly-generated female names - Valentina Kerman (Pilot) added to initial Crew Roster- Kerbals are now able to clamber onto ledges within reach, because their jobs weren’t dangerous enough already.- Kerbals can now climb out of ladders onto ledges.- Tourist Kerbals added. They have zero skills, are unable to control vessels, and are required to keep their heads inside the vessel at all times.- Kerbals now cost increasingly larger amounts of Funds to hire in Career Games.R&D:- R&D Tech Tree completely revised. Several new nodes added; many, many parts reassigned for a better progression.- Kerbal Scientists are now able to restore inoperable experiment modules.- The Science Lab has been retooled to run long-term research on experiment data, providing much higher amounts of science over time.Graphics:- New Smoke effects added to Launchpads- New Surface Effects added whenever rocket engines fire near terrain- New Water Effect added whenever rocket engine fire near water- Revised all part shaders for improved rendering of lighting effects and shadows.- Main Flight UI can now be made transparent.Career:- Added new Tourism contracts and tourist kerbals.- Added ISRU resource extraction contracts.- Added Grand Tour contracts.- Replaced Rescue contracts with Recovery contracts, which can ask the player to recover a part, a kerbal, or both, and can spawn on the surface of planets, with “props” nearby.- Added two 'immediate' Strategies to convert existing Reputation and Science into Funds.- World First contract line now extends all the way out to Eeloo, and is dependent on player progression.- Record contracts are now always active, and will complete in order even over the course of a single mission.Tutorials:- All tutorials revised and rewritten to explain most game features.- Expanded Flight Basics Tutorial to cover the essentials of launching into orbit.- Added new Return from Mun tutorial.- Added new Science and R&D Tutorial.- Added new Docking tutorial.Flight:- 'Warp To' action added to orbit context menu. Allows warping to a specific spot along your trajectory.- 'Warp to next morning' button added to KSC toolbar.- Asteroids can now be found orbiting near Dres.- Engine thrust now varies according to Isp and throttle setting, instead of the other way around.Controls:- Completely revised Input Mapping system. - Flight input bindings is now much more straightforward and more flexible as well.- Duplicate control bindings for Docking/Staging modes now replaced by a much more robust system based on secondary key bindings.- Joystick Axes are now consistently enumerated and persist across sessions.- Up to 10 joysticks with 20 axes each now supported.- Added secondary channels for Axis Bindings.Cameras:- New 'Chase' Camera mode added, old mode now called 'Locked'.- Added Camera wobble/vibration effects during flight (engine vibration, explosions, ground roll, G-force, and many more)- TrackIR support added to all game views (toggleable independently in game settings). (FreeTrack also reported to work)- Added FOV control to main flight camera. (Hold ModKey and zoom)* Bug Fixes and Tweaks:Editor:- Fixed several issues with editor attachments, attachment node orientation and symmetry.- Shift+Clicking a 'frozen' part in the editor will detach it from its parent.- Fixed several bugs with cloned parts and persistence.- The editor no longer requires a full scene reload to load new craft files.UI:- The KnowledgeBase panel for Vessels now shows 'Max Accel' and 'Estimated burn time to 0m/s' (as shown on navball) fields.- Several part context menu actions now properly apply to symmetry counterparts automatically.- Added new custom cursors.Simulation:- Fixed 'infiniglide' bug.- Switching SOIs no longer causes the next orbit to change at high time warp rates.- Added a warp speed limit when approaching an SOI transition.- Kerbal EVAs should no longer fly off when disembarking in space.- SAS now disengages autopilot modes automatically (and falls back to stability assist) in cases where the target vectors would change very rapidly.- Parachute deployment should no longer cause vessel disassembly at high physics warp rates.- Deployed parachute sway now actually has an effect on the vessel.Parts:- LV-N “Nerv” Engine now runs solely on Liquid Fuel and has no gimbal.- OSCAR-B tank can now be surface attached- Air-breathing engines now drain fuel evenly from all tanks in a vessel.- Fixed radial decouplers not applying ejection forces correctly.- Parachutes no longer cause massive G spikes when opening.- Control Surfaces can now be deployed as flaps, controllable via context menus and Action Groups.- Stats of Antennas revised for a proper progression with the more advanced models.- Added nicknames to all engine parts.- Revised and balanced part costs.- Balanced fuel amounts for Mk2 and Mk3 tanks.- Balanced engines (Isp/thrust/mass) in line with the new aerodynamics.- Added fuel gauge to LV-1 “Ant” engine.- Materials Bay now faces away from the part it’s radially attached to.- RoveMate rover body is now a probe body as well.- The unshrouded solar panels are now non-retractable.- Balanced probes electric charge usage, mass and crash tolerance.- Lowered crash tolerance of the Structural Pylon to 70 from 999!- All parts given ‘bulkhead profile’ tags in cfg files. Profile tags inferred automatically for parts missing this field.- Cargo bays now properly detect enclosed parts, and can be grouped to make larger bays.- Experiment Modules, Solar Panels, Antennas and such will not deploy while stowed inside a fairing or cargo bay.- RCS thrusters will not function if stowed inside a closed cargo area (or fairing).- Lifting surfaces will not generate lift if stowed inside a closed cargo area (or fairing).Audio:- Much improved flight ambience sounds for Kerbin and other bodies with atmospheres- Added new sound effect when pulling high G forces.- Eliminated audible gaps on several looping clips.Effects:- Improved sound/particle effects for all Air-Breathing engines- Splashdown effects no longer spawn underwater.General:- All part textures converted to DDS format, load times are now 3x faster.- Fixed a serious persistence bug which prevented Scenario/Training saves from updating scenario modules properly.- Fixed persistence bugs which caused state data from Upgradeable Facilities to carry over to other saves.- Fixed an issue which caused Kerbals to not be generated randomly enough, which led to slowdowns with larger Crew Rosters.- Fixed issues with the terrain during scene switching making scene load times faster.- Fixed terrain scatter generation which was causing memory leaks.- ‘Elon Kerman’ added to name pool.- Crew name generator can now output 10,000+ female names - Fixed an issue with markers in the KSC scene potentially causing the game to lock up.- Restructured GameData folder, integrated the NASA folder into the Squad one.- Valentina Kerman added to Main Menu’s Space scene. Gameplay:- All contracts other than World Firsts or Records are halted until the player reaches space.- Prevent “stacking” of various contract types.- Resource parts added into satellite, station, and outpost contracts.- Prose of contracts involving kerbals re-evaluated with gender appropriate text.- All contracts in career given balanced income for all three currencies.- Science and reputation no longer scale with the celestial body of a contract, and are handed out more conservatively in general.- All strategies in career given equivalent exchange rates.- Aggressive Negotiations strategy given a discount on building repair/upgrade.- Recovery Transponder strategy now lowers maximum recovery rate, while raising minimum recovery rate.- Facility upgrade costs re-evaluated, lowered by about a quarter overall.- Kerbals now properly receive experience for suborbital flights.- Part Test contracts now request much saner flight parameters.- Survey contracts choose much saner locations to survey.- Sensor Experiment Modules are now able to perform experiments in all situations.Debugging/Modding:- The R&D Tech tree is now defined in a cfg-file. - The cfg file for the Tech Tree is defined separately for each save.- GameVariables methods are now all virtual and can be overwritten by mods.- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak Physics parameters.- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak R&D tech tree nodes and part assignments.

    There is a lot more we could talk about, but we’ll let you discover that on your own!
    The update is now available on the KSP Store, Steam and GOG.
    We hope you will enjoy Kerbal Space Program 1.0 as much as we enjoyed making it.
    Happy Launchings!

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    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Time (UTC)[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Time (EDT)[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Host[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Video Link[/TD]
    [TD=colspan: 5]
    [TD=align: left]Saturday[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]18:00 - 20:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]2PM - 4PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]DasValdez[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]20:00 - 22:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]4PM - 6PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]RoninPawn[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]22:00 - 01:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]6PM - 9PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Kofeyh[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Sunday[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]01:00 - 03:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]9PM - 11PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Tanuki Chau[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]03:00 - 06:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]11PM - 2AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]ShimmyTheJJ[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here, here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]06:00 - 09:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]2AM - 5AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Syvos[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]09:00 - 11:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]5AM - 7AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]xXLeGoldfishXx[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]11:00 - 13:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]7AM - 9AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Akinesis Gaming[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]13:00 - 16:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]9AM - 12PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Mechrior[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]16:00 - 18:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]12PM - 2PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]N1tch[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]18:00 - 20:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]2PM - 4PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]DasValdez[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]20:00 - 22:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]4PM - 6PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Scott Manley[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]22:00 - 00:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]6PM - 8PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Scott Manley / GOG[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]not available[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Monday[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]00:00 - 02:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]8PM - 10PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]DahudLefthanded[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]02:00 - 06:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]10PM - 2AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]EJ_SA[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]06:00 - 13:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]2AM - 9AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]DigitalPsychosis[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]13:00 - 16:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]9AM - 12PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]1stGhostLive[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]16:00 - 19:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]12PM - 3PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]MatoroIgnika[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]19:00 - 21:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]3PM - 5PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]Spootyman[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]21:00 - 22:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]5PM - 6PM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]NewbiusMaximus[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]here[/TD]
    [TD=align: left][/TD]
    [TD=align: left]22:00 - 04:00[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]6PM - 12AM[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]DasValdez[/TD]
    [TD=align: left]-[/TD]
    [TD=colspan: 5][/TD]
    [TD=colspan: 5]Watch live on KSPTV![/TD]

    Hello everyone!
    We're very pleased to announce that you will be able to buy Kerbal Space Program in two more places very soon: we've partnered with GOG and Gamer's edition to bring the game to your preferred retailer and offer you a collectors edition!

    We're partnering up with Gamer's Edition to bring you a collectors edition of Kerbal Space Program which will include not only a copy of the game but several physical collectibles as well!
    The image above gives you a preview into what we're currently planning to include in this package, but be sure to follow up on the news through our own official channels or by following Gamer's Edition on Twitter, Facebook or their website.

    GOG is famous for its policy of distributing games that are DRM free only. We share this vision of DRM free software and so it's a logical step to see Kerbal Space Program end up in GOG's storefront.
    Starting next Monday you will be able to find Kerbal Space Program on GOG.
    Visit GOG.com
    These two vendors will join the KSP Store, Steam, Green Man Gaming and the Humble Store as places you can buy Kerbal Space Program from.

    [TABLE=width: 800, align: center]
    [TD] [TABLE=width: 800, align: center]
    [TD]Hello everyone!
    As you might know we're working overtime to get KSP version 1.0 to you guys, and as a part of this update we'll be introducing female Kerbals. With today being Valentine's day we thought we'd ask our community to get their creative mindset on and speculate a bit about what our number one female kerbonaut Valentina Kerman will look like. That's right, today is Valentina's day!*
    The contest
    Although the official artwork for female Kerbals has not yet been released, we want you to show us your vision of Valentina Kerman. The goal is to create an image that showcases that our #1 female Kerbonaut, Valentina, is just as bad-ass as Jeb, as ingenious as Bill or as smart as Bob. You can submit your entries in [thread=110612]this thread[/thread], or on Twitter by using the hashtag #ValentinaKerman
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/zGR3IDb.png" style="float: right;" />
    The prizes
    The best entries will get featured by us on our Facebook and Twitter accounts throughout the contest. The eventual winner will receive a unique piece of artwork in poster format featuring Valentina, which will also be autographed by the KSP team in Mexico. We also have two smaller autographed posters ready for the runners up.
    The rules
    To make sure there's no confusion about who and what, there's a few simple rules to this contest:

    All entries must adhere to our Community Rules. You can enter as many times as you like, though each entry should be a unique piece of artwork. You can only enter with your own creations. The contest runs from now until Monday, February 23rd 23:59 GMT. The winners will be announced on Friday, February 27th. Squad reserves the right to unilaterally make a decision as to the validity of an entry The winning entries will be picked by Squad (be sure to support your favourites though!).

    [TD=colspan: 2]

    Hi all,

    As many of you will most definitely know, Kerbal Space Program has a Windows 64-bit version available to players. We’ve offered this version for a number of past releases of KSP and as of late (0.25 and 0.90, in particular), it has become very apparent that this version has been consistently less stable than all others. This level of instability means that the Windows 64-bit build falls far short of what we would consider a release-worthy product, and we will therefore not be releasing it for version 1.0 of Kerbal Space Program*.

    We’ve spent a considerable amount of time investigating the reasons for these issues. The QA & Experimental Testing Teams have assisted in this research as have the community - something that we are very grateful for.

    However, despite these efforts and although we have identified a number of probable causes for the instability, there is a very hard limit on what can be done on our end. Most platform-specific issues stem from parts of the engine we have no direct access to, and we simply can’t debug these problems in the same way we’d do with normal KSP bugs. We often can’t even reproduce them in our development environment, so we’re limited to guessing at both the causes and solutions.

    In short, there are no easy fixes we can do here, and we feel that the time we would be potentially wasting on attempting to increase the stability of the Windows 64-bit version of KSP would be far better spent on other improvements which would reach as many players as possible. We can all agree there is no shortage of other things we could be working on.

    We’re not giving up on the 64-bit build for Windows, though. The most we can do at the moment, however, is continue testing the Windows 64-bit build at each new version of Unity, and release it if viable. Additionally, we must take this opportunity to stress that Unity 5 - while a definite leap in the capabilities, performance and development power of the engine - is not going to inherently be a ‘cure all’ for issues, particularly in the matter of the instability of the Windows 64-bit build.

    We’re aware that some of you have come to embrace the Windows 64 bit version by this point and that our decision to discontinue development for this particular build may be an inconvenience to some, but we trust everyone will understand the necessity that prompted this decision. At any rate, we want to thank everyone for their efforts in assisting in all bug finding and bug fixing efforts for KSP, as well as the modding community for their efforts in dealing with a rather unstable platform.

    We hope you’re all looking forward to 1.0! We’ll be sharing more news with you as development continues.

    *Note that this doesn't affect those that run KSP on 64-bit versions of Windows, only those that run the 64-bit Windows version of KSP. Additionally, the 64-bit build for Linux is still planned to be released for 1.0.

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