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Kerbin Rocket Science

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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. I can't get on to the SAP Industrial thread. Do you know anything about this, Sharkman Briton?
  2. the cfg is the most important part of a part. why do i need nukes, they're OP
  3. the bombs and missiles cfgs aren't in the folder. also the guns wont shoot
  4. i'm encountering a bug where the folder will not contain most part cfg's. anyone know a fix?
  5. i killed jeb and i lost by jumping on him with bill everything in my save because of it
  6. This is the craft file for a plane that can take off before the the end of the runway and drop 4 kerbals safely to the ground https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouom965zdk0jnkl/Drop-pod%20Dropper%20Mk3.craft make sure you click control from here on the probe body near the SAS before activating engine
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