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  1. You should find that it's strictly an issue with the DISPLAY of the timer. I've done loads of timed contracts, if you wait the 4 hour time it will complete even if the timer doesn't tick down. Just watch the mission timer and you should see it does work!
  2. I generally run with a heavily modded install, with lots of bits stripped out of various mods to keep memory usage down as much as possible. My existing mod set was pretty hopeless with this, so I decided to roll with a clean install and see where I could get. I have had some temporary successes with KW Rocketry, but nearly any plugin-based mod causes random crashes, especially when doing any kind of mouse input. I've had it crash just trying to click to load a save, clicking to add or modify parts in the editor, and even right clicking to get a context menu for a part once in-game. This has occurred with nothing but Deadly Reentry and KW Rocketry installed.
  3. Hey Fractal, love Interstellar. Looking forward to see the updated version of the impactor experiment stuff. I noticed in the 10.X versions, the precooler was no longer necessary for superfast turbojetting. Noticed some exceptions being thrown into the log, and I spotted this in the Sabre heating module: if (rapier_engine2.isOperational && rapier_engine2.currentThrottle > 0 && rapier_engine.useVelocityCurve) { Looks like a simple typo, the useVelocityCurve check is against the wrong variable, and rapier_engine is Nothing, causing a null ref exception.
  4. The SCANsat mod works essentially exactly as you've described. Once a planet is mapped, other ships can use the MapTraq part to access map data and display its position on the map, including biome maps.
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