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Everything posted by Probus

  1. Just saw this thread. Is this what I was talking about over here: Isn't stock and restock waterfall FX somewhat a duplication of effort? Can't these both be combined into a single patch using: RESTOCK and !RESTOCK MM logical?
  2. I just had an idea!!! Can someone who is talented that way make a decal pack that looks like ice that condenses on the side of a rocket? That would be so cool! Also, FYI, one of the Vapor Vent nozzles looks just like the ice falling off the side of the rocket when it lifts off. It only lasts for the first few seconds of flight, but WOW this is going to look great!!
  3. Seems to be working for me, but I just started using it yesterday. And let me clarify, I'm not using Construction Time. I also have it installed on an instance of RO/RSS, but it's too soon to tell (and 1.10).
  4. Maybe I can set one to altitude and fire off an action group (instead of staging) that shuts down the engines on the boosters and decouples them. Not perfect if they are still firing to reach apoapsis, but close.
  5. I haven't tried this yet, but was considering adding it to my next game. If all that needs to be done is create a patch for 'invisible planets'. I'm sure one of us can do that to make it playable until @Exo's Lab's next project is ready to be released. I'm sure wondering what it is. Gonna head over to the development thread and see if I can find it.
  6. Looking for an acceleration Smart Part. I would like to decouple some boosters when my rocket shuts off its engine during its gravity turn, so the boosters will drop back close to the KSC instead of following up the core booster to finish the circularization burn. Is there already a Smart Part that will do this or would this be something new? I can use the altitude part, but it would not work under all situations and there is the risk of letting go of boosters that are still ignited.
  7. Gonna keep an eye on this one. Can you add it to a campaign game once you've started the game but haven't made it out to any other planets?
  8. That is what I use currently. Its a great improvement over stock but Waterfall would be even better IMHO if it could be adapted to work.
  9. - Nope. There is more complexity in generating the shape of the reentry effects that this mod could not handle. This comes up enough that I should put in the FAQ though. That's too bad. But technically someone could use this system to reproduce, let's say generic, reentry effects, just not using this specific waterfall mod? Just a generic trail/plume of plasma scaled to the size of the largest part (2.5, 3.75, etc...). Maybe using altitude and velocity as color and brightness modifiers respectfully.
  10. Could these effects be converted into a mod for re-entry effects? The tail end of some of the plumes in a vacuum remind me a lot of real re-entry plasma.
  11. This is such an awesome little mod! Would this be something that could be used in the Research Center on the Tech Tree screen to prune or find parts before you unlock them?
  12. Did I mention I really love this mod! Wow! This takes flag packs to the next level. Great job!
  13. Why did it take so long to come up with these new plume graphics? They are just so much better than the original Plumes. More powerful computers or just a brand new way of doing things maybe? Whatever the reason, I'm really liking them.
  14. Can someone point me to a link that discusses Waterfall and Realism Overhaul? I was wanting to help get these two integrated as I had done a bit of work with Real Plumes back with @Felger way back when. Hopefully all is good, but historically it would be closer to say 'let the tweaking commence'.
  15. I had a patch file for FASA and Procedural Chutes. I need to find it cause I'm using both. I should update it to check for FASA automatically and give it to @stupid_chris.
  16. Yes. That is indeed the part I was thinking of. Thank you!
  17. Is the development release zip file corrupted or is that just me? https://github.com/sswelm/PersistentThrust/releases
  18. There is a parts pack out there with RCS thrusters on booms that you could extend to give your thrusters more leverage. Does anyone remember the name of it? Been away for 3 years and just cannot find it.
  19. I didn't realize that. Does it have any functionality (mainly just editing maneuver nodes)?
  20. Is there a mod or a setting that will slowly deorbit non focused vessels that venture into the atmosphere but don't dip down to the minimum altitude? I would like to use something like this for recovery of stages.
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