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  1. im trying out a craft + script from 1.05, i am getting an error on this line now for some reason: BAL2:GETMODULE("MUMECHTOGGLE"):DOACTION("MOVE CENTER", 1). "failed to convert parameters" here is the rest of the script, unchanged from 1.0.5, any ideas what i need to change to make it work again?
  2. Im just going to post all my robotics stuff in one thread to keep from cluttering the forums, and update the title when i post something new... Latest work in progress is based on my trusty base model walker: Added a servo-mounted MK1 cockpit, folding wings, and some vtol engines. Need some more practice flying this thing, especially landing. May have to use a smaller cockpit to make it less top-heavy.
  3. Stuck some robot legs onto a jet plane and this is what happened...
  4. get kOS, then you can program a sequence of motions to loop continuosly with a button press, instead of QWOP'ing all over the place
  5. It lifts the legs and strides forward. I have the length of stride linked to the value of the throttle, so that max speed is at full throttle and at zero it walks in place.
  6. a jet airplane that walks/runs on robot legs instead of wheeled landing gear.
  7. something strange is happening. im trying to use an action group to toggle between controlling from the forward facing probe core with SAS off and controlling from the upward facing probe with steering locked upward. i got it to toggle between controlling from the two different probes by doing this: SET UPPROBE TO SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("UPPROBE")[0]. SET FWDPROBE TO SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("FWDPROBE")[0]. UNTIL ALTITUDE=20000 { IF AG1=1 FWDPROBE:CONTROLFROM. ELSE UPPROBE:CONTROLFROM. }. but when i add the code to set the SAS commands, like so: SET UPPROBE TO SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("UPPROBE")[0]. SET FWDPROBE TO SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("FWDPROBE")[0]. UNTIL ALTITUDE=20000 { IF AG1=1 FWDPROBE:CONTROLFROM. UNLOCK STEERING. ELSE UPPROBE:CONTROLFROM. LOCK STEERING TO Up + R(0,0,90). }. i get an error. what gives?
  8. The idea is that its a plane, but instead of landing gear with wheels, it will have cyborg legs and do running takeoffs and landings. Im using my own servo sequencer template script to generate the walking part of the script ( [based on an earlier craft i made](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126654-Long-Jumping-Bipedal-Robot-%28craft-script-included%29-INFERNAL-ROBOTICS-kOS) ), so that part is done. however, i made my template script a while ago and since then forgot how to kOS. here what im stuck on: my walking script relies on controlling from the upward facing control probe and locking heading in the upward direction with SAS; but to fly the plane properly i need to control from the probe core that faces forward and have any SAS commands disabled. right now it can do a running takeoff and flies well enough once i manually switch to the foreward facing probe core, but its impossible to land without the ability to make the switch at exactly the right time... basically i want to be able to toggle between which of the two probe i "control from", and apply the appropriate SAS setting for the selected probe. any ideas?
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