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dark Jim

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Everything posted by dark Jim

  1. bumb ksp 1.1.3 updated (new engine and tons of glitter parts) properly final version http://imgur.com/ezbNquQ
  2. @ tjsnh 1.02 version were on hold. theres a (reproducible) bug -> only 2 of 4 booster engine firing up -> i wait for ksp 1.03 (or later) relaise fix. http://ralphmirebs.livejournal.com/219949.html nice albumb you found there. @ kagame, maybe the energia was lacking power. but, far as I know, the RD-170 kerosin-lox engines were extrem powerful and have a very good fuel efficiency -> chamber pressure ~245 bar -> power output turbo pump ~ 192MW or 257000 shaft horsepower for each booster were needed -> only problem i have, there's no stock ksb RD-170 equivalent
  3. working on a ksp 1.02 update for my old 0.9 buran energia system (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Energia-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-90)
  4. i use a copy of yours su-37 fuselage, both flying really nice... yesterday i start with my update of Buran Energia to 1.0 -> had a need for a proper V.I.K. jet
  5. made a SU-21 V.I.K. (very important kerbal) carrier of it .. craft file tend to disintegrate (~970m/s) needs more ....
  6. +1 a combination of the two (yours&mys with some ideas from vitekc45c buran) would give us really great looking shuttle and launch system. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Energia-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-90?highlight=Buran
  7. way too much time... there's ONLY one more thing... scale-up of the cargohold (and fix all other thing`s e.g. wing geometriy -somehow )
  8. Geometry and size of the wings were fu**** somthing for version 1.06 maybe... @H2O it shoud be a (fat MK3) hermes on top
  9. KVV Art (nice plugin) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXWkw2RG52UHRERDQ/edit version 1.05
  10. last version http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-90
  11. version 1.04, no future update`s planned http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-90 craft files
  12. nice parashoot hangars "my small one" version 1.04 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-90
  13. @128mb same bug on my x64 kerbal http://imgur.com/a/RIGqZ/all some updates http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-9
  14. @ Jep Cubed ~20t low orbit with help mech jep and some extra rcs on top were no issue BUT no realistic flight behavior tends to flip over ... i use some fuel line cheating on the other hand LV-45T instead LV-30T properly woud help for nice flight behavior (at least booster flight) but lowers max. take off mass.
  15. spam http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-9
  16. a visually "replica" both had slightly canted outwards boosters, but shuttle engines helps a lot Illuminator mk1 makes the difference http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104288-Buran-1-01-Space-Shuttle-Kerbal-0-9 new craft file to download
  17. update "version 3" buran 1.02 old post: tooo mutch fuel and center of thrust needs some optimizations (needs more rcs "version 2" coud transport arround 15t cargo to a 100km orbit)
  18. updated version of my Energia - Buran Space Shuttle since months almost ready with old versions of KSP i had some propulsion problems. is now fixed with excess of power and part clipping how to fly: ~45% thrust for the first stage may be enough separation w.o. throttle otherwise easy to fly with impressive glider capabilities... !! open cargo once for front gear deployment bugfixing !! craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXUGpOSkljaVNVR3M/view?usp=sharing http://imgur.com/a/DK0km Old: working on version for KSP 1.0 (1.02) shuttle seems to be OK, energia lacks on power at least a few pictures are ready .. preview Energia - Buran 1.02 Space Shuttle [Kerbal 1.0] old verion for KSP 0.9 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXZjZ5U1NDSmVNNzA/edit "beta than ever" buran 1.07 craft more cargohold (inspired by vitekc45c`s buran) 501 parts - somehow laggy on my pc howto launch (version 1.06 with ~20t cargo): full throttle till booster strap-off afterwards slightly throttle down till ~40%@35km followed by full throttle orbital-burn with buran main engine`s. ~60% shuttle fuel left for a de-orbit burn and landing (RCS help`s a lot for a soft touchdown) version 1.04 old versions: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXNG8yamlYUUNudms/edit buran 1.06 craft slightly better wing geometry and some other small changes ... https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXWkw2RG52UHRERDQ/edit buran 1.05 craft https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXLTBRLUVUNWdEYzg/ buran 1.04 craft https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXeXktS3g2X20zVGs/ buran 1.03 craft https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXTy1EbUtKWk1RQzQ/view?usp=sharing buran 1.02 craft https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXVEhieUhyc3BNMm8/edit buran 1.01 hermes ariane 5 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXZlJUY1VHR25VRUU/ mk3 hermes craft
  19. small update buran with functional cargo hold and spy sat. needs some updates a.t.m. to heavy for a jet glider https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXR0g5WWgyS3pkcXc/edit gear inside cargo hold opens cargo bay, arm grabbing unit bevor launch! activate free pivot afte decouple
  20. never calculated it .. (ksp plugin needed?) ~1/3 of main rocket were still full + full LV-N shuttle update: delat V atmo : 23712, vacum 19928, maybe corrupt (ion spy sat+jet) update 2: shuttle w.o. sat delta V atmo. ~ 23300 vac. 14400 (still corrupt?!)
  21. update: my semi-scale buran - energija like launch system with a excess fuel (download below) version 1.01 with cargo bay version 0.99 start procedure: 1. ~10sec warm-up of jet engines 2. after "booster" decoupling, frist slightly orbiting maneuvers were needed 3. cut off jet engines with action group 1 reentring procedure: 1. decoupling LV-N Atomic in air (reduce weight) 2. action group 2 for reactivat jet engines 3. use jet power to find air port or nice green for landing (shuttle were capable gain altitude) craft file: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXR0g5WWgyS3pkcXc/edit 1.01 with cargo bay and spy sat. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXRzNTQTVoQW1VSzA/edit?usp=sharing 0.99 some other pic`s
  22. we were also surprised - weight (e.g. no landing gears) and tricky "asparagus staging" makes the huge difference..
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